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Please find below the unit outlines.
BEHAV1001 - Human behaviour in the modern world (PDF, 181kB)
BEHAV1002 - Brains and behaviour (PDF, 180kB)
BEHAV2001 - Lifespan human development (PDF, 195kB)
BEHAV2001 - Lifespan human development (PDF, 181kB)
BEHAV2002 - Abnormal behaviour (PDF, 177kB)
BEHAV2003 - Behaviour in the workplace (PDF, 177kB)
BEHAV2004 - Forensic behavioural science (PDF, 179kB)
BEHAV3003 - Health and behaviour change (PDF, 175kB)
BEHAV3004 - Counselling theory and practice (PDF, 179kB)
BEHAV5001 - Human behaviour in the modern world (PDF, 179kB)
BEHAV5002 - Behaviour in the workplace (PDF, 180kB)
BEHAV5003 - Health and behaviour change (PDF, 178kB)
BEHAV5004 - Counselling theory and practice (PDF, 180kB)
BMAGC1912 - Human bioscience in nursing (PDF, 166kB)
BUHEA6901 - Contemporary issues in health services management (PDF, 177kB)
BUHEA6902 - Policy in health services management (PDF, 176kB)
BUHEA6903 - Leadership in health services management (PDF, 176kB)
BUHEA6904 - Evidence- based practice in health services management (PDF, 175kB)
ENVGC2757 - Environmental health (PDF, 298kB)
EXESP4010 - Research thesis 1 (PDF, 173kB)
EXESP4011 - Research thesis 2 (PDF, 173kB)
EXPHS6001 - Musculoskeletal exercise physiology 1 (PDF, 177kB)
EXPHS6006 - Musculoskeletal exercise physiology 2 (PDF, 177kB)
EXPHS6011 - Exercise physiology for cardiopulmonary and metabolic conditions (PDF, 176kB)
EXPHS6012 - Introduction to exercise physiology practice (PDF, 180kB)
EXPHS6013 - Exercise physiology for neurological conditions (PDF, 179kB)
EXPHS6014 - Communication and complex conditions in exercise physiology practice (PDF, 176kB)
EXPHS6015 - Clinical placement 1 (PDF, 177kB)
EXPHS7004 - Clinical exercise physiology thesis (PDF, 175kB)
EXPHS7007 - Clinical placement 2 (PDF, 181kB)
EXSCI1004 - Biomechanics (PDF, 326kB)
EXSCI1005 - Physiological bases of human movement i (PDF, 311kB)
EXSCI1102 - Anatomical basis of human movement hm (PDF, 323kB)
EXSCI1106 - Measurement and evaluation in human movement pe (PDF, 604kB)
EXSCI1107 - Measurement and evaluation in human movement hm (PDF, 604kB)
EXSCI1701 - Introduction to biomechanics (PDF, 177kB)
EXSCI1702 - Exercise principles and instruction (PDF, 178kB)
EXSCI1703 - Motor learning and control (PDF, 176kB)
EXSCI1704 - Principles of research in exercise science (PDF, 175kB)
EXSCI1705 - Sports performance management (PDF, 308kB)
EXSCI2000 - Biomechanics in physical education (PDF, 182kB)
EXSCI2002 - Functional anatomy (PDF, 604kB)
EXSCI2005 - Sports coaching i (PDF, 605kB)
EXSCI2006 - Sports coaching ii (PDF, 604kB)
EXSCI2008 - Applied biomechanics (PDF, 177kB)
EXSCI2171 - Exercise physiology (PDF, 197kB)
EXSCI2172 - Functional human anatomy (PDF, 181kB)
EXSCI2173 - Psychology of sport and exercise (PDF, 175kB)
EXSCI2174 - Assessment, programming and prescription 1 (PDF, 194kB)
EXSCI2175 - Exercise prescription 1 (PDF, 176kB)
EXSCI2176 - Inclusion through physical activity (PDF, 181kB)
EXSCI2176 - Inclusion through physical activity (PDF, 183kB)
EXSCI2177 - Advanced motor control and learning (PDF, 195kB)
EXSCI3001 - Injury prevention in human movement activities (PDF, 605kB)
EXSCI3002 - Physical preparation for sport (PDF, 179kB)
EXSCI3006 - Motor development and learning (PDF, 305kB)
EXSCI3171 - Advanced motor learning and control (PDF, 176kB)
EXSCI3172 - Exercise prescription 2 (PDF, 177kB)
EXSCI3173 - Injury prevention and management in human movement (PDF, 177kB)
EXSCI3174 - Applied exercise science (PDF, 180kB)
EXSCI3175 - Exercise modalities (PDF, 177kB)
EXSCI3176 - Advanced exercise programming and prescription (PDF, 183kB)
EXSCI3177 - Applied exercise science (PDF, 177kB)
EXSCI4000 - Exercise physiology and fitness (PDF, 177kB)
HCMTL2021 - Mental health nursing practice 1 (PDF, 167kB)
HCMTL2022 - Mental health nursing practice 2 (PDF, 167kB)
HCMTL2033 - The continuum of mental health (PDF, 604kB)
HCMTL3023 - Mental health nursing practice 3 (PDF, 167kB)
HCNUR1002 - Foundations of nursing 2 (PDF, 166kB)
HCNUR1011 - Foundations of nursing 1 (PDF, 604kB)
HCNUR1012 - Foundations of nursing 2 (PDF, 603kB)
HCNUR1031 - Population health 1 (PDF, 604kB)
HCNUR1932 - Clinical practice 1: assessment and pharmacology (PDF, 167kB)
HCNUR2013 - Comprehensive nursing care 1 (PDF, 604kB)
HCNUR2031 - Acute care nursing practice 1 (PDF, 167kB)
HCNUR2032 - Acute care nursing practice 2 (PDF, 167kB)
HCNUR2041 - Nursing practice in community settings 1 (PDF, 167kB)
HCNUR2042 - Nursing practice in community settings 2 (PDF, 167kB)
HCNUR2901 - Clinical practice 1 (PDF, 166kB)
HCNUR2902 - Clinical practice 2 (PDF, 166kB)
HCNUR2943 - Clinical practice 2 (PDF, 604kB)
HCNUR3025 - Professional nursing 4 (PDF, 603kB)
