Information for staff

Referring students to counselling

Academic staff play and integral role in supporting students to access counselling.

Counselling can help students with problems like: coping with study or university life, stress and anxiety, loneliness, relationship and family issues. Academic staff can refer students to the following services:

Secondary consultation

Student Psychology And Counselling (PAC) Services can provide secondary consultation; that is we can consult with university staff regarding mental health concerns about students. This could include:

  • Understanding complex student behaviour (Counsellors do not diagnose).
  • Responding to mental health concerns.
  • Referring students to access our counselling service.

If you are going to refer a student yourself, please make sure to get their consent to speak with a Counsellor on their behalf first.

Secondary consultation is provided by the Coordinator of Student Psychology And Counselling (PAC) Services. To request a confidential appointment for a secondary consultation please call 53279470.

Counselling for staff

Staff can seek counselling services for personal or work-related matters from the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The EAP is an independent support service engaged by the University to assist employees to maintain good health and well-being and is available to all staff members of the University as well as their immediate families.