ARC and NHMRC due dates

Updated 13/11/2023

Notices of Intent (NoI) for LE25 are due to Research Funding 12 noon 7th November 2023.

The LE25 NoI form is available for download here:

FedUni LIEF LE25 NoI form (v1) (Word Doc 56 KB) for internal and external lead applications

If you are interested in applying for a LIEF LE25, please discuss this with your Centre Director or Nominee in the first instance to confirm support before contacting

ARC LIEF LE25 and VicLIEF2025 - Due Dates (current as of 13/11/2023)

Key Dates

7 November 2023, 12 noon

Notices of Intent (NoI) due to Research Funding

13 November 2023, 12 noon

VicLIEF EOI opens in Smarty Grants:

21 December 2023, 5pm

EOIs for VicLIEF 2025 due

15 January 2024, 9am

VicLIEF system hard close

24 January 2024, 10am

Meeting of all Victorian-based university DVCRs/Research Directors (or nominees) to review EOIs.

24 January 2024

ARC LE25 Applications open in RMS.

TBA see ARC calendar for updates

Request not to Assess due to ARC.

12 March 2024, 12 noon

LE25 Internal Application Compliance and Budget Review

2 April 2024, 12 noon

LE25 Final Internal Submission for DVCRI approval

9 April 2024, 5pm

ARC Close for full LE25 applications.

LIEF2025 VicLIEF expressions of interest

Each year the Victorian Universities (see participating universities below) run a combined Expression of Interest (EOI) process for the LIEF scheme to strengthen the competitiveness of submissions and eliminate duplication of applications for similar infrastructure/equipment. Accordingly, the DVCR’s request that EOIs are submitted for any potential LE25 bids where either:

  • ·        a VIC-based university is leading the application, or
  • ·        a VIC-based CI is participating on a bid led by an interstate university.

The EOI form is available via the Smarty Grants system which this year is hosted by the University of Melbourne on behalf of the following participating universities: Monash University, Deakin University, Federation University Australia, La Trobe University, RMIT University, Swinburne University, University of Melbourne, University of Tasmania and Victoria University.

NOTE: The VicLIEF EOI is in addition to the FedUni internal Notice of Intent (NoI) form

For more information, please download the Helpsheet here:

LE25 VicLIEF EOI Helpsheet_Fed_Nov23 (PDF 256 KB)

Updated June 2024

The first steps to applying for ARC and NHMRC funding:

The process for all Federation University administered ARC Discovery Program, ARC Linkage Program (exc. LIEF) and NHMRC rounds is as follows:

  1. A complete and signed Funding Expression of Interest (FEOI) form must be submitted to by the advertised date for the scheme (see below ARC and NHMRC expression of interest dates).
  2. You will receive notification from Research Funding Team re internal timelines and submission requirements.
  3. Research Services support will include:
    1. Researcher Development Team will register you for participation in the Competitive Grant Support Program
    2. Researcher Development Team will assign expert peer reviewers (or external, where appropriate) to provide feedback on your proposal
  4. Research Funding will undertake a compliance and budget check, and provide feedback
  5. Centre Director/nominee and PVC-R approval for final submission
  6. FedUni RAO will endorse and submit the application on your behalf.

The benefits of undertaking this process include:

  • To ensure that applicants are provided with appropriate support to develop their applications;
  • To ensure that applications are reviewed appropriately, and if they are to be submitted, are of competitive quality; and
  • To ensure that Federation University's reputation is not compromised by the submission of non-competitive applications, nor that undue time is spent on developing applications that are unlikely to be competitive.

Funding Expression of Interest (FEOI) forms can be downloaded via the Funding Forms web page.

Submission to the RAO via RMS or Sapphire is considered confirmation from the applicant that their application is ready for endorsement and submission to the funding body.

Updated June 2024


ARC or NHMRC Scheme

EOI Deadline 12 noon (for FedUni lead applications)

ARC Discovery Program

Discovery Projects DPEOI26

11 July 2024

Discovery Early Career Research Award (DECRA) DE26

3 Oct 2024

Discovery Indigenous IN26

31 July 2024

Future Fellowships FT25

11 June 2024

Australian Laureate Fellowships FL25

2 May 2024

ARC Linkage Program

Linkage Projects LP24 - Round 2

16 April 2024
Mid-Career Industry Fellowship IM254 June 2024
Early Career Industry Fellowship IE254 June 2024
Industry Laureate Fellowship IL254 June 2024

Linkage Infrastructure Equipment and Facilities (LIEF) LE26

25 Sept 2024

Please also see above for current LIEF dates and NOI process 

Industrial Transformation Research Program (IC25 and IH25)19 June 2024

All Other Linkage Program Schemes

16 weeks before the ARC external deadline unless otherwise specified.


