Speech pathology

Welcome to Speech Pathology

Learn how to diagnose and treat communication and swallowing disorders, including difficulties with speech, language, fluency and voice. Get the opportunity to apply practical skills during clinical placement. Develop evidenced-based, professional, legal and ethical decision-making skills.


Clinical placements give you a chance to apply your knowledge in real situations – which is the best way to prepare for the workforce. There are a minimum of 90 days in the Bachelor of Speech Pathology and a minimum of 78 days in the Master of Speech Pathology. Attendance is compulsory (and you might need to travel to various regional Victorian locations).

You’ll use the InPlace platform to submit your placement preferences and find out where you’ve been placed.

Download the placement calendar here. Pair this with the university important dates calendar to keep on top of everything.

Attendance requirements (new students)

Most units include both recommended and compulsory classes. Recommended online classes will be recorded and uploaded to Moodle so you can access them if you can’t attend. However, if you miss a compulsory class, you’ll have to apply for special consideration and may need to come to a different class. You need to meet attendance requirements for compulsory classes to pass the unit.

Semester 1


Recommended attendance

Compulsory attendance

All students

HEASP5011: Anatomy and Physiology for Speech Pathology 1


Tuesdays 3–5 pm

On campus:

Friday 11 April (week 6)


Friday 30 May (week 12)

HEASP5014: Clinical Processes in Speech Pathology A


Tuesdays 12.30–2.30 pm

On campus:

Friday 16 May (week 10)

Full-time students only

HEASP5015: Acquired Language and Speech Impairment


Tuesdays 10.30 am–12.30 pm


Mondays 8.30–10.00 am, 12.30–2 pm or 4–5.30 pm

(80% attendance requirement)


weekly 1-hour group discussion (group decides date/time)

EDMST6010 Language Acquisition


Mondays 2–4 pm

Meet your Course Coordinator

"Students have access to our extensive network of industry partners who provide exposure to different opportunities within speech pathology practice. These learning opportunities build confidence and competence for a successful transition to the workforce, while preparing them for meaningful contribution over the course of their careers."

Hannah Clarke
Lecturer | Course Coordinator – Master of Speech Pathology

Study load

We’d prefer you to do the whole course full time, but part-time study is available for the first year of the Master of Speech Pathology and the first and second years of the Bachelor of Speech Pathology. Subsequent years must be completed full-time.