Bachelor of Business (Tourism)
Graduation year:
Current Position:
Marketing Consultant
What are some of your career highlights?
In the early 90s I was one of only a small number of marketing professionals working in the City of London for law firms. Now most law firms have dedicated marketing departments. In the mid 90s I was appointed the very first Marketing Manager for one of the oldest independent schools in the UK. It has been amazing to try new approaches and to be the one to introduce the use of the internet to very old businesses and designing their first websites.
Describe the most enjoyable and challenging aspects of your job:
I am self employed as a Marketing Consultant. Lately I have been placing
international students at British boarding schools in the UK, working as an agent. I found that I had a wealth of knowledge regarding such schools following 17 years of being responsible for the marketing of several of them. Hence my decision to branch out and become an agent. My challenge is recruiting the students through social networks. I thoroughly enjoy the customer care aspects of my work, helping the families with every concern and query.
What are your strongest memories while you were studying at the University of Ballarat?
I made some amazing friends during my time in Ballarat, One in particular has stayed with us several times in the UK with her three children, and we have visited them in Dubai. I remember we were quite competitive with the boys, especially in the first year. We were thrilled that as a group of girls we all passed our driving licence on the first attempt, whereas most of the boys needed a second go ! I was grateful that my industrial placement as part of my degree was at the American Express head office in Sydney. There were two of us from our course who went and we had a ball.
Do you have any advice about life after study to pass on to current students?
I am not really one to advise on careers because I believe everyone has their own path that only they can create. I have been lucky that my husband has supported me and enabled me to take lots of time out to be the best mother I can be. My business
degree has been fantastic for my career but also it has enabled me to help and support my husband in return as he runs a number of businesses here on the farm where we live in the UK.