Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Movement)
Graduation year
Current position
Senior Adventure Therapist
Brad and Rochelle Melville
What are some of your career highlights?
Coordinating, administrating and seeing the results of a program with Mansfield Steiner School and then many families from Mansfield. Many had life changing breakthroughs and began to control alcohol intake, manage depression, build self-worth, and cultivate an exercise regime, spiritual development and a better family life. The feedback was inspirational.
Describe the most enjoyable and challenging aspects of your job
At the end of the day I am often very exhausted but it is a very satisfied and rewarding tiredness, knowing that through the hard work I was able to impact someone in a positive way and help them feel valuable and purposeful in life.
Working with disadvantaged youth, we often face challenging situations and characters; however, it is often the most difficult characters that we see the most amazing results of change.
What are your strongest memories while you were studying at the University of Ballarat?
Being freezing cold most of the time; working hard on assignments in the library or the B lab either by myself or with mates; being able to unwind and relax with a game of squash, ultimate frisbee, or a swim in the pool.
Do you have any advice about life after study to pass on to current students?
Pursue what you want to do; if the job is the field that you studied, great, you will be well equipped; if it's not, and you still have a passion and interest to do it, don't hesitate. Don't let your degree limit you, but use it as a way to advance to the next step in life.
Apply for jobs determined that no one else is more suited for the job than you, because only you can bring a certain uniqueness that no one else has. Confidence shows. Believe in your own potential as an employee and what you can bring to the job.
Network!! Speak to people, ask questions, sound interested. If you're interested, people will remember you and those people may become your boss or lead you to work.