Tips for successful mentor meetings

Important etiquette tips for on-line mentoring:

  • Test technology beforehand – audio, camera, internet
  • Be prepared for technical difficulties – secondary contact method?
  • Always have an agenda – or a clear purpose
  • Dress appropriately – smart casual as a minimum
  • Choose a quiet location
  • Take note of the background behind you – use a stock background if yours is not suitable
  • Limit distractions as much as possible
  • Look at the camera and speak clearly
  • Learn how to mute your microphone
  • Be on time! Or contact your mentoring partner beforehand to advise of changed plans.

You have made it this far, so the more you put in to the meeting the more you will get out of each one and the relationship you build with your mentor.

We know it can be quite daunting meeting someone new but remember that your mentor has signed up to this program as they have a genuine interest in the success of the Federation University students and want to play a part in aiding your post graduate success.

Here are some tips to help make your meeting successful:

  • As the mentee, show you are committed by organising all of the meetings with your mentor
  • Seek constructive feedback
  • Accept new responsibilities and challenges
  • Ask questions, heaps and heaps of questions

Don’t forget to ask your mentor about themselves too. Here are some suggestions:

  • How you got into your current role?
  • What you studied?
  • Why you wanted to be a mentor?
  • What your interests are outside of work?
  • Thinking about what you have experienced and now know, if you could tell your graduate self some advice, what would it be?

Feel free to organise some activities for the mentor meetings such as asking to job shadow your mentor, attending professional conference or professional development or networking event.