HCNUR3026 - Advanced nursing practice (PDF, 299kB)
HCNUR3033 - Acute care nursing practice 3 (PDF, 167kB)
HCNUR3034 - Acute care nursing practice 4 (PDF, 167kB)
HCNUR3043 - Nursing practice in community settings 3 (PDF, 167kB)
HCNUR3052 - Studies in the discipline of nursing 2 (PDF, 167kB)
HCNUR3053 - Studies in the discipline of nursing 3 (PDF, 167kB)
HCNUR3903 - Clinical practice 3 (PDF, 166kB)
HCNUR3904 - Clinical practice 4 (PDF, 166kB)
HCNUR3914 - Specialised clinical practice (PDF, 603kB)
HCNUR6011 - Nursing research methodologies (PDF, 181kB)
HCNUR6021 - Guided independent study (PDF, 179kB)
HCNUR6031 - Nursing inquiry (PDF, 169kB)
HCNUR6041 - Contemporary issues in global health (PDF, 305kB)
HCNUR6071 - Minor thesis i (PDF, 178kB)
HCNUR7001 - Minor thesis (f-t) (PDF, 606kB)
HCNUR7003 - Minor thesis (PDF, 178kB)
HCPAR5001 - Clinical paramedicine 1 (PDF, 177kB)
HCPAR5001 - Clinical paramedicine 1 (PDF, 177kB)
HCPAR5011 - Paramedic clinical diagnostics 1 (PDF, 176kB)
HCPAR5021 - Community, paramedic culture and practice 1 (PDF, 177kB)
HCPAR6002 - Clinical paramedicine 2 (PDF, 177kB)
HCPAR6002 - Clinical paramedicine 2 (PDF, 177kB)
HCPAR6012 - Paramedic clinical diagnostics 2 (PDF, 176kB)
HCPAR6013 - Clinical diagnostics and practice (PDF, 178kB)
HCPAR6022 - Community, paramedic culture & practice 2 (PDF, 177kB)
HCPAR6022 - Community, paramedic culture and practice 2 (PDF, 177kB)
HCPAR6902 - Paramedic work integrated learning 1 (PDF, 178kB)
HCPAR6912 - Paramedic work integrated learning 2 (PDF, 177kB)
HEAAN6602 - Advanced pathophysiology for acute care nursing (PDF, 197kB)
HEAAN6603 - Advanced health assessment for acute care nursing (PDF, 196kB)
HEACN6001 - Cardiac nursing practice 1 (PDF, 197kB)
HEACN6002 - Cardiac nursing practice 2 (PDF, 195kB)
HEACN6003 - Pathophysiology and health assessment for advanced cardiac practice (PDF, 195kB)
HEALA6400 - Pathophysiology and pharmacology in the older adult (PDF, 180kB)
HEALA6401 - Comprehensive assessment of the older adult (PDF, 177kB)
HEALA6402 - Management and leadership in aged care (PDF, 199kB)
HEALA6403 - Supportive and palliative care of the older person (PDF, 197kB)
HEALA6404 - Mental health in the older person (PDF, 197kB)
HEALC6401 - Core principles of care for the intensive care patient (PDF, 176kB)
HEALC6402 - Intensive care nursing practice (PDF, 177kB)
HEALE6401 - Principles of care for the emergency patient (PDF, 176kB)
HEALE6402 - Emergency nursing practice (PDF, 176kB)
HEALM6301 - Child and family health assessment 1 (PDF, 179kB)
HEALM6302 - Family and community studies (PDF, 181kB)
HEALM6302 - Family and community studies (PDF, 176kB)
HEALM6303 - Working in partnerships with families (PDF, 191kB)
HEALM6304 - Child and family health assessment 2 (PDF, 176kB)
HEALM6305 - Child and family health in community (PDF, 193kB)
HEALM6306 - Infant and child nutrition (PDF, 177kB)
HEALM6307 - Applied research for child and family health (PDF, 176kB)
HEALM6308 - Working in collaboration with first nations families (PDF, 183kB)
HEALN6101 - Introduction to the well neonate (PDF, 181kB)
HEALN6101 - Introduction to the well neonate (PDF, 182kB)
HEALN6102 - Supportive neonatal care (PDF, 177kB)
HEALN6103 - Complex neonatal care (PDF, 176kB)
HEALN6104 - Introduction to infant feeding (PDF, 182kB)
HEALN6106 - Advanced human lactation (PDF, 198kB)
HEALN6108 - Supportive neonatal care (PDF, 179kB)
HEALO6401 - Principles of care for the perioperative patient (PDF, 176kB)
HEALO6402 - Perioperative nursing practice (PDF, 176kB)
HEALP6001 - Paediatric nursing practice 1 (PDF, 177kB)
HEALP6002 - Paediatric nursing practice 2 (PDF, 180kB)
HEALP6201 - Perinatal and infant mental health 1 (PDF, 193kB)
HEALP6202 - Perinatal and infant mental health 2 (PDF, 193kB)
HEALP6203 - Advanced perinatal and infant mental health (PDF, 191kB)
HEALP6204 - Perinatal mental health a (PDF, 199kB)
HEALP6205 - Perinatal mental health b (PDF, 197kB)
HEALT1002 - Drugs and society (PDF, 604kB)
HEALT1104 - Health and lifestyle (PDF, 176kB)
HEALT1111 - Anatomy & physiology for health professionals 1 (PDF, 194kB)
HEALT1112 - Anatomy and physiology for health professionals 2 (PDF, 193kB)
HEALT1112 - Anatomy & physiology for health professionals 2 (PDF, 193kB)
HEALT1112 - Anatomy and physiology for health professionals 2 (PDF, 193kB)
HEALT1113 - Communication for health professionals (PDF, 180kB)
HEALT1121 - Anatomy and physiology for health & nutrition 1 (PDF, 176kB)
HEALT1122 - Anatomy and physiology for health & nutrition 2 (PDF, 176kB)
HEALT1705 - Psychosocial aspects of health behaviour (PDF, 177kB)
HEALT1706 - Health and physical activity promotion (PDF, 177kB)
HEALT1706 - Health and physical activity promotion (PDF, 177kB)
