Refer to the Health and Safety Management Procedure for UHSPC Terms of Reference and membership.
Current membership
Paul Oppenheimer (Chair)
Leah Handford (Executive Officer)
Iven Mareels (Provost Academic / Quality / Research management)
Lanie Theodore (Provost Academic / Quality / Research employees)
Darren Gray (Provost TAFE management)
Justin Neal (Provost TAFE employees)
Tara Hanlon (Chief Financial Office and Chief Operating Office management)
Pam McKee (Chief Financial Office and Chief Operating Office employees)
Megan Tucker (Corporate Communications, Governance and Strategy, VCO management)
Gemma Dalton (Corporate Communications, Governance and Strategy, VCO employees)
Daniel Moloney (Global and Engagement management)
Geoff Barnett (Global and Engagement employees)
Jan Clohessy / Marius Jones (Learner Experience Office management)
Talia Klein (Learner Experience Office employees)
Vacant (Higher Education students)
Vacant (TAFE students)
Invited representatives include:
Gippsland Campus - Andrew O'Loughlin
People and Culture - Joanne Fiorenza
Meeting dates for 2024
Tuesday 27 February
Tuesday 30 April (unconfirmed minutes will be confirmed at the next meeting)
Tuesday 13 August
Tuesday 12 November