Alumni awards

The University formally recognises alumni for their achievements within their chosen field of study and beyond.

The following awards are available:

Award Conditions
Alumni of the Year (for alumni 35 years of age and over)
Young Alumni of the Year (for alumni under 35 years of age)
International Alumni of the Year (for international alumni living and working in a country other than Australia for more than 3 years since graduation)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Alumni Award(for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander alumni)
Alumni Award for Community Service(for alumni who have made a significant social impact on a community (local or  international) or population/group and/or the University through volunteering over and above their role in their chosen field of employment).
Distinguished Alumni Award(This pre-eminent award recognises the recipient’s exceptional contribution to a chosen field of endeavour, and their pursuit of excellence in everything they do)
Distinguished Alumni Award (Posthumous)(This pre-eminent award posthumously recognises the recipient's exceptional contribution to a chosen field of endeavour, and their pursuit of excellence in everything they did)

To be considered for an alumni award, nominations should be based on one or more of the following categories:

  • Outstanding professional achievement
  • Outstanding academic or research achievement
  • Outstanding service to Federation University Australia or its predecessor institutions
  • Outstanding service to the community

View a full list of our Distinguished Alumni

How to nominate

Nominations are not currently open.

1. Please read the Alumni Awards Guidelines.pdf (106 KB) for full eligibility criteria

2. Complete the online Alumni Awards nomination form.pdf (247 KB)

3. Send or deliver the supporting documents to the address shown by the closing date.

Closing date

To be confirmed.

Further information

Please contact the:

Federation University Alumni Office

+61 (03) 5327 9825

Digital Display - All Alumni Award recipients

Below are links to watch the digital display of our annual Alumni Award recipients:

2023 Alumni Awards

The University presented Alumni Awards to eight graduates in 2023. To view information on these recipients please go to the 2023 Alumni Awards recipients.

2022 Alumni Awards

The University presented Alumni Awards to 12 graduates in 2022. To view information on these recipients please go to the 2022 Alumni Awards recipients.

2021 Alumni Awards

The University presented its Alumni Awards to 11 graduates in 2021. To view information on these recipients please go to the 2021 Alumni Awards recipients.

2020 Alumni Awards

The University presented its Alumni Awards to 13 graduates in 2020. To view information on these recipients please go to the 2020 Alumni Awards recipients.

2019 Alumni Awards

The University presented its Alumni Awards to 11 graduates in 2019. To view information on these recipients please go to the 2019 Alumni Awards recipients.

2018 Alumni Awards

The University presented its Alumni Awards to seven graduates in 2018. To view information on these recipients please go to the 2018 Alumni Awards recipients.

2017 Alumni Awards

The University presented its Alumni Awards to six graduates in 2017. To view information on these recipients please go to the 2017 Alumni Awards recipients.

2016 Alumni Awards

The University presented its Alumni Awards to six graduates in 2016. To view information on these recipients please go to the 2016 Alumni Awards recipients.

2015 Alumni Awards

The University presented its Alumni Awards to two graduates in 2015. To view information on these recipients please go to the 2015 Alumni Awards recipients.

2014 Alumni Awards

The University presented its inaugural Alumni Awards to two graduates in 2014. To view information on these recipients please go to the 2014 Alumni Awards recipients.