Professor Dennis Foley
Position: Professorial Research Fellow
Area: National Centre for Reconciliation, Truth, and Justice
- PhD, The University of Queensland, 2005
- MBA, Griffith University, 1999
- Bach. Business, (double major in HRM and Business Management), Griffith University, 1996
- Assoc. Diploma in Management Accounting, 1990
Professor Dennis Foley helped establish the research area that is Indigenous Entrepreneurship in the Pacifica. He has researched and taught extensively in Australia and internationally. Amongst his credits is the establishment of Carranggel Consulting and working with numerous other Indigenous consultancy companies in both Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.
As a foundational Board member of the NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce and for many years a Board member of AHURI he has been involved in numerous social housing ventures and social enterprise initiatives in both the private and public sectors.
Currently his work concentrates on property development with the inclusion of Indigenous concepts in design and ultimately in the aesthetics complementing the historical and cultural flow on to end users and occupiers of these developments.
Car-rang gel Consulting looks at a broad range of projects that include the review and creation of Australian Aboriginal Education Pedagogies, Epistemology and Research; Indigenous Entrepreneurship Research - Business Management Consulting/Indigenous Business Planning and Cash Flow Management; Cultural Heritage and Tourism Management; Land Use Management Practices and Indigenous Australian Ecological Management.
Prior to joining the tertiary education sector, Dennis held middle to senior management positions within commercial arms of the banking and finance sector. Professor Foley is a Fulbright Scholar and dual Endeavour Fellow. His publications focus on social inclusion and cross disciples such as Indigenous Literature, Indigenous History, Indigenous Studies, Business Management (Entrepreneurship) and Indigenous Epistemology and Pedagogy.
Areas of expertise
- Indigenous business practices investigating leadership, management, and the change process of the minority entrepreneur on their entry into business to try and understand motivators and inhibitors of successful minority entrepreneurs, to increase academic and societal understanding of minority entrepreneurship reviewing wealth creation - human capital and the construction of social capital in marginalized people
- Indigenous Entrepreneurship
- Social Investment & Social Enterprise in the Indigenous sector
- Indigenous Business Education
- The maintenance of cultural heritage management within Indigenous tourism
- Indigenous Epistemology/Methodology/Pedagogy
- Indigenous Social Well-being – Mental Health issues in business
- Aboriginal History of Sydney
- Māori Tourism and Entrepreneurship
- Native Hawaiian Entrepreneurship & First Nations Entrepreneurship in Pacifica/Taiwan/Japan/Korea/Alaska/Canada/United States of America including Sami in Northern Europe
- The Socio-Economic Wellbeing, Racism and Enterprise development of Irish Travellers, Sinti, and Roma
Professional Associations
- Member: AMEN, ASEAN mentorship for entrepreneurs’ network
- Fellow: World Business Institute
- Member: Small Enterprise Association of Australia and New Zealand (SEAANZ)
- Member: Australian Institute Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)
- Member: History Council of NSW
- Chairperson Taronga Zoo Aboriginal Advisory Board
Selected Research Grants
- 2020 Moroz, P., Anderson, R., Colbourne, R.. Foley, D. (Co-investigators) Canadian Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council Partnership Development Grant At the engagement levels and perceptions of graduate and PhD students involved with Indigenous research / collaborations at universities. University of Regina.
- 2019 University of Canberra Faculty of Health, Teaching Innovation Generating Education Research (TIGER) grant
- 2018 National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Grant. $672,000.
- Indigenous engagement and leadership in the evaluation of Indigenous health and wellbeing programs: Taking steps to improve government and non-government commissioning practices. (CI,s Cargo, Fredericks, Foley, Judd, Smith and Roe).
- 2017 UC CIRI Grant $40,000 (University of Canberra Collaborative Indigenous Research Initiative) Developing Indigenous Tourism in the ACT (& surrounding regions).
- 2016 Higher Education Participation Program Grant (HEPP) Australian Government $200,000. “Improving Indigenous participation, retention and success in Australian business-related higher education.” CI Morris Altman & Tamara Young. Co- Investigators Dennis Foley, Sara Motta and Kate Ramzan-Levy.
- 2015 ARC Discovery IN160100011 $112,000 Aboriginal Economic Development:
- Impact of Indigenous Chambers Commerce.
- 2014 Canadian Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council Partnership
- Development Grant $199,670. ‘Natural resource partnerships and new
- venture creation in a First Nations context.’ Co-investigators Peter Moroz,
- Bobby Kayseas, Dennis Foley and Robert Anderson, Uni. of Regina.