HEALT2003 - Youth health issues in society (PDF, 181kB)
HEALT2006 - Population and global health perspectives (PDF, 178kB)
HEALT2114 - The health & cultural diversity of first australians (PDF, 343kB)
HEALT2174 - Nutrition for health and exercise (PDF, 177kB)
HEALT2174 - Nutrition for health and exercise (PDF, 177kB)
HEALT3003 - Health project (PDF, 604kB)
HEALT3006 - Health promotion (PDF, 176kB)
HEALT3705 - Health promotion internship (PDF, 177kB)
HEALT6000 - Global health determinants (PDF, 176kB)
HEALT6001 - Research methods for health (PDF, 176kB)
HEALT6002 - Inquiry and analysis of literature (PDF, 177kB)
HEALT6002 - Inquiry and analysis of literature (PDF, 176kB)
HEALT6003 - Pathophysiology and health assessment for advanced practice (PDF, 176kB)
HEALT7000 - Qualitative health research (PDF, 307kB)
HEALT7001 - Quantitative and mixed methods research in health (PDF, 306kB)
HEALT7002 - Research thesis a (PDF, 176kB)
HEALT7003 - Research thesis b (PDF, 177kB)
HEALT7004 - Leadership development in health contexts (PDF, 177kB)
HEALT7005 - Applied project for health practice (PDF, 176kB)
HEALT7006 - Work integrated project (PDF, 176kB)
HEALT7006 - Work integrated project (PDF, 175kB)
HEALT7007 - The impact of alcohol and other drugs on mental health (PDF, 181kB)
HEANP6001 - Advanced practice in healthcare (PDF, 191kB)
HEANP6003 - Comprehensive health assessment and application of diagnostic principles (PDF, 177kB)
HEANP7002 - Quality use of medicines (PDF, 194kB)
HEANP7003 - Complex health assessment and application of diagnostic principles (PDF, 195kB)
HEANP7005 - Comprehensive and safe patient care (PDF, 194kB)
HEAPH6001 - Introduction to public health (PDF, 177kB)
HEAPH6002 - Epidemiology (PDF, 175kB)
HEAPH6003 - Biostatistics (PDF, 176kB)
HEAPH6004 - Indigenous health (PDF, 176kB)
HEAPH6007 - Health promotion (PDF, 176kB)
HEAPH7001 - Public health ethics (PDF, 175kB)
HEAPH7002 - Public health informatics (PDF, 177kB)
HEAPH7003 - Public health economics (PDF, 177kB)
HEAPH7003 - Public health economics (PDF, 176kB)
HEASC4001 - Research methods and ethical practice (PDF, 176kB)
HEASC4002 - Independent guided reading (PDF, 174kB)
HEASC4003 - Elective studies (PDF, 173kB)
HEASC4010 - Research thesis 1 (PDF, 178kB)
HEASC4011 - Research thesis 2 (PDF, 306kB)
HEASC4021 - Research thesis 2b (PDF, 177kB)
HEASP1011 - Anatomy and physiology for speech pathology 1 (PDF, 182kB)
HEASP1012 - Introduction to speech pathology (PDF, 181kB)
HEASP1015 - Acquired language and speech impairment 1 (PDF, 176kB)
HEASP1021 - Anatomy and physiology for speech pathology 2 (PDF, 176kB)
HEASP1022 - Lifespan development and communication (PDF, 182kB)
HEASP2012 - Speech pathology development and impairment (PDF, 177kB)
HEASP2013 - Speech pathology clinical practice 1 (PDF, 182kB)
HEASP2022 - Case studies in speech pathology (PDF, 177kB)
HEASP2023 - Speech pathology clinical practice 2 (PDF, 181kB)
HEASP3021 - Healthcare in rural and regional australia (PDF, 177kB)
HEASP3021 - Healthcare in rural and regional australia (PDF, 177kB)
HEASP3022 - Swallowing disabilities across the life span (PDF, 178kB)
HEASP3024 - Complex case studies in speech pathology (PDF, 177kB)
HEASP3025 - Acquired language and speech impairment 2 (PDF, 177kB)
HEASP3025 - Acquired language and speech impairment 2 (PDF, 177kB)
HEASP3033 - Speech pathology clinical practice 3 (PDF, 178kB)
HEASP3043 - Speech pathology clinical practice 4 (PDF, 179kB)
HEASP4011 - Professional honours project 1 (PDF, 177kB)
HEASP4012 - Professional honours project 2 part a (PDF, 179kB)
HEASP4012 - Professional honours project 2 part a (PDF, 179kB)
HEASP4021 - Advanced clinical reasoning (PDF, 177kB)
HEASP4022 - Professional honours project 2 part b (PDF, 179kB)
HEASP4053 - Speech pathology clinical practice 5 (PDF, 179kB)
HEASP4063 - Speech pathology clinical practice 6 (PDF, 179kB)
HEASP4111 - Research honours project 1 (PDF, 175kB)
HEASP4112 - Research honours project 2 part a (PDF, 176kB)
HEASP4122 - Research honours project 2 part b (PDF, 176kB)
HEASP5011 - Anatomy and physiology for speech pathology 1 (PDF, 181kB)
HEASP5013 - Speech pathology clinical practice 1 (PDF, 187kB)
HEASP5014 - Clinical processes in speech pathology a (PDF, 178kB)
HEASP5015 - Acquired language and speech impairment 1 (PDF, 178kB)
HEASP5022 - Lifespan development and communication (PDF, 181kB)
HEASP5024 - Clinical processes in speech pathology b (PDF, 179kB)
HEASP6012 - Speech pathology development and impairment (PDF, 181kB)
HEASP6012 - Speech pathology development and impairment (PDF, 177kB)
HEASP6021 - Professional issues and practice (PDF, 178kB)
HEASP6021 - Professional issues and practice (PDF, 177kB)
HEASP6023 - Speech pathology clinical practice 2 (PDF, 183kB)
