Academic staff

Exercise and Sport Science
Prof. Rob AugheyHead of Discipline, Exercise and Sport Science   
Dr Meghan Casey Course Coordinator, Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science (Honours), Bachelor of Sport Management (Honours), Bachelor of Sport Management/Bachelor of Business Mt Helen (03) 5327 9658
Dr Warrick ChiltonLecturer, Exercise and Sport ScienceMt Helen(03) 5327 6254
Prof Rochelle EimeProfessor, Sport SciencesMt Helen(03) 5327 9687
Lindy Hall Course Coordinator, Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science Mt Helen (03) 5327 9693
Dr Jack Harvey Senior Research Fellow, Exercise and Health Science Mt Helen (03) 5327 9065
Dr Andrew Lavender Senior Lecturer, Exercise and Sport Science Mt Helen (03) 5327 6593
Dr Dominic McNeil Senior Lecturer, Exercise and Sport Psychology Mt Helen (03) 5327 9445
Assoc Prof Sean MüllerAssociate Professor, Exercise and Sport ScienceMt Helen(03) 5327 6931
Assoc Prof Brendan O'Brien Associate Professor, Sport & Exercise Physiology Mt Helen (03) 5327 9677
Dr Mathew O'Grady Lecturer, Exercise and Sport Science Gippsland (03) 5327 6439
Dr Emma Siesmaa Lecturer, Human Movement and Sport Science Mt Helen (03) 5327 9066
Dr Ryan Worn Lecturer, Exercise and Sport Science Mt Helen (03) 5327 6729
Assoc Prof Loretta GarveyAssociate Head of Discipline, Nursing (Curriculum & Accreditation) Berwick(03) 8780 5716
Assoc/Prof Grainne LoweAssociate Head of Discipline, Nursing (Partnerships & Engagement) Berwick (03) 4313 7931
Prof Michael OlasojiAssociate Head of Discipline, Nursing (Research) Berwick (03) 8780 5738
Assoc/Prof, Esther AdamaAssociate Head of Discipline, Nursing (Workload & Timetabling)Mt Helen 
Dr Swapnali Gazula Course Coordinator, Bachelor of Nursing - Mt Helen Mt Helen (03) 5327 6163
Louise Allen Course Coordinator, Bachelor of Nursing - Gippsland and Bairnsdale Gippsland (03) 5122 8272
Cath Wilson Course Coordinator, Bachelor of Nursing - Berwick Berwick (03) 5122 6352
Dr Kaye Heritage Course Coordinator, Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) Mt Helen (03) 5327 9357
Rebecca Peel Lecturer, Nursing Berwick (03) 5122 6604
Dr Amany Abdelkader Lecturer, Nursing Berwick (03) 5122 6014
Robert Allen Lecturer, Nursing Gippsland (03) 5122 6133
Ligi Anish Lecturer, Nursing Berwick (03) 5122 6092
Dr Biswajit Banik Lecturer, Nursing Berwick (03) 4313 7937
Angela Ballard Lecturer, Nursing Berwick (03) 4313 7988
Jane Boag Lecturer, Nursing Mt Helen (03) 5237 6677
Mark Browning Lecturer, Nursing Berwick (03) 5122 8383
Wendy Burgener Lecturer, Nursing Mt Helen (03) 5327 9140
Naomi Byfieldt Lecturer, Nursing Gippsland (03) 5122 6122
Annie Churchill Lecturer, Nursing Gippsland (03) 5122 6437
Nicole Coombs Lecturer, Nursing Gippsland (03) 5122 8964
Amy Cowan Clinical Coordinator - Gippsland Gippsland (03) 5122 6217
Naomi Cruz Lecturer, Nursing Gippsland (03) 5122 6122
Elissa Dabkowski Lecturer, Nursing Gippsland (03) 5122 6477
Robeena Emmanual Lecturer, Nursing Berwick (03) 5122 6303
Amanda Ford Coordinator, Mental Health Student Placement Mt Helen (03) 5327 6970
Remya Georgekutty Lecturer, Nursing Berwick (03) 8780 5734
Maryam Ghasemiardekani Lecturer, Nursing Gippsland (03) 5122 6305
Dr Julia Gilbert Lecturer, Nursing Mt Helen (03) 5327 8417
Samira Hamadeh Lecturer, Nursing Gippsland (03)  5122 6392
Dr Kerry Hood Senior Lecturer, Nursing Berwick (03) 4313 7987
Shirley Huang Lecturer, Nursing Mt Helen (03) 5327 6898
Elianna Johnson Lecturer, Nursing Berwick (03) 4313 7975
