Professional Learning Modules (PLM)

The Professional Learning Modules are a ‘one-stop-shop’ of online, self-paced, professional learning modules for academic staff, ranging from foundational through to advanced learning and teaching practices, processes and technologies, and designed to support staff in their ongoing provision of quality learning and teaching.

There are more than 80 modules in various stages of construction, with approximately 15 to be completed and released each quarter.

Each module has a time allocation of 60 minutes, with an indicator to depict the intended level of support for continuing professional development – induct, enable, enhance, advance and excel.

The platform for engaging with the professional learning modules is the ‘Lesson’ tool in Moodle, enabling interactive delivery of content and testing of knowledge gained. Being self-paced learning, there is no social or teacher presence within the experience. Successful completion of the modules is tracked by Moodle and will be documented for participants through the issue of individualised certificates of completion.

The content and resources within each module have been developed by academic and professional staff with learning and teaching expertise across Federation University.

The professional learning modules can be used in a number of ways:

  1. Role induction – To highlight a ‘package’ of modules recommended for completion by staff undertaking specific roles. For example, the foundational modules required to undertake the role of Lecturer | Course Coordinator | Program Coordinator (not all are available at this time).
  2. Learning and teaching induction – To highlight a ‘package’ of modules recommended for completion by staff to understand learning and teaching focus areas. For example, the Academic Induction Program | SPARK Training | Vice-Chancellor Teaching Awards (not all are available at this time).
  3. Staff self-identified professional development needs – Having the suite of modules displayed collectively enables staff to self-select completion of any module, or theme of modules, at a time that suits them. May or may not be a part of the PRDP process.
  4. Manager-identified professional development needs – Managers can use the suite of modules displayed collectively to identify with staff, their continuing professional development needs for the coming year, as part of the PRDP and/or PDP process.
  PLM101:  Student-centred learning

Open section

  PLM102:  Contemporary tertiary learning environments
PLM103:  Learning behaviours of the online student
PLM104:  Learning beyond the classroom walls
  PLM106:  Learning considerations for international students
  PLM201:  Assessment and learning

Open section

PLM202:  Designing quality assessment
* NEWPLM203:  Promoting student academic integrity
 PLM212:  Effective assessment question types
  * NEW PLM401: Academic integrity in selection of teaching resourcesOpen section
 PLM504: Facilitating quality online discussionsOpen section
 PLM506: Managing challenging student behaviours

PLM701: Monitoring engagement in online learning

Open section

  PLM702: Maintaining online motivation
 PLM703: Collecting informal feedback from online
Roles and Responsibilities
  * NEW PLM955: Roles and Responsibilities of an Academic Integrity Officer Open WorkDay

Who can help

If you are not sure which modules would best suit your learning needs, contact your Director, Learning and Teaching, line manager, or  Institute Learning Designer.