Respect Week: March 24-28

Respect Week is a joint initiative of Victorian universities and TAFEs, working together to promote respect, equality, and inclusion—on campus and online. Preventing gender-based violence starts with a culture of respect, now and always.

Join us for a week of events and activities

What's on:

  • Art Competition – Open now! Get creative and bring the respect conversation to life. Win a $250 voucher.
  • Respect Week lunchtime fun & games - Mt Helen, Berwick, Gippsland campuses, Monday 24 March.
  • Free Fries! Learn about consent and enjoy free potato chips. All campuses, Monday 24 March.
  • Bystander Conversation Forum – Mt Helen Campus, Tuesday 25 March, 12:30 PM.
  • Coffee Scrolls, Not Gender Roles – Morning tea conversations at SMB and Gillies St.
  • Speed Friending – Meet new friends in record time! Berwick, Gippsland & Mt Helen campuses, Wednesday 26 March, 12:30 PM.
  • Soar High: Paper Plane Challenge – Mt Helen, Berwick, Melbourne City and Gippsland campuses. Your chance to win a $50 voucher!
  • Movie Screening on Res – The Feminist in Cell Block Y, FedLiving.
  • Respect@Fed: Our Communities Complete the online training module by 28 March and score a chance to win 1 of 2 $100 vouchers
  • Staff Resources – Tools for responding to student disclosures and making appropriate referrals.

Join the conversation and help create a culture of respect at Federation.

Find out what's on at your campus

If you have any disability access or support requirements for these activities, please let us know via or (03) 5327 8516.

For a full list of Respect Week events, go to our Events webpage.

Respect Week: Coffee scrolls, not gendered roles - SMB Campus

25 Mar 2025, 10:00am

Join us for morning tea and a great chat about how we can all help create safer communities. Share ideas, learn something...

Respect Week: Coffee scrolls, not gendered roles - Gillies St Campus

25 Mar 2025, 12:00pm
Gillies St

Join us for a cuppa and a great chat about how we can all help create safer communities. Share ideas, learn something...

Respect Week: Active Bystander Conversations Panel - Berwick

25 Mar 2025, 12:30pm

The importance of being an Active Bystander Join us for an engaging discussion on how we all play a role in Fostering...

Respect Week: Active Bystander Conversations Panel - Gippsland

25 Mar 2025, 12:30pm

The importance of being an Active Bystander Join us for an engaging discussion on how we all play a role in Fostering...

Respect Week: Active Bystander Conversations Panel - Mt Helen

25 Mar 2025, 12:30pm
Mt Helen

The importance of being an Active Bystander Join us for an engaging discussion on how we all play a role in Fostering...

Respect Week: Active Bystander Conversations Panel - Online

25 Mar 2025, 12:30pm

The importance of being an Active Bystander Join us for an engaging discussion on how we all play a role in Fostering...

Respect Week: Active Bystander Conversations Panel - SMB

25 Mar 2025, 12:30pm

The importance of being an Active Bystander Join us for an engaging discussion on how we all play a role in Fostering...

Respect Week: Active Bystander Conversations Panel - Wimmera

25 Mar 2025, 12:30pm

The importance of being an Active Bystander Join us for an engaging discussion on how we all play a role in Fostering...

Art Competition

Express your thoughts on Respect through art – Win $250!

Choose your medium—poster, poem, photography, sculpture, metalwork, woodwork, digital, painting, or drawing with the theme: "What does respect mean to you?"

How to Enter:

  1. Submit a photograph of your original artwork to
  2. Include a description (max. 200 words) explaining how it connects to the theme.

Winner receives a $250 Prezzee voucher!

Entries close: 11:59 PM, 27 March 2025
Winner announced on 28 March 2025.

[Terms and conditions apply]

How much do you know about respect?

Whatever your background, age, ability, gender or relationship status – whoever you are – you belong at Federation University. We value diversity, and that’s why we’ve designed the Respect@Fed: Our Communities training module.

It is an expectation that all Fed students completes this online course each year.

Complete by 28 March and go in the draw to win 1 of 2 $100 vouchers!