Achieving the BOLD learning and teaching practices

The BOLD Learning and Teaching Practices provide clear guidelines to support teaching practices for different delivery/study modes, opportunities for self-assessment and reflection on current teaching practices, and opportunities for collaborative discussion with peers and learning designers to enhance online teaching practices.  The minimum course expectations for developing a learning environment to support student success for learning are outlined in Focus Area 01, 04 & 05. View the BOLD Learning and Teaching Practices.

Focus Area 01 | Course Information & learner support

  1. Moodle site uses appropriate template
  2. Moodle site is logically organised and navigation facilities ease of use
  3. Moodle site includes the current Course Description
  4. An orientation to the course, including where to start is clearly stated.
  5. Link(s) to the following websites are included:

- Faculty/School website

- Institutional/Course policies

  1. Links to the following support resources are included:

- Institutional student support services

- Minimum information technology requirements for studying online

- Obtain information technology help

Focus Area 04 | Learning resources

4.1 Learning resources are aligned to course learning outcomes/standards

4.2 The distinction between required and optional learning resources is clearly stated.

4.3 Learning resources are suited to the appropriate delivery mode.

4.4 Teacher generated videos are uploaded to or created and stored in Kaltura and linked to via Moodle.

4.5 Library and open educational resources are used appropriately

4.6 Learning resources are logically structured and sequenced.

4.7 Learning resources cater for a range of learner abilities

4.8 Learning resources comply with copyright and accessibility legislation.

4.9 Learning materials are updated to ensure currency and relevance.

Focus Area 05 | Student process, assessment and feedback

5.8 Instructions for completing and submitting assessment are clearly stated.

5.9 All written assessments are submitted online, except invigilated exams.