HEASP6024 - Complex case studies in speech pathology (PDF, 177kB)
HEASP6033 - Speech pathology clinical practice 3 (PDF, 182kB)
HEASP6112 - Research project part a (PDF, 175kB)
HEASP6122 - Research project part b (PDF, 176kB)
HEMTL6000 - Mental health nursing practice 1 (PDF, 177kB)
HEMTL6001 - Therapeutics in mental health (PDF, 177kB)
HEMTL6002 - Mental health nursing practice 2 (PDF, 175kB)
HEMTL6003 - Mental health systems (PDF, 176kB)
HEMTL6004 - Advanced therapeutic skills (PDF, 176kB)
HEMTL6005 - Cognitive behavioural therapy for health professionals (PDF, 178kB)
HENAH4000 - Human anatomy and physiology (PDF, 179kB)
HLTSC1000 - Introduction to health technologies (PDF, 178kB)
HLTSC2000 - Health information management (PDF, 263kB)
HLTSC3000 - Applied project in health (PDF, 178kB)
HLTSC3001 - Healthcare leadership and teamwork (PDF, 178kB)
HLTSC3002 - Working strategically in healthcare contexts (PDF, 176kB)
HLTSC3003 - Health analytics and data mining (PDF, 178kB)
HLWHS6000 - Contemporary workplace health and safety practice and risk (PDF, 179kB)
HLWHS6001 - Workplace health and safety regulation, systems and complexity (PDF, 177kB)
HLWHS6002 - Workplace health and safety and organisational effectiveness (PDF, 179kB)
HLWHS6003 - Ohs work integrated project (PDF, 177kB)
HLWHS6003 - Ohs work integrated project (PDF, 177kB)
HMPRC2005 - Sport management workplace readiness (PDF, 180kB)
HMPRC2170 - Introduction to exercise science workplace learning (PDF, 176kB)
HMPRC3002 - Internship in sport management (PDF, 177kB)
HMPRC3008 - Professional practice 3: part b (PDF, 308kB)
HMPRC3170 - Exercise science workplace readiness (PDF, 177kB)
HNRBC6001 - Early career nursing practice (PDF, 197kB)
ISMAN1001 - Introduction to international sport management (PDF, 176kB)
ISMAN1002 - Sport event management (PDF, 175kB)
ISMAN1003 - Managing sport development (PDF, 176kB)
ISMAN1004 - Psychological and socio-cultural factors of physical activity (PDF, 176kB)
ISMAN1005 - Introduction to sport marketing (PDF, 176kB)
ISMAN1006 - Sports performance management (PDF, 176kB)
ISMAN1007 - Human resource management for sport (PDF, 176kB)
ISMAN1008 - Research principles for sport management (PDF, 176kB)
ISMAN2001 - Strategic management of sport organisations (PDF, 176kB)
ISMAN2002 - International sports law (PDF, 176kB)
ISMAN2003 - Sport finance (PDF, 175kB)
ISMAN2004 - Sport management industry preparation (PDF, 175kB)
ISMAN2005 - Digital media marketing (PDF, 175kB)
ISMAN2006 - Data analytics for sport management (PDF, 177kB)
ISMAN2007 - Sport policy (PDF, 175kB)
ISMAN2008 - Health promotion through sport (PDF, 175kB)
ISMAN3001 - Sport, media and public relations (PDF, 196kB)
ISMAN3002 - Applied sport marketing (PDF, 195kB)
ISMAN3003 - Management of sport facilities (PDF, 175kB)
ISMAN3004 - Managing injury prevention in sport (PDF, 176kB)
ISMAN3009 - Internship in sport management (60 cp) (PDF, 181kB)
ISMAN3010 - Internship in sport management (30 cp) (PDF, 181kB)
MIDBM1001 - Introduction to midwifery (PDF, 191kB)
MIDBM1002 - Midwifery practice foundations (PDF, 193kB)
MIDBM2001 - Pharmacology and diagnostics for midwives (PDF, 199kB)
MIDBM2003 - Childbearing challenges (PDF, 194kB)
MIDBM2004 - Context of midwifery (PDF, 194kB)
MIDBM3105 - Evidence-based midwifery practice (PDF, 191kB)
MIDBM3106 - Complex midwifery practice (PDF, 193kB)
MIDBM3107 - Neonates requiring extra care (PDF, 194kB)
MIDBM3108 - Perinatal and infant mental health (PDF, 191kB)
MIDBM3209 - Midwifery practice diversity (PDF, 191kB)
MIDBM3210 - Midwifery practice consolidation (PDF, 191kB)
MIDBM3211 - Pharmacology and diagnostics for midwives (PDF, 194kB)
MIDGC1002 - Making practice connections (PDF, 166kB)
MIDGC2004 - Being with birthing women (PDF, 166kB)
MIDGC2105 - Supporting birthing women (PDF, 166kB)
MIDGC3103 - Childbearing obstacles (PDF, 166kB)
MIDGC3104 - Navigating childbearing challenges (PDF, 167kB)
MIDGC3201 - Midwifery practice elective (PDF, 301kB)
MIDGC3202 - Supporting the newborn infant (PDF, 166kB)
MIDGC4001 - Preparation for practice (midwifery) (PDF, 167kB)
MIDGC5002 - Woman midwife partnerships and complex childbearing (PDF, 167kB)
MIDGC5006 - Public and primary health care in midwifery (PDF, 167kB)
MIDGC5007 - Contextual and professional issues in midwifery (PDF, 167kB)
MIDGD6001 - Woman centred midwifery practice 1 (PDF, 344kB)
MIDGD6002 - Midwifery: public & primary healthcare (PDF, 343kB)
MIDGD6003 - Midwifery profession and governance (PDF, 341kB)
MIDGD6004 - Woman centred midwifery practice 2 (PDF, 345kB)
MIDGD6005 - Midwifery: evidence based practice (PDF, 197kB)
MIDGD6006 - Diversity of midwifery practice (PDF, 340kB)
MIDGD6201 - Woman centred midwifery care (PDF, 197kB)
MIDGD6202 - Midwifery as a profession (PDF, 181kB)
MIDGD6203 - Midwifery care for women with complex needs (PDF, 198kB)
MIDGD6203 - Midwifery care for women with complex needs (PDF, 196kB)
MIDGD6204 - Care of the neonate with increased needs (PDF, 195kB)
MIDGD6204 - Care of the neonate with increased needs (PDF, 194kB)
MIDGD6205 - Research methods for evidence based practice (PDF, 177kB)
MIDGD6207 - Midwifery partnerships with first nations families (PDF, 181kB)
MIDGD6207 - Midwifery partnerships with first nations families (PDF, 182kB)
NHPBM1031 - Anatomy and physiology for rehabilitation science 1 (PDF, 176kB)
NHPBM1031 - Anatomy and physiology for rehabilitation science 1 (PDF, 176kB)
NHPBM1032 - Anatomy and physiology for rehabilitation science 2 (PDF, 176kB)
NHPBM1032 - Anatomy and physiology for rehabilitation science 2 (PDF, 176kB)
NHPHS1003 - Life span development for health a (PDF, 197kB)
NHPHS1401 - Health and healthcare in australia (PDF, 178kB)
NHPHS2101 - Health professional research 1 (PDF, 177kB)
NHPHS2102 - Health professional research 2 (PDF, 197kB)
NHPHS2102 - Health professional research 2 (PDF, 176kB)
NHPHS2401 - Rural and remote primary and public health care (PDF, 180kB)
NHPHS2403 - Health promotion for health professionals (PDF, 179kB)
NHPHS3401 - Health professional research 2 (PDF, 179kB)
NHPHS3403 - Health promotion for health professionals (PDF, 177kB)
NHPOT1011 - Introduction to occupation and occupational therapy (PDF, 194kB)
NHPOT1012 - Enabling occupation through partnerships (PDF, 200kB)
NHPOT1012 - Enabling occupation through partnerships (PDF, 177kB)
NHPOT2013 - Psycho-emotional determinants of occupation (PDF, 198kB)
NHPOT2014 - Contextual determinants of occupation (PDF, 198kB)
NHPOT2014 - Contextual determinants of occupation (PDF, 176kB)
NHPOT2015 - Physical and cognitive-neurological determinants of occupation (PDF, 178kB)
NHPOT2016 - Rural and remote primary and public health care in occupational therapy (PDF, 198kB)
NHPOT2016 - Rural and remote primary and public health care in occupational therapy (PDF, 176kB)
NHPOT3004 - Rural and urban practice 1 (PDF, 320kB)
NHPOT3005 - Rural and urban practice 2 (PDF, 192kB)
NHPOT3011 - Enhancing practice capabilities (PDF, 179kB)
NHPOT3012 - Professional practice preparation (PDF, 180kB)
NHPOT3017 - Enhancing practice capabilities (PDF, 176kB)
NHPOT3018 - Professional practice preparation (PDF, 177kB)
NHPOT3019 - Occupational therapy honours project part 1 of 3 (PDF, 176kB)
NHPOT3020 - Rural and urban practice 1 (PDF, 197kB)
NHPOT3020 - Rural and urban practice 1 (PDF, 175kB)
NHPOT3021 - Rural and urban practice 2 (PDF, 175kB)
NHPOT3021 - Rural and urban practice 2 (PDF, 195kB)
NHPOT3119 - Occupational therapy honours research part 1 of 3 (PDF, 179kB)
NHPOT4003 - Health law and ethics, reflective practice (PDF, 323kB)
NHPOT4004 - Advancing professional practice (PDF, 180kB)
NHPOT4007 - Advanced rural or urban practice (PDF, 323kB)
NHPOT4022 - Advanced rural or urban practice (PDF, 171kB)
NHPOT4023 - Occupational therapy honours project part 2 of 3 (PDF, 176kB)
NHPOT4024 - Health law and ethics, reflective practice (PDF, 182kB)
NHPOT4025 - Advancing professional practice (PDF, 176kB)
NHPOT4025 - Advancing professional practice (PDF, 176kB)
NHPOT4026 - Occupational therapy honours project part 3 of 3 (PDF, 176kB)
NHPOT4026 - Occupational therapy honours project part 3 of 3 (PDF, 197kB)
NHPOT4027 - Advancing reflective practice (PDF, 177kB)
NHPOT4027 - Advancing reflective practice (PDF, 199kB)
NHPOT4123 - Occupational therapy honours research part 2 of 3 (PDF, 179kB)
NHPOT4126 - Occupational therapy honours research part 3 of 3 (PDF, 179kB)
NHPPS1001 - Introduction to physiotherapy (PDF, 176kB)
NHPPS1001 - Introduction to physiotherapy (PDF, 177kB)
NHPPS1002 - Introduction to physiotherapy applications (PDF, 176kB)
NHPPS1002 - Introduction to physiotherapy applications (PDF, 175kB)
NHPPS1111 - Anatomy and physiology for physiotherapy (PDF, 177kB)
NHPPS1111 - Anatomy and physiology for physiotherapy (PDF, 176kB)
NHPPS1122 - Anatomy and physiology for physiotherapy 2 (PDF, 176kB)
NHPPS1122 - Anatomy and physiology for physiotherapy 2 (PDF, 176kB)
NHPPS2002 - Physiotherapy 1 (PDF, 179kB)
NHPPS2003 - Physiotherapy 2 (PDF, 178kB)
NHPPS2004 - Neuroscience in physiotherapy (PDF, 178kB)
NHPPS2005 - Physiotherapy applications across the lifespan (PDF, 179kB)
NHPPS2013 - Neurological focused physiotherapy (PDF, 177kB)
NHPPS2024 - Cardiovascular and respiratory focused physiotherapy (PDF, 177kB)
NHPPS2024 - Cardiovascular and respiratory focused physiotherapy (PDF, 176kB)
NHPPS2113 - Neurological anatomy and physiology (PDF, 179kB)
NHPPS2113 - Neurological anatomy and physiology (PDF, 175kB)
