
Welcome to Nursing

Learn how to care for a diverse range of patients in a variety of clinical settings. Get hands-on experience across acute medical and surgical nursing, mental health, aged care and community care. Develop evidenced-based, professional, legal and ethical decision-making skills.

Semester timetables

First years follow the standard Federation academic calendar, but years 2 to 4 start their semesters four weeks earlier (late January for Semester 1 and late June for Semester 2).

If you're heading straight into 2nd year as an Enrolled Nurse, your classes start on 23 June for Semester 2.

If you joined us mid-year, you'll be jumping in with the 2nd years. Yep, that means you start in January too.

Learn more


Clinical placements give you a chance to apply your knowledge in real situations – which is the best way to prepare for the workforce. You must complete at least 800 hours throughout your degree (and some travel might be necessary).

You’ll use the InPlace platform to submit your placement preferences and find out where you’ve been placed.

Download the placement calendar. Pair this with the university important dates calendar to keep on top of everything.

Placement rosters
Some health agencies won’t provide a roster before your placement starts, but you’ll get one on your first day. If rosters are available early, you’ll get a copy sent to your student email.

Meet your Course Coordinators

"Your options will be wide when you graduate. A career in nursing is both challenging and immensely rewarding."

Dr Swapnali Gazula
Course Coordinator & Senior Lecturer

Dr Louise Allen
Course Coordinator & Senior Lecturer