Investigator Grants 2025 Round applications

24 May 2024

Ideas Grants 2024 applications

6th March 2024

All Other NHMRC Schemes

16 weeks before the NHMRC external deadline unless otherwise specified.

*FEOI deadlines are subject to change upon release of ARC and NHMRC external deadlines. Updates will be communicated via your Centre and/or FedNews.

The majority of subsequent internal deadlines are available below on our ARC and NHMRC internal dates for current rounds page and others will be set and released upon receipt of FEOIs. Late FEOIs will not be accepted unless exceptional circumstances apply. Research Services staff can be contacted at any time during the process to discuss any aspect of an application.

Any questions or concerns regarding the process can be directed to Tina D’Urbano, Team Leader Research Funding (

Please see below, for Guidelines, Instructions to Applicants & Other Relevant Docs.

Updated Aug 2024

ARC Schemes

To view the current ARC (external) deadlines please visit the ARC's Grants calendar webpage.

The Internal Dates for ARC schemes in 2025 - 2026 are available at: ARC NCGP 2025 - 2026 Scheme Internal Dates - v3 (Word doc, 51 KB)

NOTE: Contrary to previous advice, the ARC will continue with two (2) Linkage Project rounds in 2025.

Please note these dates are subject to change as the ARC website is updated.

NHMRC and MRFF Schemes

To view the current NHMRC and MRFF (external) deadlines please visit the NHMRC's Funding calendar webpage.

The NHMRC internal dates and milestones (based on interest) are available at:

For EOI deadlines, please see the table above under ARC and NHMRC expression of interest dates.

Please be aware that ARC and NHMRC due dates change from time to time.

Any questions or concerns regarding the process can be directed to Tina D’Urbano, Team Leader, Research Funding (

Please see below, for Guidelines, Instructions to Applicants & Other Relevant Docs.

Updated June 2024

Further information and documentation for each ARC and NHMRC funding scheme are available as per below:


To view the ARC dates and documentation, please login to GrantConnect and search for the relevant scheme. If you don't have a GrantConnect login, you can register via the same link.

Documentation such as guidelines, instructions and FAQs for all Commonwealth funded schemes should be accessed via GrantConnect directly.

Further information on ARC schemes is still available via the ARC website:

ARC Certification and Letter of Support Templates

The ARC Discovery and Linkage Certification Forms and Letter of Support templates (with FedUni letterhead/details) are available for download below.  Please ensure you use these versions if you are submitting a Federation University Lead Discovery or Linkage Program application.  The ARC have introduced online RMS certification for some schemes.

ARC documentation requiring FedUni information for other schemes will be made available based upon need; and availability of Guidelines and Instructions to Applicants.


Updated June 2024

To view the NHMRC dates and documentation, please login to GrantConnect and search for the relevant scheme. If you don't have a GrantConnect login, you can register via the same link.

Please note that documentation such as guidelines, instructions and FAQs is no longer updated on the NHMRC website.

Further information on the new NHMRC schemes is available via the NHMRC website.

NHMRC and MRFF Certification form and CoI (v2023) - for Participating Organisations: NHMRC_MRFF_Certification-Form_with-Conflict-of-Interest_FedUni-v2023 (Word Doc, 54kb)

Once complete, applications must be electronically certified and then submitted to NHMRC by an authorised Research Admin Officer (RAO) of an NHMRC Administering Institution using Sapphire. Certification (via Sapphire) is required firstly by the CIA and then by the Administering Institution RAO, by the specified due date or the application will be ineligible and excluded from further consideration. Other participants, including CIs and AIs, also certify their participation on the application via Sapphire.

The purpose of the NHMRC and MRFF Certification form and CoI is to:

  • Confirm that Participating Organisations also agree to be named on the application and participate in the project if awarded; and
  • For any Participating Organisation, CI or AI to declare a Conflict of Interest, if applicable.

Contact us

If you have any queries regarding these grants, please contact the Research Funding Team at

*Please also check with your Executive Dean or Centre Director for any additional requirements*

Budget support and information

For assistance with the project budget costing pro forma, please contact