Curriculum design methodology
The Curriculum Design Methodology (CDM) was collaboratively developed to support the University’s course review process, curriculum development and implementation of strategic initiatives such as the co-operative model. This methodology provides a consistent, resourced approach to the design and redesigning of higher education courses.
The Curriculum Design Methodology supports stages of:
- Existing course review – the curriculum design principles guide the collation of key business and curriculum information to enable a data-informed review of the course that will guide recommendations for redesign
- New course design – supported by the development of a business case the curriculum design process can be used to guide the process of course design
- Existing course redesign – guided by the outcomes of the course review the curriculum design process provides guidance on course redesign
The CDM has been developed into a comprehensive manual for staff. The CDM consists of three parts – guiding design principles, curriculum design process and supporting resources.
- Guiding Principles
- Curriculum Design Process
- Supporting Resources
For additional supporting resources to the CDM please access the associated CDM Sharepoint Site