Student Equity and Inclusion Network
Student Equity and Inclusion Network (SEIN)
We're seeking expressions of interest from Higher Education and TAFE students to join the new Student Equity and Inclusion Network. This network will act as an advisory and information sharing body to help inform initiatives, action plans, emerging priorities, and opportunities. It's one part of our broader plan called Students as Partners that aims to bring students closer to our decision-making and planning.
This network is seeking student membership from a broad range of student perspectives to ensure intersectional diversity.
Have your voice heard and be part of making positive change.
Why join?
We want the University to be a safe, accessible and inclusive place to study. One that actually walks the talk about accommodating and celebrating diversity. Where we put good ideas that will make a difference into practice.
But to do that, we really need input from our students. Particularly the changemaker types. People with good ideas and a bit of passion based on their lived experience. People who can tell the difference between something that looks good on paper and one that will fly in practice.
Who should join?
We’re seeking students with a broad range of perspectives and experiences:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
- Care-experienced students
- Diverse cultures and faiths
- Disability and accessibility
- Diverse genders and sexualities
- Gender equality
- International students
- Students who are carers
- Student safety
What does it involve?
Attendance at four online meetings per year (with an expectation that you attend at least three of these). You will be paid a $50 stipend per meeting you attend.
How do I join?
Please complete this Expression of Interest form by 10 June, 2024.
Once that’s done, a panel will select ten student members representing a diversity of backgrounds.
More information
You can read SEIN's Terms of Reference for more detailed information
Please contact if you have any queries.