Accessibility Services
Accessibility makes reasonable adjustments to study requirements for students with a disability, medical or mental health condition whether it is temporary or permanent. We can also organise adjustments for people who are caring for someone with a disability, medical or mental health condition.
For detailed information about disability services at Federation University, check out the Student Handbook (pdf 3,312kb)
Disability Transition Support Officer
The Disability Transition Support Officer will provide one to one specialised and intensive support for students with disabilities transitioning from secondary school to Federation TAFE. Services include:
- Assistance with understanding and preparing for the TAFE environment
- Development of transition plans and support group meetings
- Guidance on Reasonable Adjustments and student rights
- Support during the first 90 days of enrolment
For more information or support, please contact: Joy Stephens-Jones, Disability Transition Support Officer Phone: (03) 5327 9470
If you are a Federation University student and you:
- have a disability, mental health or medical condition,
- care for someone with a disability,
- or have a temporary disability (for example, a broken arm).
Then contact us to find out how the Accessibility team can help you!
We works in collaboration with you to meet your needs. We can help you with:
- Application and/or enrolment procedures.
- Orientation to campus.
- Access requirements.
- Provision of adaptive study materials and equipment.
- Direct learning support.
- Alternative learning and assessment tasks.
- Provision of information and support to other University staff.
- Alternative arrangements for examinations.
- Referral to community support services.
- Disability discrimination and equal opportunityinformation.
What to know more? Check out our Student Handbook (pdf 3,265kb)
The Accessibility service is a free and confidential service. Your information will only be shared with your permission.
During your first meeting with us, you will discuss how your disability impacts on your life at University. We will work with you to determine reasonable adjustments and supports that are appropriate for your needs.
If you have documentation from your health professional (eg. doctor, psychologist, etc) about your condition, please bring it. If you don't have any documentation, come see us anyway and we can help you work what you might need.
From these discussions we will work with you to build a Learning Access Plan (LAP). Your Learning Access Plan is your document to use as you choose. You can use it to show your teachers the adjustments you require and which they should implement. We can also communicate your needs on your behalf, if you wish. You can add to, update, or cancel adjustments and supports at any time.
To find out more about what you can expect from our service, have a look at the Student Handbook (pdf 3,265kb).
The access routes marked on these maps do not contain any stairs, however the gradients of some paths may not be suitable for some users. Updates will occur periodically.
- Camp St Campus (pdf, 306kb)
- Gippsland Campus (pdf, 405kb)
- Mt Helen Campus (pdf, 978kb)
- SMB Campus (pdf, 407kb)
- Wimmera Campus (pdf, 361KB)
Please contact us if you have any questions or feedback regarding the accuracy of our mobility access maps. Your positive or negative experiences getting around our campuses are a great way for us to keep improving.
- What constitutes a disability
- The Disability Standards for Education (2005)
- Working with FedUni's Accessibility Services
- Using reasonable adjustments
- Your Partner Agreement
- Adjustments authorisation guidelines and check-list
- Relevant forms
Secondary Consultation
The Accessibility team can provide secondary consultation; that is, we can consult with university staff regarding disabilities, medical and mental health. This could include:
- Understanding complex student behaviour
- Understanding reasonable adjustments and inherent requirements
- Referring students for a Learning Access Plan
If you are going to refer a student yourself, please make sure to get their consent to speak with an Accessibility Officer on their behalf first.
Secondary consultation is provided by the Manager of Accessibility Services. To request a confidential appointment for a secondary consultation please call 53279470.
Staff with a Disability
To assist staff, their managers and other relevant areas of the University ensure reasonable adjustments are made. The Workplace Adjustments for Staff with Disability Procedure outlines a process to assist in the development and implementation of reasonable workplace adjustments. This applies to all staff and prospective staff in all situations related to their employment at Federation University (including field trips, conferences, events and functions).
The Equity and Diversity Office can provide advice and assistance in regard to this procedure.
- Administration team 9am - 4pm, Monday to Friday tel: (03) 5327 9470.
- Email: