Late Penalties
Late submission of assessment tasks, without a granted Discretionary Extension from the Course Coordinator or an approved Special Consideration, will attract a late penalty. All reasonable attempts must be made in completing and submitting each assessment task. Five percent (5%) per day (including weekends and public holidays) of the total marks available, will be deducted as per the category listing below:
- Category 1 – Day 1 (within first 24 hours) – 5% reduction of the total marks
- Category 2 – Day 2 (24-48 hours) – 10% reduction of the total marks
- Category 3 – Day 3 (48-72 hours) – 15% reduction of the total marks
- Category 4 – Day 4 (72-96 hours) – 20% reduction of the total marks
- Category 5 – Day 5 (96-120 hours) – 25% reduction of the total marks
- Category 6 - Day 6 (120-144 hours) - 30% reduction of the total marks
- Category 7 - Day 7 (144-168 hours) - 35% reduction of the total marks
Marking will cease after 7 days and will be scored at zero. If an assessment task is submitted beyond 7 days and receives zero, feedback provision is at the discretion of the Course Coordinator.
For further information regarding extension options and Special Consideration, please refer to the appropriate university resources:
- Discretionary assessment extension
- Higher education special consideration - General
- Higher education special consideration - Deferred examination
Case Study Examples on how to calculate late penalties
- An assessment task is worth 10 marks. Based on the rubric, the student achieves 8 marks out of 10 marks (80%). The assessment task is submitted 10 hours late (category 1). The assessment mark awarded will be deducted 5%. In this case, each 1 mark is worth 10%, therefore 5% is 0.5marks. Therefore 8 marks minus 0.5 marks = 7.5 marks. Given the late penalty, the student will then receive 7.5/10 (75%).
- An assessment task is worth 40 marks. Based on the rubric, the student achieves 30 marks out of 40 marks (75%). The assessment task is submitted 20 hours late (category 1). The assessment mark awarded will be deducted 5%. In this case, each 4 marks is worth 10%, therefore 5% is 2 marks. Therefore 30 marks minus 2 marks =28 marks. Given the late penalty, the student will then receive 28/40 (70%).
- An assessment task is worth 50 marks. Based on the rubric, the student achieves 28 marks out of 50 marks (56%). The assessment task is submitted 30 hours late (category 2). The assessment mark awarded will be deducted 10%. In this case, each 5 marks is worth 10%, Therefore 28 marks minus 5 marks = 23 marks. Given the late penalty, the student will then receive 23/50 (46%).
- An assessment task is worth 70 marks. Based on the rubric, the student achieves 45 marks out of 70 marks (64.3%). The assessment task is submitted 50 hours late (category 3). The assessment mark awarded will be deducted 15%. In this case, each 7 marks is worth 10%, Therefore 15% is 13.5 marks. Therefore 45 marks minus 13.5 marks = 31.5 marks. Given the late penalty, the student will then receive 31.5/70 (45%).
Calculations in FDL
- fdlGrades does the calculation automatically if you upload the results and include the dates
- For further information please visit the fdl training resources