Media releases

Partnering with remote communities to find health solutions

Posted: Monday 23 May 2022

Federation University Australia is partnering with the Far East Gippsland community to improve access to health services as the region continues to recover from the Black Summer Bushfires.

The University’s Collaborative Evaluation and Research Group (CERG) is working with the Deddick Valley Isolated Community Group and Errinundra to Snowy Community Recovery Committee to identify and evaluate a suitable health service model for the region to deliver the first part of the “Building Healthy & Resilient Communities through service equity” project.

CERG Director, Associate Professor Joanne Porter said researchers were working with communities to explore ways to enhance existing services and develop new innovative models of delivery.

The project is looking at existing community spaces in the region and the availability of high-speed internet access, so residents can be linked with existing health infrastructure in partner hospitals through digital health networks.

These ‘hubs’ and digital health services are designed to reduce the need to travel for appointments, easing the pressure on finances, work and family commitments for residents, allowing them to remain and thrive in their local communities.

The research is funded through the philanthropic Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR) and the East Gippsland Community Foundation Bushfire Disaster Relief Grant.

Federation University’s Collaborative Evaluation and Research Group works with government, non-government and community organisations to evaluate projects by tapping into the broad network of research expertise within the university.

Quotes attributable to Federation University Collaborative Evaluation and Research Group Director, Associate Professor Joanne Porter

“Access to appropriate, safe and complete health care has been a long-standing issue in rural and remote communities.”

“In far East Gippsland, the residents are not only tackling the challenges of remote living, but ongoing recovery from the devastation of the Black Simmer bushfires.”

“The CERG will work closely with the community to help evaluate and develop a health model that best suits their needs and will serve the public over the long term.”

 Quotes attributed to Susan Collins Coordinator Tubbut Neighbourhood House

“Residents living with the issues everyday can help find practical solutions to address the region’s health service delivery problems.” 

 Quotes attributable to Isaac Carne’ Community Recovery Committee (CRC) Chair

“This is a great opportunity to reimagine how we provide health services to small and remote communities in Victoria”

 “We are very excited to work on this project towards a brighter future for this region”

Contact Stephanie Charalambous
Media and Communications Advisor
0429 360 727