Media releases

New Fed Uni programs supporting teachers to upskill

Posted: Friday 27 November 2020

Qualified teachers will have the opportunity to gain specialist knowledge in a particular discipline area through new programs offered at Federation University.

In response to a need identified by the Regional Universities Network and the Department of Education and Training, the Master of Specialist Teaching programs are designed for teachers wanting to upskill and those currently teaching ‘out-of-field' in an area outside their undergraduate specialty.
The new programs include:

  • Master of Specialist Teaching
  • Master of Specialist Teaching (Numeracy)
  • Master of Specialist Teaching (Literacy)
  • Master of Specialist Teaching (TESOL)
  • Master of Specialist Teaching (STEM)
  • Master of Specialist Teaching (Inclusive Education)

The specialised programs will give teachers the opportunity to gain new qualifications and move into areas that have been traditionally hard to staff, like numeracy and STEM.

The programs are three years, part-time, and will also count towards professional development hours required to retain registration. 

Students can opt to study for one year, part-time to complete a Graduate Certificate in their chosen program area.

Students will be able to study predominantly online, with the option of attending intensive face-to-face classes. 

Those interested in learning more about the programs can Register for a webinar on Tuesday, 2 December from 6pm-7pm.
Quotes attributable to Federation University School of Education Dean, Professor Claire McLachlan 
“This new suite of programs is an important development for the School of Education, which we think will provide valuable opportunities to extend teachers’ knowledge, skills and subject specialisms”.

“We have had guidance from teachers and principals in our regional communities that these programs, offered via flexible delivery, are greatly needed. We are delighted to be able to support our regional schools and centres through this initiative”.

Contact Alan Baxter
Media and Communications Advisor
0421 134 915