Considerations for quality teaching practices
Quality teaching practices includes continuous review of practices and exploring ongoing avenues for enhancement. Consider the following questions for the learning and teaching practices within your course:
Review through a self lens
- How do you self-reflect on your own learning and teaching practices?
Review through a peer lens
- How do you undertake peer support, feedback and review of your learning and teaching practices for enhancement?
Review through a student lens
- How do you gather feedback from your students on the learning journey you created and your teaching practices?
Review through a practice lens
- How do you connect with your discipline or industry peers for ongoing enhancement of your learning and teaching practices?
Quality evaluation practices
- How do you utilise the feedback you obtain?
Receiving and accepting feedback
- How well do take on the feedback you are given? Do you actively seek it, or avoid it? Why?
Enhancing through research
- Do you use current literature to support your learning and teaching practice decisions?
- Do you research your learning and teaching practices to help solve issues or address problems?
Enhancing through learning analytics
- Do you use the data on Moodle to assist in making decisions for ongoing enhancement of your course design and teaching practices?
Technologies to enhance evaluation
- Are you using the most effective technology tools to gain feedback?