Start a group

Start a Group

Groups are a great way to engage with other students with similar interests and get the best out of your time at Federation University. To reward and support student engagement in groups there are benefits that groups can access.

Groups are separated into three categories: Probationary, Informal and Formal. Their benefits are listed below.

table describing student groups catergories

All groups will begin through an expression of interest here.  

Once received a staff member will get in touch and induct you to the program and the group may operate as a Probationary Group.

Probationary Groups will be able to run activities, sign up members and be recognised as a student group by the University.

Once Probationary groups gain a minimum membership of four students and submit a plan to run a minimum of four events for the year, they will be able to apply to affiliate with the university and become a Formal or Informal Group.

Formal groups are groups that operate with governance i.e. Inaugural General Meetings (IGM), Annual General Meetings (AGM) and appointed positions i.e.: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary. Formal groups can take paid memberships and manage their own bank account.

Informal groups are groups formed without governance. They may work towards operating as a formal club or remain is an informal group whose funding is managed by the University.

All club memberships and affiliations expire at the end of the year. All clubs will be required to re-affiliate to continue to partner with Federation University.

Looking to start a group and meet with a Student Engagement Team to discuss this?

Submit your Expression Of Interest.

flow chart of student group journey