Our 2021 Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Excellence recipients
Enhancing the student experience
Associate Professor Ean Tat Ooi, Associate Professor Shyh Wei Teng, Gloria Li, Theresa Watson and Vanessa Brady |
Transnational Education
Acknowledging the valuable contribution of this team in enhancing the student experience, particularly with our offshore partners in China. Together, they implemented several strategic and innovative initiatives, activities and projects which provided strong support to our offshore students enhancing
the student experience. the valuable contribution of this team in enhancing the student experience, particularly with our offshore partners in China. Together, they implemented several strategic and innovative initiatives, activities and projects which provided strong support to our offshore students
enhancing the student experience.
Excellence in community engagement and impact
Dr Jessica Reeves |
School of Science, Psychology and Sport
Acknowledging exceptional performance in community engagement and impact for the work on the Living Bung Yarnda project in Lake Tyers (East Gippsland). This has significantly contributed to the Resilient Landscapes and Aquatic Ecosystems theme of the Future Regions Research Centre which has had
a significant impact on relationships with local community rangers from the Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation and the Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust.
Excellence in cross-university collaboration
Cheryl Claridge, Katie Donnelly, Marion Slawson and Professor Wendy Wright |
Library and Research
Acknowledging a valuable contribution in building strong cross-functional relationships across three discrete work areas (Library Services, Research Services and Graduate Research School). This project, has reduced complexities creating a streamlined approach for the researcher community in all
stages of research activity.
Excellence in research partnerships and impact
Associate Professor Joanne Porter |
School of Health
Acknowledging an outstanding achievement in the establishment of research partnerships and impact with the Collaborative Evaluation Unit, with 26 funded projects, securing in excess of one million dollars in 2021. Through this work, Associate Professor Porter developed reputable community trust which has significantly enhanced the University’s regional impact and reputation.
Leadership and transformational change
Katrina Beer, Nicholas Johnson, Luke Bosworth, Kathrine Clarke, Rhianna Milliken, Phillip Vaiangina-Egan, Keiah Meddings-Cooper and Kristin Dennis |
Aboriginal Education Centre (AEC)
Acknowledging outstanding leadership in working collaboratively with the Ballarat and District Aboriginal Co-Operative (BADAC) to design and deliver the ‘Growing Capacity through Education’ program which was successfully funded by the Aboriginal Community Response and Recovery Fund. This program supports
the Reconciliation Action Plan to increase student numbers and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Workforce Strategy to enhance representation of First Nations Peoples in professional and academic positions across the University.
Research excellence
Associate Professor Peter Vamplew |
School of Engineering, IT and Physical Sciences
Acknowledging world-leading research in the area of multi-objective reinforcement learning, a sub-field of artificial intelligence. In 2021, Associate Professor Vamplew published nine journal publications (eight in Q1 journals), has been influential in developing new algorithms, and in establishing
appropriate research methodology.
Research excellence – Early Career Researcher
Dr Adrian Shatte |
School of Engineering, IT and Physical Sciences
Acknowledging excellence through emerging national and international research leadership with category 1 industry, and internal funding schemes which provided a strong platform for further development of research strength in these areas. Dr Shatte’s work has been published in leading outlets in both
information technology and interdisciplinary fields with strong citations in broader academic literature, and international health policy.
Certificate of Commendation recipients
Enhancing the student experience
Academic Advisors ScIPS Dr Alison Green, Dr Benjamin Long, Dr Danielle Wagstaff, Janeece Hoch, Dr Justin Timora, Dr Kieran Thorpe, Dr Mathew O’Grady, Dr Meghan Casey, Oscar Owens, Peter Hopwood, Dr Sarah Preston and Dr Simone Louwhoff
School of Science, Psychology and Sport
Acknowledging the valuable contribution of this team in providing access to academic mentors which created a supportive environment that enabled our students to thrive, directly increasing student retention and success.
Excellence in community engagement and impact
Professor Stuart Berzins |
School of Science, Psychology and Sport
Acknowledging a valuable contribution with trusted expertise during the COVID-19 pandemic, delivering more than 50 interviews, sharing information and perspectives on current public health matters including preventing transmission, public health restrictions, vaccines and vaccine variants.
Excellence in community engagement and impact
Associate Professor Madhu Chetty |
School of Engineering, IT and Physical Sciences
Acknowledging a valuable contribution to research at the international, national and local levels for community engagement with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. This prestigious collaboration has raised the profile of the University on the international stage.
Excellence in cross-university collaboration
School Support Team Tulsa Andrews, Adam Barbary, Leigh Albon and Beth Deans
Centre for Teaching Innovation and Quality, Student Experience and Administration Services, Library Services
Acknowledging a valuable contribution in developing a framework to provide targeted support, guidance and leadership to academic staff across six schools. Their exceptional contribution enhanced the curriculum and staff capability.
Excellence in research partnerships and impact
Associate Professor Aziz Rahman |
School of Health
Acknowledging significant achievement in the public health and epidemiological discipline. Associate Professor Rahman’s COVID-19 research was dynamic in the current environment and has led to significant outputs, resulting in invitations to speak publicly about public health research.
Certificate of Special Commendation recipients
Enhancing the student experience
Emily Innes | Program Coordinator, Corrections, Federation TAFE |
This award acknowledges the valuable contribution through demonstrated passion for breaking the cycle of reoffending prisoners by creating accessible education pathways within the prison system. This year Emily contributed to developing 808 prisoners in our education programs.
Excellence in community engagement and impact
Donna Leslie, Sharon Cini, Bill Mundy and Chris Noonan | Moira Macs training project |
This award acknowledges a valuable contribution in providing training for 100 workers from Moira Mac’s poultry and craft food, after the relocation of their organisation. This organisation chose to partner with Federation TAFE to provide training in food processing which formalised their significant industry experience.
Excellence in cross-university collaboration
Kim Healey, Paula Sharry-Pierce, Catherine Wallace, Ambra Sandwith, Braydan Allott, Lisa Pickering, Joanne Fiorenza, Erin Penny, Professor Stuart Berzins and Associate Professor Dixie Statham |
COVID-19 communications and wellbeing team
This award acknowledges a valuable contribution in building strong, productive and mutually beneficial relationships across the University by bringing together a consistent communications strategy for all staff, students and the community. The team planned and delivered a staff wellness forum with
guest speakers and comedic entertainment both internal and external to the University in the midst of our sixth COVID-19 lockdown in Victoria to support the health and wellbeing of staff.
Michelle Sutherland, Andrew Henwood, Harry Kalra, George Mioch, Paula Stewart, Darren Gray, Stuart Birkin, Varuna Sood, Federation Business Operations Project Team and Federation Project Team (ITS) |
TAFE Online Admissions project
This award acknowledges a valuable contribution by delivering a digital transformational and student experience project for Federation TAFE. This is anticipated to increase student enrolments, reduce manual administrative burdens and promote collaboration.
Vocational teaching excellence
Iaian Fricker | Teacher (Electrotechnology), Federation TAFE |
This award acknowledges the development of the Electrotechnology offering at Federation TAFE, Wimmera campus. The success of this course is largely due to the considerable planning, coordination and flexibility to deliver a model that supports both students and regional industry.
View the 2021 Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence presentation slides (pdf, 583kb).