Supervision awards

Award for Excellence in Graduate Research Supervision

The Award for Excellence in Graduate Research Supervision is presented every second year by Federation University’s Graduate Research School. The award recognises and rewards a supervisor or supervisory team who demonstrate a track record of successful HDR candidate outcomes and engagement in high quality supervisor practice and research supervision leadership.

The next Award for Excellence in Graduate Research Supervision will be presented in 2023.

In 2021, the nomination and assessment process has been aligned with the national awards offered by the  Australian Council of Graduate Research. It is hoped that winners of the Federation University Graduate Research School Award for Excellence in Graduate Research Supervision will apply for the ACGR award in the following year.

Award winner(s) will be announced in July and featured on the Graduate Research School website. A $2000 grant will be presented to each award winning individual or team.


An individual applicant, or team application by multiple supervisors, must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Academic Schools may endorse up to two nominations via their Associate Dean Research (or nominee).
  • Individuals or groups may be nominated, providing that they are appropriately registered on the Federation University Australia Supervisor Register.
  • Nominees must have had a continuing or contract position at no less than .4 EFT at Federation University for a minimum of two years at the time of application.
    (Where a group is nominated, the majority of the members of the team must meet the .4EFT/2 year condition)
  • Individuals or groups must have supervised at least three HDRs to completion.
  • Previous recipients of this award may not reapply for a period of four years.
  • Nominations must be endorsed by the relevant Associate Dean(s), Research.
  • Where a group of supervisors from more than one school is nominated, this may be in addition to the two nominations allowed for each school but all relevant Schools must endorse the application.


  • Nominations must be submitted to the Graduate Research School on the appropriate form, endorsed by the staff members’ school, abide by stated word lengths and must be received by the published closing date.


A $2000 grant will be presented to each award winning individual or team.

2021 Award Timetable

  • Call for nominations from Monday 10 May 2021
  • Nominations must be received at the Graduate Research School by 5 pm AEST on Tuesday 27 July 2021.
  • Schools may set internal deadlines and processes to allow for review of potential nominations
  • The selection panel will meet between Monday 2 – Friday 13 August and the winner(s) notified during the week beginning Monday 23 August 2021
  • Award winner(s) will be publicly announced during the week beginning Monday 23 August.

Selection Criteria and assessment process

Assessment of the Award for Excellence in Graduate Research Supervision at Federation University aligns with the Australian Council for Graduate Research (ACGR) guidelines for Awards for Excellence in Graduate Research Supervision.

This award will be presented to an individual HDR supervisor or team of supervisors who demonstrate a track record of successful HDR candidate outcomes and engagement in high quality supervisory practice and research supervision leadership.

    Applications will be assessed across four selection criteria:

    1. Evidence of high quality and innovative research supervision practice. This may include principal, associate and team supervision.
    1. Evidence of the impact and outcomes of research supervision, including successful and timely HDR completions and co-publication or production of other research outputs with or by their candidates. This may also include the promotion of industry engagement and the development of HDR candidate’s employability skills and professional networks.
    1. Evidence of positive post-graduation outcomes of candidates
    1. Demonstrated leadership in research supervision including the provision of mentoring to less experienced supervisors

Each application will be assessed and conferred by a judging panel consisting of:

  • Dean, Graduate Studies, or nominee
  • Associate Dean, Research Training, or nominee
  • One Associate Dean Research,
  • A registered HDR supervisor (who is not nominated for an award), and
  • A Higher Degree by Research student (whose supervisor is not nominated for an award)

Key documentation

Information Sheet (pdf, 920kb)

This document contains important information, including Eligibility, Important Dates, and Assessment process.

Application Form (pdf, 779kb)

This document is the required Graduate Research School template by which all applications need to be completed and submitted.

Key Indicators for strong applications (pdf, 750kb)

This document provides an indicative list of best-practice indicators for each of the four criteria. This list has been developed from a range of strategic sources and applicants are strongly recommended to consult in developing a strong application.

Contact us

Questions regarding applications should be directed to the Associate Dean, Research Training, Graduate Research School:

Associate Professor Wendy Wright


P: +61 3 5122 6854