Student Plain Language Information Statement (PLIS)

Appendix 2:

Project title Shaping the 21st century student experience at regional universities
Project researcher Associate Professor Nina Fotinatos,
Dean, Learning and Teaching,
Centre for Teaching Innovation and Quality (CTIQ),
Federation University Australia
Other/student researchers Dr Briony Supple,
Lecturer, Learning and Teaching,
Centre for Teaching Innovation and Quality (CTIQ),
Federation University Australia


This project is part of a wider national study involving 8 regional universities across Australia which is investigating the current student experience of undergraduate student populations of regional universities in Australia. We want to identify what may need to change to ensure regional students have positive study experiences.

We anticipate that new information and key practices will be discovered. Resources will be made available to the sector for immediate use. As a result, regional universities will be enabled to provide the environment for a successful time at university.

What does it involve?

  • Participation in an individual interview about your university experience, of up to one hour's duration.
  • Sharing your perspectives regarding your expectations and experiences of university life and learning – what you enjoy, value and are challenged by.
  • Your voice will be recorded and the information collected will then be transcribed into text format.
  • All information gathered will remain confidential

Participation and consent

  • Participation in the interview is voluntary and you may discontinue at any time without penalty.
  • Prior to taking part in the interview, and when you have sufficient information about the project and your involvement, we will ask you to sign a consent to participate form.
  • Consent will be for the use of your contribution to this project as well as future related research projects.


  • The interview will be audio recorded.
  • When the audio information is converted to text (transcribed) it will be de-identified. This means all attempts will be made to remove information which may identify the participants, or names of teaching staff etc. who are mentioned in the interview.


  • The de-identified data and aggregated results may be disseminated at meetings, or in publications.
  • You will be given access to the transcript after the interview has taken place.

You will be able to make changes if you wish to withdraw information which you don't want made public.

Risks and benefits

While you may not receive any direct benefits for participating, your information will help improve the student experience in regional institutions. As a thank you for your time, you will be provided with a movie voucher to the value of $50.

As a result of any adverse effect during the interview, the interview will cease and you will be encouraged to contact the following services:

Student counselling - Ballarat and Wimmera

  • Ph: 5327 9470 and email:
  • Counselling is located at:
    • Mt Helen Campus - Health Centre, Building T
    • SMB Campus - Student Connect, Building D
    • Horsham Campus (Wimmera) - Student Support, via Admin reception, Building C

Student counselling - Gippsland

For more information visit


You may also choose to contact the 24-hour counselling service, Lifeline at phone number 131114 or via the Lifeline website.

If you have any questions, or you would like further information regarding the project titled Shaping the 21st century student experience at regional universities, please contact the Principal Researcher, Associate Professor Nina Fotinatos, Dean, Learning and Teaching, CTIQ, Email:, Phone: 5327 9145.

Should you (i.e. the participant) have any concerns about the ethical conduct of this research project, please contact the Federation University Australia Ethics Officers, Research Services, Federation University Australia, PO Box 663 Mt Helen Vic 3353 or Northways Rd, Churchill Vic 3842. Telephone: (03) 5327 9765, (03) 5122 6446. Email:

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