Sheba Joseph   Berwick (03) 8780 5758
Dr Bindu Joseph Lecturer, Nursing Berwick (03) 4313 7938
Dr Jeong-ah Kim Lecturer, Nursing Mt Helen (03) 5327 6989
Kylie Kruger   Mt Helen (03) 5327 6108
Kerrie Laidlaw Lecture, Nursing and Midwifery Gippsland (03) 5122 6216
Kylie Lowe Lead, Clinical Placement Nursing Berwick -
Laura Marino Lecturer, Nursing Gippsland (03) 5122 6332
Luke McLean Lecturer, Nursing Mt Helen (03) 5327 9663
Jenny Mee Lecturer, Nursing Mt Helen (03) 5327 9613
Nareeda Miller Senior Lecturer, Paramedicine Mt Helen (03) 5327 6154
Nompilo Moyo Lecturer, Nursing Gippsland (03) 5122 6490
Miriam Muduwa Lecturer, Nursing Berwick          (03) 5122 7942
Bindu Narolil Mammen Lecturer, Nursing Berwick (03) 8780 5757
Lucy Osborn Project Coordinator, Mental Health Student Placement Berwick -
Assoc Prof Blake Peck Associate Professor, Nursing Mt Helen (03) 5327 9097
Rebecca Peel Lecturer, Nursing Berwick (03) 5122 6604
Alicia Perkins Clinical Coordinator and Lecturer, Nursing Mt Helen (03) 5362 2631
Rebecca Powell Clinical Coordinator - Berwick Berwick (03) 4313 7919
Nicole Reichman Lecturer, Nursing Mt Helen (03) 5327 6337
Shireen Sewgolam Lecturer, Nursing Mt Helen (03) 5327 6567
Dr Kamal Singh Lecturer, Nursing and Public Health Brisbane (07) 3727 3347
Anju Sreeram Lecturer, Nursing Mt Helen (03) 5327 9932
Erin Tanti Lecturer, Nursing Gippsland (03) 5122 8255
Nissy Thomas Clinical Coordinator - Mt Helen Mt Helen (03) 5327 8472
Amber Van Dreven Lecturer, Nursing Mt Helen (03) 5327 6773
Chelsea Webb Lecturer, Nursing Gippsland (03) 5122 6506
Dean Whitehead Senior Lecturer, Nursing Berwick (07) 3727 3351
Carolyn BaileyHead of Discipline, Midwifery Gippsland (03) 5122 8140
Elise Luders Course Coordinator, Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Midwifery Gippsland (03) 5122 6079
Helena Anolak Lecturer, Midwifery Mt Helen (03) 5327 9355
Rayleen Breach Lecturer, Family and Child Health Berwick (03) 4313 7986
Kath Brundell Lecturer, Midwifery Mt Helen (03) 5327 6630
Jenny D'Antonio Lecturer, Midwifery Mt Helen (03) 5327 9536
Helen Hall Adjunct Professor Berwick (03) 5327 9237
Kerrie Laidlaw Lecturer, Nursing Gippsland (03) 5122 6216
Shelley Macmillan Lecturer, Midwifery Gippsland (03) 5122 6348
Mickaela Taylor Lecturer, Child and Family Health Nursing and Midwifery Berwick (03) 8780 5766
Occupational Therapy
Professor Carolyn UnsworthHead of Discipline,, Occupational Therapy Gippsland (03) 5122 6174
Dr Amanda Timmer Course Coordinator, Occupational Therapy Gippsland (03) 5122 6258
Dr Anne Baker Lecturer, Occupational Therapy Gippsland (03) 5122 6131
Dr Apeksha Gohil Lecturer, Occupational Therapy Gippsland (03) 5122 6109
Jane O'Shanassy Lecturer, Clinical Coordinator Gippsland (03) 5122 6240
Hayley Scott Lecturer, Occupational Therapy Gippsland (03) 5122 6458
Michael Pang Lecturer, Occupational Therapy Gippsland (03) 5327 6846
Blake PeckHead of Discipline,, Paramedicine Mt Helen (03) 5327 9097
Anita Giannis Acting Head of Discipline
Course Coordinator, Graduate Diploma of Paramedicine
Mt Helen (03) 5327 6926
Nereeda Miller Lecturer, Paramedicine Mt Helen (03) 5327 9202
Paul Rogers Lecturer, Paramedicine Mt Helen (03) 5327 6555
Jack Taylor Lecturer, Paramedicine Mt Helen (03) 5327 6573
Assoc Prof Maryam ZoghiHead of Discipline, Physiotherapy Gippsland (03) 5122 6538
Assoc Prof Louisa RemediosProfessor, Physiotherapy Gippsland (03) 5122 6287
Paul Kemel Course Coordinator, Physiotherapy Gippsland (03) 5122 6123
