Content Container 313286

Updated 28/03/2024

Some external research funding schemes have strict eligibility requirements and require early preparation. Please be aware of the internal due dates for the scheme you are interested in.

If you are interested in applying for a funding opportunity that has a limit on applications per organisation or strict eligibility requirements, please submit your Funding Expression of Interest (FEOI) form by the advertised deadline to avoid disappointment.  If no FEOI deadline is advertised, our usual timeline applies (15 business days before the external deadline).

To search for national and international funding schemes related to your research and discipline area, please login to Research Professional via our Funding opportunities web page.

> Telematics Trust

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Telematics Trust 2024 Grant Round

Telematics Trust calls for applications that demonstrate innovative use of technology through education and training

For over 30 years, the Trust has been committed to supporting organisations that seek to demonstrate innovative use of technology through education and training.  The Trust looks for projects, based in Victoria, that reach diverse groups, and initiatives that address important practical problems in our community be they social, economic or environmental. The Trust generally provides grants of up to $50,000.  More information about the Telematics Trust can be found at

Application Process

The Telematics Trust grant round will include a brief EOI process open to all applicants. Only applications that pass this stage will be invited to submit a full application. This is part of a 2-year trial and will be reconsidered in 2025. Applicants that best meet the criteria and priorities will be invited to formally apply for funding. Applicants will need to register for the Foundant Grants Portal in order to complete the application. Select Apply and when prompted, enter the Access Code provided by the Research Funding Team. More instructions on how to complete the application can be found here.

The university limit on applications (see NOTE below) still applies to the EOI stage application.  Those selected to go ahead will be provided with the Access Code.

  • EOI applications: Open 8 April 2024. See Internal Deadlines below.
  • Full applications: Successful EOIs submit full applications between 24 June and 25 July 2024
  • Notification of application outcome: Late September 2024
  • Grants awarded: October 2024

Funding Support

The Trust provides grants of up to $50,000.

Assessment criteria

  • The quality of the applicant and their ability to deliver the project
  • The excellence of the proposed project and the likelihood that it will lead to:
    - the promotion of public education and training in Victoria;
    - an important innovation or the solution to an important practical problem;
    - economic or social benefit to Victoria.

Only one application will be considered per applicant (organisation). Exceptions may be made if multiple applications are received from universities and other large organisations where they represent different faculties, departments or schools, and the proposals are unrelated.

Further information about the Telematics Trust can be obtained from

Internal Deadlines

EOI applications open

*FEOI and draft Telematics
EOI form deadline

Panel review
outcome notification

Internal compliance 
and budget deadline

Final internal submission deadline 
to Research Funding

External deadline


12 noon 15/04/2024


12 noon 24/04/2024

12 noon 02/05/2023

5pm 09/05/2024

*STRICT - Eligibility requirements for this scheme mean that late FEOIs and draft Telematics EOI application form cannot be accepted.

NOTE: For universities, Telematics Trust will accept only one application per department (Centre) – and these must be unrelated projects. To meet this criteria it is necessary to have an internal panel review and selection process, which Research Funding will arrange.  Approval to submit to the funding body is at the discretion of the VCST Lead, Research / nominee.

Supporting documents

Telematics_Trust_EOI - FedUni 2024 (docx 120 KB) - please use this FedUni-specific form for drafting your application.

For guidelines, FAQs and other information please visit the Telematics Trust website.

Please submit your Funding Expression of Interest (FEOI) form, signed by your Centre Director and Executive Dean or nominee to by the FEOI deadline.

Contact us

If you have any queries regarding these grants, please contact the Research Funding Team at

*Please also check with your Centre Director for any additional requirements.*

Budget support and information

For assistance with the budget costing pro forma, please contact