Considerations for quality teaching practices

Quality teaching practices includes an awareness and accommodation of your students and their learning needs for success.  Do you know the answer to the following?

Facilitating for learning

  • How do you facilitate a deep level of learning, as opposed to surface learning, for your students?

Principles of facilitation

  • Do you include social, teacher and cognitive presence in your online teaching?

Models of ‘flipped’ facilitation

  • Are you confident in facilitating ‘flipped’ approaches to learning at a class or course level?

Collaborative teaching practices

  • Are you working effectively as a teaching team with your colleagues across campuses?

Group Work

  • What strategies do you use to maximise learning through effective use of group work?

Quality facilitation practices

  • Are you effectively managing you teaching time?

Engaging online facilitation

  • Are you an active member of the students learning community?

Engaging face-to-face facilitation

  • Are you maximising the on-campus class time with active learning sessions?

Engaging blended facilitation

  • In considering the ‘blend’ of face-to-face and online in your teaching have you critically assessed the balance to ensure that all components of good teaching and learning practice are covered?

Technologies to enhance teaching

Are you using the right technologies to facilitate the learning journey?