Support for staff with disability

We aim to ensure that staff with disability have the opportunity to participate equitably in all aspects related to their employment.

To assist staff, their managers, and other relevant areas of the University to ensure reasonable adjustments are made, the Workplace Adjustments for Staff with Disability Procedure outlines a process to assist in the development and implementation of reasonable workplace adjustments. This applies to all staff and prospective staff in all situations related to their employment at Federation (including field trips, conferences, events and functions). Diversity and Inclusion can provide advice and assistance in regard to this procedure. Contact us for more information.

To assist staff and their managers in matters relating to work-related or personal injury, the Injury Management Procedure outlines the process for seeking support, accessing Workcover, leave entitlements and managing return to work plans. The Wellbeing and Injury Management Consultant can provide advice and assistance. For any enquiries relating to Injury Management, please contact Wellbeing and Injury Management Consultant, Joanne Fiorenza.