NHPPS2124 - Cardiovascular and respiratory anatomy and physiology (PDF, 176kB)
NHPPS2124 - Cardiovascular and respiratory anatomy and physiology (PDF, 176kB)
NHPPS2224 - Complex cases in rural, remote and indigenous communities (PDF, 178kB)
NHPPS3001 - Physiotherapy 3 (PDF, 180kB)
NHPPS3002 - Physiotherapy 4 (PDF, 179kB)
NHPPS3003 - Physiotherapy 5 (PDF, 180kB)
NHPPS3006 - Complex cases in rural, remote and indigenous communities (PDF, 180kB)
NHPPS3007 - Physiotherapy theory and application 1 (part 1 of 2) (PDF, 178kB)
NHPPS3008 - Physiotherapy theory and application 1 (part 1 of 2) (PDF, 176kB)
NHPPS3015 - Physiotherapy applications across the lifespan (PDF, 177kB)
NHPPS3107 - Physiotherapy theory and application 1 (part 1 of 2 honours) (PDF, 175kB)
NHPPS3107 - Physiotherapy theory and application 1 (part 1 of 2 honours) (PDF, 176kB)
NHPPS3110 - Physiotherapy independent study (PDF, 177kB)
NHPPS3115 - Complex spine and pain presentations (PDF, 179kB)
NHPPS3115 - Complex spine and pain presentations (PDF, 196kB)
NHPPS3126 - Translating evidence into practice (PDF, 196kB)
NHPPS3215 - Orthopaedics and sports (PDF, 177kB)
NHPPS3315 - Evidence based practice: journal club (PDF, 176kB)
NHPPS3815 - Physiotherapy honours thesis 1 (PDF, 196kB)
NHPPS3826 - Physiotherapy honours thesis 2 (PDF, 195kB)
NHPPS4001 - Physiotherapy theory and application 2 (part 2 of 2) (PDF, 176kB)
NHPPS4001 - Physiotherapy theory and application 2 (part 2 of 2) (PDF, 176kB)
NHPPS4002 - Contemporary issues for physiotherapists (PDF, 180kB)
NHPPS4003 - Physiotherapy health law and ethics (PDF, 179kB)
NHPPS4003 - Physiotherapy health law and ethics (PDF, 176kB)
NHPPS4004 - Advanced topics in physiotherapy (PDF, 180kB)
NHPPS4004 - Advanced topics in physiotherapy (PDF, 176kB)
NHPPS4101 - Physiotherapy theory and application 2 (part 2 of 2) (honours) (PDF, 176kB)
NHPPS4102 - Physiotherapy honours thesis part 1 of 2 (PDF, 177kB)
NHPPS4103 - Physiotherapy honours thesis part 2 of 2 (PDF, 177kB)
NHPPS4817 - Physiotherapy honours thesis 3 (PDF, 195kB)
NHPPS4828 - Physiotherapy honours thesis 4 (PDF, 195kB)
NHPRH1002 - Communication skills for health professionals (PDF, 180kB)
NHPRH1004 - Foundations of allied health professional practice (PDF, 177kB)
NHPRH2002 - Clinical medicine for therapy (PDF, 177kB)
NHPTM4401 - Health policy and planning (PDF, 179kB)
NURBN1001 - Legal & ethical decision making in person-centred care (PDF, 199kB)
NURBN1001 - Legal and ethical decision making in person-centred care (PDF, 197kB)
NURBN1003 - Foundational nursing practice 1: introduction to nursing assessment & practice (PDF, 211kB)
NURBN1004 - Determinants of health (PDF, 195kB)
NURBN1005 - Introduction to research & evidence-based practice (PDF, 196kB)
NURBN1006 - Foundational nursing practice 2: assessment & nursing management (PDF, 326kB)
NURBN1012 - Nursing context 3: professional, legal and ethical decision-making in person-centered care (PDF, 177kB)
NURBN1013 - Nursing practice 1: introduction to person-centered nursing practice (PDF, 178kB)
NURBN1015 - Research 1: introduction to evidence-based practice and research (PDF, 177kB)
NURBN1016 - Primary health 1: determinants of health (PDF, 178kB)
NURBN1017 - Nursing practice 2: nursing assessment and management (PDF, 179kB)
NURBN1111 - Anatomy and physiology for nursing and midwifery 1 (PDF, 200kB)
NURBN1112 - Anatomy and physiology for nursing and midwifery 2 (PDF, 198kB)
NURBN2000 - Elective 2: transition into nursing studies (PDF, 200kB)
NURBN2009 - Health promotion & illness prevention (PDF, 325kB)
NURBN2010 - Elective 1: pharmacology for nurses (PDF, 325kB)
NURBN2012 - Nursing practice 3: pathophysiology & pharmacology applied to nursing (PDF, 340kB)
NURBN2014 - Context of practice 3: mental health & illness (PDF, 329kB)
NURBN2015 - Context of practice 4: acute nursing (PDF, 342kB)
NURBN2016 - Nursing practice 4: advanced pathophysiology & pharmacology applied to nursing (PDF, 340kB)
NURBN2017 - The health & cultural diversity of first australians for nurses (PDF, 340kB)
NURBN2020 - Nursing context 5: pharmacology for nurses (PDF, 179kB)
NURBN2021 - Primary health 2: health promotion (PDF, 179kB)
NURBN2022 - Nursing practice 3: person-centered nursing practice a (PDF, 180kB)
NURBN2023 - Nursing context 6: pathophysiology and pharmacology applied to person-centered nursing practice a (PDF, 193kB)
NURBN2024 - Nursing practice 4: mental health nursing (PDF, 199kB)
NURBN2024 - Nursing practice 4: mental health nursing (PDF, 200kB)
NURBN2025 - Primary health 3: the health and cultural diversity of aboriginal and torres strait islander people (PDF, 199kB)
NURBN2026 - Nursing practice 5: person-centered nursing practice b (PDF, 200kB)