Jane Strachan Clinical Coordinator, Lecturer, Physiotherapy Gippsland (03) 5122 6349
Richard Hession Lecturer, Physiotherapy Gippsland (03) 5122 6491
Naomi Norris Lecturer, Physiotherapy Gippsland (03) 5122 6455
Mitchell Wheeler Lecturer, Anatomy and Physiology Gippsland (03) 5122 6539
Carla Young Clinical Coordinator, Physiotherapy Gippsland (03) 5122 6230
Christine Hicks Allied Health Clinic Manager Gippsland (03) 5122 6494
Ishanka Weerasekara Lecturer, Physiotherapy Gippsland (03) 5122 6550
Prof Rachel GrieveHead of Discipline, Psychology Berwick (03) 5122 6378
Associate Prof George Van Doorn Course Coordinator, Bachelor of Psychology Science (Honours) Gippsland (03) 5122 6746
Assoc Prof Megan Jenkins Head of clinical Services and Programs, Psychology SMB (03) 5327 9775
Dr Danielle Wagstaff Senior Lecturer, Psychology Gippsland (03) 5327 6247
Dr Marlies Alvarenga Senior Lecturer, Psychology Berwick (03) 4313 7912
Dr Natalia Albein-Urios Lecturer, Psychology Berwick (03) 8780 5770
Cienna Baker
Lecturer, Clinical Psychology
Mt Helen -
Nicole Bish Clinical Supervisor, Psychology Mt Helen -
Josie Carlin Lecturer, Psychology Mt Helen -
Louisa Chatterton Senior Lecturer, Psychology Mt Helen (03) 5327 9493
Jasleen Chhabra Adjunct Research Fellow, Psychology Berwick (03) 5122 6280
Dr Mandy Commons Treloar Senior Lecturer, Clinical Psychology Mt Helen (03) 5327 9951
Dr Ria De Gracia Lecturer, Psychology Gippsland (03) 5122 6017
Dr Steve Edwards Senior Lecturer, Psychology Mt Helen (03) 5327 9165
Angela GentClinical Supervisor, Psychology   
Dr Nanette Gerlach Lecturer, Psychology Mt Helen (03) 5327 6723
Lauren Hobbs Clinical Supervisor, Psychology Mt Helen -
Jessica HodgettsSenior Clinical Lead, Psychology   
Associate Prof Evita March Senior Lecturer, Psychology Berwick (03) 5122 8044
Dr Kimberley McFarlane Lecturer, Psychology Gippsland (03) 5327 6560
Dr Upekha MiriyagallaLecturer, Psychology   
Dr Divya PeterLecturer, Psychology   
Dr Alex Poll Lecturer, Psychology Berwick (03) 4313 7982
Dr Garry Power Lecturer, Psychology Gippsland (03) 512  6006
Rhian ShakeshaftSenior Lecturer, Clinical Psychology   
Prof Dixie Statham Professor, Clinical Psychology Mt Helen (03) 5327 6158
Dr Robert Teese Lecturer, Psychology Mt Helen (03) 5327 9615
Kieran Thorpe Lecturer, Psychology Mt Helen (03) 5327 6174
Dr Justin Timora Course Coordinator, Bachelor of Psychological Science Berwick (03) 5122 6007
Sue Titcumb Clinical Supervisor, Psychology Mt Helen +61417368671
Dr Shaun Watson Senior Lecturer, Psychology Mt Helen (03) 5327 9622
Dr Jo WintherSenior Lecturer, Clinical Psychology   
Public Health
Professor Dr Muhammad Aziz Rahman Head of Discipline, Public Health Berwick (03) 4313 7908
Biswajit Banik Course Coordinator, Master of Public Health Berwick (03) 4313 7937
Sheikh Alif Senior Lecturer, Public Health Berwick (03) 878 05713
Dr Mimmie Claudine Watts Associate Professor, Director, Industry Cooperation Berwick (03) 5327 9750
Stephen Weber Lecturer, Occupational Health and Safety Berwick (03) 5327 6179
Speech Pathology
Chyrisse HeineHead of Discipline, Speech Pathology, Berwick (03) 5327 9444
Hannah Clarke Course Coordinator, Master of Speech Pathology Clinical Coordinator and Lecturer, Speech Pathology Mt Helen (03) 5327 9636
Courtney Lewis Course Coordinator, Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours), Lecturer, Speech Pathology Berwick (03) 5327 6980
Jasmin Prewett Lecturer, Speech Pathology Mt Helen (03) 5327 9794
Marila Kozdra Lecturer, Speech Pathology Mt Helen (03) 5327 6761