
Write the numbers one to nine as words. Write 10+ as numerals, except at the start of a sentence (or, even better, rearrange the sentence).

Correct Incorrect
The class runs for seven weeks. The class runs for 7 weeks.
The survey had 23 responses from students. The survey had twenty-three responses from students.
Twenty-three students responded to the survey. 23 students responded to the survey.

Use commas to separate thousands.

Correct Incorrect
Federation has more than 5,000 students. Federation has more than 5000 students.

Use the words ‘per cent’ not the % symbol (% can be used in tables and diagrams to save space).

Correct Incorrect
More than 83 per cent of students prefer us to contact them by email. More than 83% of students prefer us to contact them by email.

Separate spans of numbers, including years and times, with an en-dash.

Correct Incorrect
4–6 pm4-6 pm