NURBN2027 - Nursing context 7: pathophysiology and pharmacology applied to person-centered nursing practice b (PDF, 200kB)
NURBN2028 - Nursing context 10: transitioning into bachelor of nursing studies (PDF, 177kB)
NURBN3001 - Evidence-based healthcare practice (PDF, 306kB)
NURBN3002 - Primary and community healthcare in context (PDF, 307kB)
NURBN3003 - Leadership in nursing within a health care context (PDF, 306kB)
NURBN3004 - Quality and project management for clinical excellence (PDF, 306kB)
NURBN3017 - Context of practice 5: patient deterioration & management (PDF, 320kB)
NURBN3018 - Teaching, learning & leadership for clinical practice (PDF, 339kB)
NURBN3019 - Nursing practice 5: transition to professional nursing practice (PDF, 321kB)
NURBN3020 - Context of practice 6: nursing people living with chronic illness (PDF, 341kB)
NURBN3021 - Nursing practice 6: consolidation of contemporary nursing practice in diverse se (PDF, 342kB)
NURBN3022 - Nursing practice 7: application of research in clinical settings (PDF, 338kB)
NURBN3023 - Context of practice 5: patient deterioration and management (PDF, 340kB)
NURBN3024 - Nursing practice 5: transition to professional nursing practice (PDF, 214kB)
NURBN3025 - Nursing practice 6: consolidation of contemporary nursing practice in diverse se (PDF, 340kB)
NURBN3025 - Nursing practice 6: consolidation of contemporary nursing practice in diverse settings for enrolled nurses (PDF, 213kB)
NURBN3030 - Nursing practice 6: management of deteriorating patient (PDF, 180kB)
NURBN3031 - Nursing context 8: teaching, learning and situational leadership for health practice (PDF, 177kB)
NURBN3032 - Nursing context 9: transitioning to nursing practice (PDF, 179kB)
NURBN3033 - Primary health 4: nursing people living with chronic conditions (PDF, 195kB)
NURBN3033 - Primary health 4: nursing people living with chronic conditions (PDF, 201kB)
NURBN3034 - Nursing practice 7: consolidation of person-centered nursing practice in diverse settings (PDF, 198kB)
NURBN3034 - Nursing practice 7: consolidation of person-centered nursing practice in diverse settings (PDF, 194kB)
NURBN3035 - Research 2: application of evidence-based practice and research (PDF, 198kB)
NURGC1203 - Evidence-based nursing practice (PDF, 166kB)
PSYCB1003 - Introduction to research methods in psychology (PDF, 195kB)
PSYCB1101 - Introductory psychology a: biological and cognitive psychology (PDF, 175kB)
PSYCB1101 - Introductory psychology a: biological and cognitive psychology (PDF, 175kB)
PSYCB1102 - Introductory psychology b: personality and individual differences (PDF, 174kB)
PSYCB1102 - Introductory psychology b: personality and individual differences (PDF, 178kB)
PSYCB2102 - Lifespan developmental psychology (PDF, 197kB)
PSYCB2103 - Personality (PDF, 176kB)
PSYCB2104 - Social psychology (PDF, 178kB)
PSYCB2105 - Counselling theory and practice (PDF, 176kB)
PSYCB2106 - Psychology, culture, and indigenous australians (PDF, 195kB)
PSYCB2107 - Cognitive and biological psychology (PDF, 176kB)
PSYCB3101 - Psychological testing and assessment (PDF, 175kB)
PSYCB3102 - Abnormal psychology (PDF, 196kB)
PSYCB3104 - Cognitive psychology (PDF, 180kB)
PSYCB3107 - Current issues in psychology (PDF, 306kB)
PSYCB3108 - Psychology research: review (PDF, 175kB)
PSYCB3108 - Psychology research: review (PDF, 175kB)
PSYCB3109 - Psychology research: advanced analysis (PDF, 176kB)
PSYCB3110 - Psychology research: project (PDF, 179kB)
PSYCB3111 - Psychology: undergraduate placement (PDF, 181kB)
PSYCB3112 - Psychology applied project (PDF, 174kB)
PSYCG4102 - Lifespan developmental psychology (PDF, 179kB)
PSYCG4107 - Cognitive and biological psychology (PDF, 178kB)
PSYCG4108 - Abnormal psychology (PDF, 179kB)
PSYCH4001 - Research project 1 (honours) (PDF, 175kB)
PSYCH4101 - Research project 1 (honours) (PDF, 179kB)
PSYCH4102 - Research project 2 (honours) (PDF, 175kB)
PSYCM7001 - Adult clinical psychology (PDF, 304kB)
PSYCM7002 - Clinical child psychology (PDF, 305kB)
PSYCM7003 - Psychological assessment (PDF, 176kB)
PSYCM7004 - Preparation for professional practice (PDF, 176kB)
PSYCM7006 - Behaviour change strategies a (PDF, 176kB)
PSYCM7011 - Professional practice: stage 1 (PDF, 175kB)
PSYCM7012 - Professional practice: stage 2 (PDF, 171kB)
PSYCM7013 - Professional practice: stage 3 (PDF, 176kB)
PSYCM7014 - Professional practice: stage 4 (PDF, 176kB)
PSYCM7015 - Adult psychopathology (PDF, 175kB)
PSYCM7016 - Child and adolescent psychopathology (PDF, 169kB)
PSYCM7017 - Clinical intervention (PDF, 177kB)
PSYCM7018 - Diversity and inter-professional practice (PDF, 171kB)
PSYCM7020 - Research for practice (PDF, 175kB)
PSYCM7107 - Behaviour change strategies b (PDF, 181kB)
PSYCM7108 - Adult health psychology (PDF, 299kB)
