Accessibility Action Plan

Accessibility Action Plan 2024-2026

The Accessibility Action Plan (AAP) 2024-2026  represents Federation University’s continued commitment to an inclusive University community. The AAP is founded on the University's Living Values and provides a framework for towards removing systemic, and other barriers for participation for people with disability in all aspects of University life. Through active application and embedding of the AAP, Federation University will continue to enhance the experiences of our students, staff and wider community and champion access and inclusion for all.

The AAP has been developed following extensive consultation with key stakeholders including students, teaching and professional staff across TAFE and Higher Education, as well as external subject matter experts. Input was actively sought from people with lived experience of disability and/or professional expertise in accessibility and universal design.

An implementation working group, led by Student Equity and Inclusion, will oversee the timely implementation of actions.

The Student Equity and Inclusion Network (SEIN), will provide regular input so student voices are central in the identification and effectiveness of actions.

Progress reports will be published annually and available on this page and University communication channels.

The University's Inclusion Steering Committee has overall responsibility for the plan, led by Student Equity and Inclusion.

View the Accessibility Action Plan 2024-2026 (PDF, 1.4MB)

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Feedback on this plan is encouraged at any time. Please email