Embedding student supports

Whilst it may not always be possible, nor appropriate, for teachers to understand the personal issues impacting on their students’ lives, it is important that students know that supports are available for them to access when those issues impact on their ability to learn. Supporting and enabling students to continue their studies, despite the impact of social, economic or health issues is a significant component of addressing student retention, engagement and success.

When developing your course, consider the embedding of the following supports to assist students in achieving a quality learning experience. It is important to embed this information as part of your course design and development, regardless of delivery mode, to give students the maximum opportunity to succeed – not just as a service to direct them to if they are struggling.

Health and well-being support

A student's physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual health plays an important role in creating a healthy learning environment. FedUni provides the following student support services:

  • Chaplaincy – Offering spiritual support to students of all faiths, and physical spaces to worship.
  • Disability support - Whether it be physical or intellectual, disabilities that are ignored or unsupported can prevent students achieving their optimal learning.
  • Student Health Centre – The Health Centre is accredited with Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL) and provides confidential consultations by appointment to the University community. It is also an accredited travel health and vaccination centre, available to the University community as well as to the general public.
    • Physical health (occupational) Some courses may include exposure to physical exertion or dangers and therefore require support for injury prevention, injury management and recovery. Examples may include back care for student nurses, first aid for outdoor education students, or safety measures for handling chemicals for science students.
  • Counselling – Providing services to support students meet the daily challenges of student life and to achieve their academic potential. We have a commitment to professionalism, confidentiality, respect, and empowerment. We provide counselling by appointment for personal, academic and financial/welfare issues for all students studying on/through FedUni campuses.
    • Mental health (occupational) – There are also some courses of study that can impact on mental health such as grief, palliative care and death in nursing, and working with marginalised families in social work. Providing students with debriefing opportunities, reflective journalling and counselling are important component of developing healthy coping mechanisms.
  • International and multicultural students – Offering additional supports for migrants, refugees and international students:

Economic, financial and legal support

A students housing, financial, legal and employment challenges can impact on their ability to engage in learning. FedUni provides the following support services:

Social development and support

University life isn't just about completing a diploma or a degree. Going to university also offers opportunities to make new friends, forge new networks, and become involved in a plethora of clubs, societies and organisations for almost any interest. University ‘life’ can provide students with additional knowledge and skills that complement their studies and development of graduate attributes. FedUni provides the following social development support services:

  • Student Development and Community – Offering a number of engagement opportunities for students, with a focus on enhancing professional and personal development. Students are supported to develop their skills, knowledge and experience, as well as expand networks and connections in their community.
  • Clubs and societies – A range of resources available to assist in engaging students with university life.
  • Sport and recreation – Opportunities for students to participate in sport and recreational activities both on and off campus, to broaden social networks.