Am I eligible?
Students studying with Federation University partner providers are not eligible for this program.

All Federation University and Federation TAFE students including on-campus and online students are eligible for this program.

How do I start?
Simply register your details here and we will get in contact with you to get you started.

What if I can’t complete the program?
In the first instance please contact the Program Coordinator to discuss further.

If my mentor and I don’t really hit it off what options do I have?
In the first instance please contact the Program Coordinator to discuss further. Please refer to the “No Fault Closure of the Relationship” in the Mentor Advantage Program Guidelines.

What is the Federation Advantage?
The Federation Advantage is a program that recognises students volunteer and co curricular activities and a means of skills development. Go to the Federation Advantage home page to find our more.

I don’t know what I want to do when I graduate. Am I wasting the mentor’s time?
Not at all. This would be a great reason to join the program. Mentors are there to listen, guide and give advice. Many of the mentors will have been in this positions themselves. Use this program to learn about different career paths, hidden jobs other ways to use your qualifications

Does my mentor have to be working in the same industry as I am studying in?
By connecting with a mentor you will learn about  their journey of sculpting a career from the time that they left university to now. Regardless of what they have studied, all mentors will have advice, hints and tips on entering post grad employment. Whilst  selecting a mentor with the same qualification your are studying for certainly has its advantages, it is not a requirement of the matching process.

How long does the program go for/ what is the time commitment?
The program will run for a maximum of 6 months. During that time it is expected that the matched mentor and mentee will meet a minimum of 6 times. You may like to spend a small amount of time preparing for each session. The total time commitment is not expected to exceed 10 hours per mentor/mentee relationship.