Carey, Stephen (Dr)
Position | Lecturer |
Office | Y235 (Y Building, Level 2, East Wing) |
Phone | +61 3 5327 9268 |
Fax | +61 3 5327 9137 | |
- BSc (Honours) (Melbourne, 1976)
- PhD (Wisconsin, 1984)
Teaching areas
- SCGEO1103 Planet Earth
- SCGEO1105 Earth's Living History
- SCGEO2101 Regolith Science
- SCGEO2112 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
- SCGEO2107 Fieldwork Principles & Practice [Flinders Ranges]
- SCGEO2109 Palaeontology
- SCGEO3107 Project
- SCGEO3109 Advanced Fieldwork
- SCGEO3111 Tectonics and Petrogenesis
CAMENS, A.B. & CAREY, S.P. 2013. Contemporaneous trace and body fossils from a Late Pleistocene lakebed in Victoria, Australia, allow assessment of bias in the fossil record. PloS One 10.1371/journal.pone.0052957.
CAREY, S.P., CAMENS, A.B., CUPPER, M.L., GRÜN, R., HELLSTROM, J., McKNIGHT, S.W., MCLENNAN, I., PICKERING, D.A., TRUSLER, P. & AUBERT, M. 2011. A diverse Pleistocene marsupial trackway assemblage from the Victorian Volcanic Plains, Australia. Quaternary Science Reviews 30, 591-610, doi 10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.11.021
CAREY, S.P., CAMENS, A.B., CUPPER, M.L., GRÜN, R., HELLSTROM, J. & MCLENNAN, I. 2009. Superb megafaunal trackways from the volcanic plains of Victoria: geological context. Geological Society of Australia Abstracts 93, p. 19 [abstract].
CAMENS, A.B., CAREY, S.P., MCLENNAN, I. & PICKERING, D. 2009. Superb megafaunal trackways from the volcanic plains of Victoria: biomechanical analysis and faunal interactions. Geological Society of Australia Abstracts 93, p. 18 [abstract].
DAHLHAUS, P.G. (compiler), BILLOWS, C.A., CAREY, S.P., GWYTHER, J. & NATHAN, E.L. 2007. Lake Connewarre Values Project - Literature Review. Corangamite Catchment Management Authority, Colac, Victoria, pp. 1-172.
HUGHES, M.J., CAREY, S.P. & McKNIGHT, S.W. 2006. Australia's precious opal: pre-Holocene deposition from near-surface fluids. Geological Society of Australia Abstracts, p. 84 [abstract].HUGHES, M.J., CAREY, S.P. & McKNIGHT, S.W. 2006. Australia's precious opal: pre-Holocene deposition from near-surface fluids. Geological Society of Australia Abstracts, p. 84 [abstract].
HUGHES, M.J., PHILLIPS, G.N. & CAREY, S.P. 2004. Giant placers of the Victoria gold province. SEG Newsletter 56, pp. 1, 11-18.
CAREY, S.P. & HUGHES, M.J. 2004. Pre-basalt origin and palaeoplain control of basalt-associated silcrete at Morrisons, Victoria. Geological Society of Australia Abstracts 73, p. 7 [abstract].
PHILLIPS, G.N., HUGHES, M.J., ARNE, D.C., BIERLEIN, F.P., CAREY, S.P., JACKSON, T. & WILLMAN, C.E. 2003. Gold. In W.D. Birch, ed., Geology of Victoria. Geological Society of Australia Special Publication 23, pp. 377-433.
CAREY, S.P. & HUGHES, M.J. 2002. Regolith of the West Victorian Uplands, Victoria, Australia. In G.N. Phillips & K.S. Ely, Victoria Undercover Benalla 2002 Conference Proceedings and Field Guide, CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Vic, pp. 147-154.
