Equity training for students
Student Equity and Inclusion provide a range of training opportunities for students throughout the year.
Equal Rights are Your rights – an online training package for all Federation University students, offered throughout the academic year, designed to assist students to understand their rights and responsibilities in the areas of –
- Equality
- Respectful behaviour
- Preventing and responding to discrimination and harassment
- Consent
- Reporting or disclosing of sexual harm
- And information regarding University and external supports
Respectful Behaviours on Res – Offered during the residential orientation to campus period, a face-to-face training package for all students living in halls of residence at Federation University. This is a tailored unit to address the specific needs and knowledge required by residential students within this unique living space.
International student training – offered during student orientation, this training session for international students raises awareness of respectful behaviours, equality, sexual harm and resources and supports available.
Responding to Disclosures - a training package developed and delivered to student senate members and student academic leaders that may experience occurrences of being a first responder to disclosures of sexual harm and behaviours of concern. This training equips students leaders with the tools to respond appropriately and refer to available support services.
First responder training for staff – available to frontline staff and leadership to respond to disclosures of sexual harm and behaviours of concern. This training equips staff with the tools to respond appropriately and refer to available support services.
Clubs and Societies (committee) training – training delivered for clubs and society committee members to inform members of their responsibilities regarding Federation University endorsed events and activities with a focus on respectful behaviours and awareness of sexual harm and behaviours of concern.
Ongoing student training campaigns - developed throughout each academic year targeting specific topics / content regarding respectful behaviour on campus. Topics may include - gender-based violence and inequality, coercive control, cyber bullying, bystander training