Media releases

'Can-do' attitude leads TAFE student to win top nursing award

Posted: Tuesday 7 December 2021

Federation TAFE student, Cheyenne Kemsley, has been selected for the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation’s (ANMF) Victorian Branch 2021 Nurse Award.  

The award recognises Diploma of Nursing students who demonstrate qualities essential to good nursing, including excellent communication and interpersonal skills, and an understanding of ethical and professional nursing practices. 

Cheyenne is studying a Diploma of Nursing at Federation TAFE, while also working as a Personal Care Assistant. 

The 22-year-old has been described by her teachers as being mindful and highly emotionally intelligent; someone who has a ‘can-do’ attitude and can maintain the dignity, rights, and confidentiality of her clients. 

Her decision to choose nursing as a career was sparked by a passion for making a difference in people’s lives. Ms Kemsley realised she had a flair for caring for others when she looked after her mother who had suffered from a broken leg. 

Before studying nursing, Cheyenne completed a Certificate III in Individual Support, however nursing was always her long-term goal.  

Cheyenne has enjoyed her studies at Federation and observing her teachers run practical sessions. The Diploma of Nursing has allowed her to develop her skills as a Personal Care Assistant to finesse her communication skills, clinical knowledge, and build overall confidence. She will go on to study a Bachelor of Nursing next year at Federation University. 

The annual ANMF Nurse Award includes a certificate and $200 in prize money. The award presentation will be held in Melbourne on Thursday, 9 December. 

Quotes attributable to Federation University Pro Vice-Chancellor (Vocational Education and Training) and CEO TAFE, Liam Sloan 

“Cheyenne has shown a passion for her studies, as well as a commitment to excellence in her practical placements.” 

“Nursing is such a vital part of our community, and we are thrilled that our students are recognised for their efforts and professionalism. It’s a tribute to their commitment and dedication and to our high-quality teachers that they receive such recognition.” 

Quotes attributable to Federation TAFE Student, Cheyenne Kemsley 

“I chose to do nursing, as I’ve always had a passion for making a difference in people's lives.” 

“To be able to support people and their families at their most vulnerable times, is such an honour.” 

“To receive this award is such a huge achievement. It makes me so proud to see how all my hard work has paid off.” 

Contact Megan Whytcross
Media and Communications Advisor