HUGHES, M.J. & CAREY, S.P. 2002. Palaeodrainage development of the West Victorian Uplands, Victoria, Australia. In G.N. Phillips & K.S. Ely, Victoria Undercover Benalla 2002 Conference Proceedings and Field Guide, CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Vic, pp. 155-159.
WINCHESTER-SEETO, T. & CAREY, S.P. 2000. Chitinozoans and associated conodonts from the Early Devonian Point Hibbs Formation, Tasmania, Australia. Western Australian Museum Records, Supplement 58, pp. 163-178.
CAREY, S.P. & POLEY, E. 1999. Post-depositional processes affecting the distribution of mineral sands, Scotia area (Murray Basin), NSW, Australia. Australian Institute of Geoscientists Bulletin 26, pp. 21-28.
HUGHES, M.J., CAREY, S.P. & KOTSONIS, A. 1999. Lateritic weathering and gold enrichment in the Victorian gold province. In G. Taylor & C. Pain Regolith '98, New Approaches to an Old Continent, Proceedings, pp. 155-172.
HUGHES, M.J., KOTSONIS, A. & CAREY, S.P. 1998. Cainozoic weathering and its economic significance in Victoria. Australian Institute of Geoscientists Bulletin 24, pp. 135-148.
HUGHES, M.J. & CAREY, S.P. 1998. Lateritic weathering and gold enrichment in the Victorian gold province. Regolith '98, New Approaches to an Old Continent, Program & Abstracts, p. 26 [abstract].
KOTSONIS, A., McKNIGHT, S., ARNE, D., CAREY, S.P., JOYCE, E.B. & HUGHES, M.J. 1998. Landscape evolution, regolith development and gold mobility, central Victoria, southeastern Australia. Regolith '98, New Approaches to an Old Continent, Program & Abstracts, p. 46 [abstract].
CAREY, S.P. & HUGHES, M.J. 1997. Three generations of gold-bearing fluvial systems at Ararat, Victoria. Geological Society of Australia Abstracts 47, p. 4 [abstract].
SMITH, M., HUGHES, M.J. & CAREY, S.P. 1997. "White Hills Gravel" of Bamganie-Dereel: Calivil Formation gold leads overlain by Moorabool Viaduct Sand. Geological Society of Australia Abstracts 47, p. 28 [abstract].
CAREY, S.P. & BOLGER, P.F. 1995. Conodonts of disparate Lower Devonian zones, Wilson Creek Shale, Tyers-Walhalla area, Victoria, Australia. Alcheringa 19, pp. 73-86.
CAREY, S.P., BURRETT, C.F., CHAODUMRONG, P., WONGWANICH, T. & CHONGLAKMANI, C. 1995. Triassic and Permian conodonts from the Lampang and Ngao Groups, northern Thailand. Courier Forschungsinstit??¼t Senckenberg 182, pp. 497-513.
CAREY, S.P. 1989. Point Hibbs. In, C.F. Burrett & E. Martin (eds), Geology and mineral resources of Tasmania. Geological Society of Australia Special Publication 15, pp. 229-230.
CAREY, S.P. & BERRY, R.F. 1988. Thrust sheets at Point Hibbs, Tasmania: palaeontology, sedimentology and structure. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 35, pp. 169-180.
BURRETT, C.F., CAREY, S.P. & WONGWANICH, T. 1987 (imprint 1986). A Siluro-Devonian carbonate sequence in northern Thailand. Journal of South-East Asian Earth Sciences 1, pp. 215-220.
CAREY, S.P. 1984. Conodont biofacies of the Triassic of northwestern Nevada. In, D.L. Clark (ed.), Conodont biofacies and provincialism. Geological Society of America Special Paper 196, pp. 295-305.
Research interests
- Ichnology of Australian vertebrate trackways
- Sedimentology, stratigraphy and palaeopedology of a coastal dune complex (Pleistocene), Warrnambool, Victoria
- Evolution of Australian landscapes
- Development of silcrete
- Palaeobiology and geology of conodonts