Media releases

Federation welcomes priority funding for universities

Posted: Tuesday 19 May 2020

Federation University Australia has welcomed the $350-million Victorian Higher Education State Investment Fund announced today, to help the state’s university sector recover from the impacts of COVID-19.

Education is a priority industry for Victoria and international education is one of the state’s largest exports.

This fund recognises the university sector’s crucial contribution to the prosperity and economic health of Victoria.

Federation will share in the $350-million fund to support capital works, research and research partnerships, and will further benefit from a $110-million deferral of payroll tax, which provides immediate funding relief.

Universities will be able to use the Victorian Higher Education State Investment Fund towards projects that link back to Victorian Government priorities, in areas that make an impact – technology, advanced manufacturing, clinical trials, capital infrastructure advances, commercial operations and innovation precincts, are amongst identified priority areas.

Federation has a significant capital works program planned over the coming years.

The university will look closely at which projects align with this funding, to help us continue our major capital works investment, to deliver jobs in our regions and provide better facilities for our students.

Today’s announcement follows the recent welcome establishment of the Victorian Government’s $45-million hardship fund for international students impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, we are supporting our students through a range of support services, financial assistance packages and food relief measures, as well as Student Hardship Scholarships.

As Victoria’s largest regional university with campuses in Ballarat, Berwick, Gippsland and Wimmera, this funding will have far-reaching benefits for our university towns to navigate the economic impacts of COVID-19.

Quotes attributable to Professor Helen Bartlett, Vice-Chancellor and President, Federation University Australia

“Together, Vice-Chancellors from across the State have strongly advocated for a funding partnership that will help us overcome the current challenges threatening the position of Victoria as an education powerhouse.”

“This is a fantastic opportunity for Federation University to partner with the Victorian Government on significant capital works and research projects that will deliver lasting benefits for our regional communities.”

“We have a number of major construction projects that were being reassessed in light of COVID-19, so this is timely assistance to secure future investments in regional education.”

Contact Stephanie Charalambous
Media and Communications Advisor
0429 360 727