PSYCM7109 - Clinical placement 1 (PDF, 294kB)
PSYCM7110 - Clinical placement 2 (PDF, 306kB)
PSYCM7111 - Clinical placement 3 (PDF, 306kB)
PSYCM7115 - Dissertation a (PDF, 300kB)
PSYCM7116 - Dissertation b (PDF, 298kB)
PSYCM7121 - Advanced clinical research methods (PDF, 169kB)
PSYCM7122 - Clinical dissertation (PDF, 169kB)
PSYCM7123 - Advanced adult psychopathology (PDF, 169kB)
PSYCM7124 - Advanced child and adolescent psychopathology (PDF, 169kB)
PSYCM7125 - Advanced clinical interventions (PDF, 176kB)
PSYCM7126 - Clinical health psychology (PDF, 169kB)
PSYCM7127 - Professional practice: stage 4 (PDF, 177kB)
PSYCM7128 - Advanced skills for clinical practice (PDF, 195kB)
PSYCM7129 - Psychological practice in the community (PDF, 195kB)
PSYCP4105 - Integrating psychological research and practice (PDF, 190kB)
PSYCP4105 - Integrating psychological research and practice (PDF, 189kB)
PSYCP6011 - Psychological practice (PDF, 175kB)
PSYCP6013 - Psychological assessment (PDF, 175kB)
PSYCP6013 - Psychological assessment (PDF, 175kB)
PSYCP6014 - Psychological research methods (PDF, 196kB)
PSYCP6101 - Research project 1 (PDF, 173kB)
PSYCP6102 - Research project 2 (PDF, 173kB)
PSYCP6112 - Psychological practice in context (PDF, 193kB)
PSYCP7002 - Psychological assessment (PDF, 177kB)
PSYCP7004 - Practicum 1 (PDF, 175kB)
PSYCP7105 - Practice across the lifespan (PDF, 178kB)
PSYCP7106 - Research in psychological practice (PDF, 179kB)
PSYCP7107 - Applied professional practice (PDF, 306kB)
PSYCP7108 - Practicum 2 (PDF, 175kB)
SCOHS5510 - Ohs systems and culture (PDF, 304kB)
SCOHS5511 - Ohs risk management (PDF, 305kB)
SCOHS5513 - Mitigation of occupational health and safety hazards (PDF, 305kB)
SCOHS5514 - Occupational health and safety law (PDF, 304kB)
SCOHS6610 - Measuring ohs performance (PDF, 305kB)
SCOHS6611 - Improving ohs performance (PDF, 304kB)
SCOHS6612 - Auditing ohs risk management (PDF, 304kB)
SCOHS6613 - Ohs research & professional practice (PDF, 305kB)
SCOHS7701 - The critical researcher (PDF, 176kB)
SCOHS7701 - The critical researcher (PDF, 181kB)
SCOHS7702 - Research methodology and design (PDF, 305kB)
SCOHS7703 - Presentations (PDF, 306kB)
SCOHS7704 - Thesis (PDF, 305kB)
SCOND6000 - Strength and conditioning program planning, design and implementation (PDF, 184kB)
SCOND6001 - Design and instruction of programs to develop strength qualities (PDF, 182kB)
SCOND6002 - Training and coaching speed qualities (PDF, 181kB)
SCOND6003 - Professional practice in s&c 1 (PDF, 193kB)
SCOND6004 - Delivery and program design for endurance qualities (PDF, 182kB)
SCOND6005 - Data analysis and applied statistics (PDF, 181kB)
SCOND7000 - Professional practice in strength and conditioning 2 (PDF, 178kB)
SCOND7001 - Research project (PDF, 180kB)
SCOND7002 - Independent directed project in strength and conditioning (PDF, 179kB)
SHMCN6001 - Nursing context 2: legal, ethical and professional frameworks (PDF, 186kB)
SHMCN6002 - Nursing practice 1: foundations for practice (PDF, 186kB)
SHMCN6003 - Nursing context 3: aboriginal and torres strait islander peoples health and cultural diversity (PDF, 185kB)
SHMCN6004 - Nursing context 4: applied pharmacology (PDF, 183kB)
SHMCN6005 - Nursing practice 2: applications for practice (PDF, 186kB)
SHMCN6006 - Nursing context 5: research and evidence-based practice (PDF, 181kB)
SHMCN6007 - Nursing context 6: work-ready transition to practice (PDF, 183kB)
SHMCN6008 - Nursing practice 3: deterioration of health across the lifespan (PDF, 183kB)
SHMCN6009 - Nursing context 7: chronic health conditions across the lifespan (PDF, 185kB)
SHMCN6010 - Nursing context 8: clinical teaching and leadership (PDF, 182kB)
SHMCN6011 - Nursing practice 4: consolidation of practice 1 (PDF, 183kB)
SHMCN6012 - Nursing practice 5: consolidation of practice 2 (PDF, 182kB)
SPMAN1002 - Sports marketing (PDF, 179kB)
SPMAN1003 - Sport event management (PDF, 180kB)
SPMAN1104 - Introduction to sport management (PDF, 306kB)
SPMAN1704 - Principles of research in sport management (PDF, 180kB)
SPMAN2002 - Management of sport organisations (PDF, 306kB)
SPMAN2004 - Sport policy (PDF, 181kB)
SPMAN3002 - Sport media and communications (PDF, 182kB)
SPMAN3003 - Applied sport marketing (PDF, 605kB)
SPMAN3004 - Data analytics for sport management (PDF, 181kB)
SPMAN3104 - Management of sport facilities (PDF, 181kB)
SPMAN4010 - Research thesis 1 (PDF, 178kB)
SPMAN4010 - Research thesis 1 (PDF, 178kB)
SPMAN4011 - Research thesis 2 (PDF, 306kB)
SPMAN4011 - Research thesis 2 (PDF, 173kB)
SPMAN4020 - Research thesis 1 part time (PDF, 173kB)
SPMAN4020 - Research thesis 2a part time mode (PDF, 306kB)
SPMAN4021 - Research thesis 2 part time (PDF, 173kB)
SPMAN4021 - Research thesis 2b part time mode (PDF, 306kB)