Sneha KirubakaranDegree

Bachelor of Computing,
Bachelor of Applied Science (Honours)

Graduation year

1997, 1998

Current position

General Practitioner, Lecturer


Regency Medical Clinic, Flinders University

What are some of your career highlights?

Volunteering as a doctor and medical teacher in countries such as Indonesia, Timor Leste, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Israel, Iraq, the Marshall Island and China!

Describe the most enjoyable and challenging aspects of your job

As a doctor, I love being able to make a significant connection with my patients even in a short 15 minute consultation. This connection is usually because we were able to share a joke together or that I was able to comfort / reassure / encourage / inspire them emotionally even when dealing with their physical complaints.

As a teacher, I love being able to engage and challenge my students and to be able to witness their critical thinking skills improve and grow, even within the space of a single conversation.

What are your strongest memories while you were studying at Federation University Australia?

Being an active member as well as being on the committee of student organisations including the Student Union and the International Student Association.

Do you have any advice about life after study to pass on to current students?

Always be keen to learn new things and upskill yourself – both professionally and personally.  Even if this means being a current university student, trying new hobbies, experiences and adventures.  Always have at least one interesting new 'project' on the go.

Sneha Kirubakaran