Phone: (03) 51226006
Email: g.power@federation.edu.au
Room: Gippsland 2W 280
Position: Lecturer
Discipline: Psychology
- PhD
- BPsych (Hons)
Teaching areas
- Research Methods and Statistics
- Cognitive Psychology
- Developmental Psychology
- Research Supervision
Research interests
Garry’s research interest is in applied aspects of cognitive psychology. His current primary interest is in exploring the implications of cognitive psychology in the teaching of statistics. Many students find learning statistics both difficult and stressful. But knowledge of statistics is important – not just for psychology students but for students in a whole range of disciplines. Garry is exploring the application of cognitive load theory and multimedia learning theory to see whether there are ways to teach statistics that are more effective and less anxiety-inducing for students.He is also interested in continuing to investigate some of the practical consequences of cognitive change in older adults. His previous research has explored changes in visual perception and visual attention that have impacts on the capacity of older adults to drive safely. By 2030 one in four Australians will be over the age of 65. How to identify the specific cognitive changes that impact driving, how to identify the older drivers that are at risk of increased accidents (because many are not), and how older adults adjust to cognitive changes, are therefore all important questions in which Garry has an ongoing interest.
Publications (last 5 years)
Book chapter
Neumann, D. L., Power, G., Hood, M., Murphy, K., & Neumann, M. N. (2015). Blended learning approaches for statistics teaching in Young, B.R. (Ed.), Blended learning: Student perceptions, emerging practices and effectiveness. (pp 159 – 180), New York, NY: Nova Publishers.
Refereed articles
Power, G. F., & Conlon, E. G. (2017). Perceptual processing deficits underlying reduced FFOV efficiency in older adults. Journal of Vision, 17, 4-4. doi:10.1167/17.1.4
Conlon, E. G., Power, G. F., Hine, T. J., & Rahaley, N. (2017). The Impact of Older Age and Sex on Motion Discrimination. Experimental Aging Research, 43, 55-79. doi:10.1080/0361073X.2017.1258226
Conlon, E. G., Brown, D. T., Power, G. F., & Bradbury, S. A. (2014). Do older individuals have difficulty processing motion or excluding noise? Implications for safe driving. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition(ahead-of-print), 1-18. doi: 10.1080/13825585.2014.939939