Media releases

Assistance available to FedUni students affected by bushfires

Posted: Thursday 22 March 2018

Students from Federation University Australia who have been affected by the recent bushfires in Western Victoria may be eligible for assistance.

The University’s Disaster Assistance Scheme enables commencing and continuing students to have their lost or destroyed items such as text books, uniforms and computers replaced if the students have suffered in fires.

“With recent and ongoing fires in parts of rural Victoria, the impact on students from any campus should be recognised, particularly in relation to loss of property and difficulties with communications, accommodation or meeting enrolment or assignment deadlines,” Darren Holland, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Support and Services), said.

“Staff members have been advised to offer extra flexibility, care and concern for students affected by fires to minimise disruption and disadvantage to them.”

The process for gaining Disaster Assistance is through the University Counselling team.

Commencing and continuing students who need to find out more can ring the University and ask to speak to a counsellor.

Further information can be found on the University homepage at or by contacting 1800 FED UNI (1800 333 864).

Contact Matthew Freeman
Senior Advisor, Media and Government Relations
03 5327 9510; 0408 519 674