Apply to be a Student Senate rep

It's easy.

  1. Read the notice of election - Student Senate (pdf, 760kb).
  2. Choose a role from the ones listed below.
  3. Fill out this form to apply - Student Senate Application Form (pdf, 297kb)
  4. Email the form, your statement and headshot (see form for instructions) to

You’ll find out whether your application has been accepted a few days after the application period ends.

Applications accepted

Elections held (if necessary)

12am Monday 3 March to 11:59pm Sunday 16 March

12am Monday 24 March to 11.59pm Sunday 30 March

Be a changemaker.

The best reason to join the Senate? You’ll get to help improve the student experience at Fed. You’ll also gain skills and give your resume a boost – so it’s a win-win.

Look into every aspect of student life, (campus facilities, support services, course materials, policies, regulations). Influence and advise senior University decision-makers. Use your voice to empower other students, raise issues, and put forward new ideas.

Don’t sit through meetings, silent and submissive as decisions get made around you. Be proactive. Consult, advocate and network. Set goals and make decisions. Use the leadership experience we give you to build the skills you need.

Build your confidence, learn how to negotiate and lose your public speaking nerves. Become well-known around your campus – someone other students feel comfortable approaching. And end up with a CV entry that would impress any prospective employer.

These roles are up for grabs.

Click on each role to view the position description.

Apply for one of these positions if you want to shake things up in the academic world (course resources, exam policies, learning platforms, etc). Note: You must be enrolled in the specified institute or TAFE to apply.

Apply for one of these positions if you want to improve campus life (living on res, facilities, events, etc). Note: you must be enrolled in a higher education course at the specified campus to apply.

Open to HE students at  Melbourne or Sydney City campuses.

Open to HE students at campuses in Ballarat and north western, Victoria.

Apply for one of these positions if you want to represent a specific group or area at Fed.

Open to all postgraduate students enrolled at Federation University.

These positions are not part of the Student Senate. Apply for one if you want to talk about academic innovation, policy reviews and other big-picture issues.  To join any Institute Board fill out the relevant form and return them as directed on the form.

Note: You must be enrolled in the specified institute to apply.

Institute of Health and Wellbeing

  • Learning and Teaching Committee student rep
  • Board student rep

Returning officer:

Apply here.

Academic Board

  • Higher Degree Research student rep
  • HE student rep
  • TAFE student rep

Returning officer:

Apply here.

Learning and Teaching Quality Committee

  • Higher Degree Research student rep

Returning officer:

Apply here.

You’ve got questions.

The short answer: anyone! We want a mix of different perspectives and backgrounds.

But there are some eligibility rules. You’ve got to:

  • be studying with Federation at a time fraction of 0.5 or more.
  • be 18 or older, (except if you're part of Federation College or VCAL).
  • meet the fit and proper person requirements laid out by TEQSA.
  • have a break if you've already served two back-to-back terms on the Senate.

If you work at Fed (with a time fraction of 0.5 or more) or are serving a custodial sentences, you can’t apply.

Positions are either one or two years (find this info in the position descriptions). But if you expect to graduate during this time, you can still apply.

You can expect to:

  • attend up to eight Senate meetings per year.
  • write a quick report before each meeting that outlines student concerns, and what you've been up to.
  • host a student forum on your campus each semester to chat about ideas and issues.
  • monitor the Senate’s social media channels for student feedback.
  • take the lead on student issues by discussing solutions with staff, and instigating changes.
  • represent the student voice in University projects and discussions.
  • join and take an active role in one of the Senate's working groups (about different aspects of student life).

Pick out the roles you're eligible for then download the position descriptions. Choose one that fits – an area you’d be passionate about. Can’t decide? Apply for more than one position if you like – just remember, to submit a separate application for each.

You’ll get a confirmation email within seven days. If you're the only applicant, the position is yours. If not, we’ll hold an election.

Only Federation students can vote. We’ll use your written or video statement and headshot on the ballot. We’ll also promote the election on social media and posters around campus. You’re also welcome to the campaign. On voting day, all students will receive the ballot via email. Voting will take place online. Students can only vote for positions relevant to their enrolment (e.g. only Gippsland students can vote for the Gippsland rep). After the election, we’ll let you know if you've won or lost, but voting data will remain anonymous. The winners will be announced to all staff and students.

No-one wants to read a page of general statements (“I am passionate about Federation", “I love to make a difference”). Make your statement stand out. Make it personal and specific. Use anecdotes that show off your skills and experience. And make sure you fix the typos before you submit it.

You’ve got more questions.

If you want to know anything else about applying to join the Senate, contact the Student Senate Returning Officer.

Got a question about an institute-specific position? Contact their relevant returning officer.


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