University insurances

University indemnity

There are two documents which cover FedUni students on local field and overseas placements as detailed below:

  • Each School or Section has different indemnity requirements for students undergoing local placements. Therefore the responsible Manager or Officer of the School/Section should contact the Legal Office to ensure that the wording in the Indemnity Form is in line with the industry for the proposed local field placement.
  • Students on field placement abroad have a separate agreement and the wording is also in accordance with overseas placements requirements. The current document can be obtained from the Finance section in the first instance.

Certificates of Currency

  • In instances where a certificate of currency is required to be furnished to external stakeholders in conjunction with University's business or student placements, can Managers or Officers ensure that they sought clarification from the service provider to specify the exact type of certificate of currency needed as we have quite a number of certificates of currency on file for different levels and type of risks.

Professional indemnity insurance (PDF, 62KB)

Public liability insurance (PDF, 158KB)


Stuart Smith

Phone: 03 5327 6368 or email: