Students as carers / children on campus
Bringing children to the University – Federation University procedures
Federation recognises that there are occasions when allowing staff and students who are parents/carers/guardians to bring children to a University activity or location assists these staff and students to balance their work/study and caring responsibilities. However, in this Policy the University also recognises that, in a variety of situations, there are reasons why such access may need to be refused or limited.
Through its Breastfeeding of Infants Guidelines, the University articulates its commitment to policies and practices which support staff and students who wish to continue to breastfeed on their return to work or study.
The accompanying Children in University Activities Procedure has been developed to help the University balance these needs and must be followed when staff or students wish to bring children to University activities. The procedure also provides a framework for providing support and flexibility for breastfeeding mothers, in their transition back to study or work, and in their roles as parents.
The Equity and Inclusion team can provide advice and assistance in regard to these policies and procedures. Contact us for more information.
Parenting facilities
There are parent/private breastfeeding rooms:
- Mt Helen Campus: in the U Building (Albert Coates Complex) and Y Building
- Wimmera Campus at Horsham: in the Wimmera Building
- Gippsland Campus: in Building 1N
- Berwick Campus: in Building 902
- SMB Campus: E building ground floor E0004
For access to a fridge to store expressed milk, students should contact their Institute/TAFE Centre and staff should speak with their supervisor.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Equity and Inclusion team.
Childcare facilities
The University owns and operates three childcare centres with childcare and kindergarten programs offering quality education and care. They are at the Mt Helen, SMB and Gippsland campuses.