Media releases

University hosts successful Outreach program for secondary schools

Posted: Thursday 8 December 2016

Federation University Australia has held another popular FedUni Schools Outreach camp for visiting Year Eight students over the past fortnight. 

More than 200 students from 11 secondary schools visited FedUni’s Ballarat campuses to get first-hand experience of the many opportunities available at university.

“We greatly enjoyed hosting the many secondary school students at the university over the past couple of weeks,” Christine Holmes, FedUni Schools Outreach Co-ordinator, said.

“These camps have become very popular with Year Eight students as it gives them an opportunity to learn about careers, robotics, drama, physical education and many other areas of study and an insight into life at university.”

Schools attending the program came from around western Victoria including Goroke, Rainbow, Birchip, Maryborough, Wycheproof, Swan Hill, Ararat, Wedderburn, Charlton, Kaniva and Werrimull.   

Contact Matthew Freeman
Senior Advisor, Media and Government Relations
03 5327 9510; 0408 519 674