Events and Engagement

Events are a core component of group offerings that enhance the student experience at Federation University Australia. Events are a great way to recruit new members, offer extracurricular experience and help grow a group. All groups require a minimum commitment to run four events throughout the year to be eligible for funding. Below is everything you need to facilitate a fun, safe & engaging event.

Engagement Plan

You'll need to submit an Engagement Plan listing the details of a minimum of four events you wish to conduct during the year. This enables us to assign a Student Engagement Officer for your assistance at each event.

Event Request Form

To be approved, all events should be requested via the Student Group Event or Activity Request form.

Book Event Venue

You can book the event venue via the room booking portal using the group email address. Make sure to include in the ‘on behalf of’ section, allowing us to action your request. For timely approval, your booking details should match the Event Request submission.

HIRAC Template

Some events may need a Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Control measures (HIRAC) to be submitted. Download HIRAC report and the guidelines.