Protected attributes

Some groups of people experience more barriers or discrimination than others and there are federal and state laws that specifically protect these groups. Protected attributes are those qualities, traits or characteristics that, by law, cannot be discriminated against.

Protected attributes include: age, breastfeeding, gender identity, disability, lawful sexual activity, marital status, parental or carer status, pregnancy, physical features, race, religious belief, sex, sex characteristics, sexual orientation, industrial activity, employment activity, political belief or activity.

Discrimination is not tolerated at Federation University. Discrimination can be:

  • Written (such as racist views expressed in a paper or online)
  • Verbal (such as making a sexist or homophobic joke)
  • Actions (such as excluding someone from a project group because they have a disability)

Federation University can provide reasonable adjustments to students based on their protected attributes.

A reasonable adjustment is an action or measure the University takes to assist a person to participate in their educational unit or course as far as possible on the same basis as others.

Without reasonable adjustments, discrimination may occur; this is why we work with individuals to ensure these adjustments fit their needs.

To find out more about what support you may need regarding any protected attribute and reasonable adjustment please contact our team.