Find an asset

There are 2 ways to find an Asset in Squiz® Matrix – Edit + (Plus).

The type of Asset you are looking for will determine the best option to use.

Option 1: Direct navigation (best for page Assets)

  1. Open Mozilla Firefox® and navigate to the web page to be edited.
  2. Type ‘/_edit’ at the end of the URL in the address toolbar, then press ‘Enter’.Add /_edit to end of URL
  3. Squiz Matrix options of New, Preview and EditLogin to the Squiz® Matrix – Edit + (Plus) using your FedUni login details. The Edit + screen displays in Edit mode.
  4. You are now in Edit + and will be able to edit this Asset.

Option 2: Using the ‘Asset Finder’ (best for image, document and page Assets)

  1. Navigate to a page that the Asset links off or to a page in the same area as the asset you want to find/edit.
  2. Type ‘/_edit’ at the end of the URL in the address bar and login to Edit +.Asset finder
  3. Click ‘Find an asset’ in the toolbar. This will open the ‘Asset Finder’ window.    
    1. By default this will go to the page you were looking at when you logged into Edit +.
    2. Navigate through the ‘Asset Finder’ until you find the Asset you are looking for.

      Asset finder listing
    3. The current Asset will be highlighted in a darker blue.
    4. Click ‘Select’ to view/edit the Asset.
  4. Preview optionClick ‘Preview’ on the toolbar to view the Asset. What you see depends on the Asset type you selected:    
    1. For an image: you will see a preview of the image.
    2. PDF file promptFor a document: you will see an information box and download button for the document. If you click ‘Download file’ you can view the document read-only.
    3. For a page: you will see a preview of the page.
  5. Click ‘Edit’ on the toolbar to edit the Asset.