- 2013 Canadian Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council Partnership Development Grant $147,000. ‘Aboriginal peoples in Canada: how best to develop strategic alliances between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal organizations/ corporations in the natural resource sector’ Co-investigators Peter Moroz, Bobby Kayseas, Dennis Foley and Robert Anderson, Uni. of Regina.
- 2011 ARC Linkage. LP110100698 Title: - Determining the Factors Influencing the Success of Private and Community-owned Indigenous Businesses across Remote, Regional and Urban Australia $254,682. Principle Co-Investigators Collins and Morrison, and Dennis Foley.
- 2011 ARC Discovery IN120100053 $104,000 Indigenous women and entrepreneurship in NSW. Co-Investigator Pearce, Collins, Foley and Morrison.
- 2011 Endeavour Research Fellowship for Indigenous Australians. DEEWR: Travellers, Ireland; 4 months.
- 2007 ARC Discovery Title: - Developing Aboriginal Social Capital for participants not spectators in the Australian economy $155,000
- 2007 Endeavour Research Fellowship for Indigenous Australians. DEST: Māori Aotearoa; 6 months.
- 2003 Northern Territory History Grant $5,000.
- 2002 ARC Discovery Projects Indigenous Researchers Development Grant.
- 2000 Australian-American Fulbright Post-Graduate Award.
- 1999 Research and Publication Grant, $32,000. Federation Community Grants.
- Foley, D. (2021) the Collaborative Evaluation, Research and Planning Panel with the National Indigenous Australian Agency.
- Foley, D. (2020) Deloitte Forensic, Deloitte Risk Advisory Pty Ltd – Assessor - Facebook: $100 Million to Support for Industry During the Coronavirus Crisis Project, Melbourne.
- Foley, D and B. Hunter (2020). Understanding Indigenous Australian Entrepreneurs. NIAA thru the ANU.
- Moylan-Coombs, Susan & Foley, D. (2020) Aboriginal Habitation Study St. Ignatius College Riverview, Sydney.
- Moylan-Coombs, Susan & Foley, D. (2020) Review of Indigenous Australian connection Northern Suburbs Cemeteries.
- Moylan-Coombs, Susan & Foley, D. (2020) Review of Indigenous Australian Culture at Narrabeen Fitness Camp, NSW Sport & Recreation.
- Moylan-Coombs, Susan & Foley, D. (2018) Review of Indigenous Australian capacity in Zoological parks and infrastructure.
- Foley, D. (2018). Independent Review of Indigenous startup and networking Hub.
- Appointment ACT Government.
- Foley, D. (2016). Independent Review Indigenous Business Agreement between NSW Minerals Council (NSWMC) and NSW Department Aboriginal Affairs. Appointment (NSWMC).
- Moroz, Peter., Bobby Kayseas, Robert Anderson, Uni. of Regina; Leo Paul Dana Montpellier Business School, Paris, D. Foley, (Co-investigators) (2014) International Consultancy; ‘Attitudes, knowledge and intentions of Aboriginal students enrolled in K-12 entrepreneurship education courses’, Saskatchewan School Boards Association research grant. $100,000. A review of the ‘Martin Aboriginal Education Initiative’ in partnership with the Canadian Department of Education.
- Watego, L. & Foley, D. (2001) Independent strategy report on feasibility for licensed sports club on North Tweed Coast, Appointment ATSIC and Stingrays Football Club.
- Foley, D. (1999) Review Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation (ATSIC) Community Development Employment Program and Business Plan North Stradbroke Island, Appointment ATSIC.
- Foley, D. & others (1998) Review of Indigenous Employment Strategies Dinmore Meat works, Brisbane. Appointment Department Education Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWAR).
- Foley, D. (1998) Review Community Health Program and Business Plan North Stradbroke Island, Queensland Department of Health and Department Community Affairs. Appointment Yulu-Burri-Ba Aboriginal Corporation for Community Health.
- Foley, D. (1998) Independent Review Krurungal Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation Community Employment Programs and Initiatives, Appointment ATSIC.
- Foley, D. (1994) In conjunction with the compilation of the Griffith University Recruitment and Career Development Strategy; Research Policy Document, undertake for DEET (Dept. Education, Employment and Training) research into Indigenous student retention and attrition.
- 2021 NSW Department of Education, Metropolitan North School Performance Directorate Executive Director’s Award for significant contributions to public schools, Teaching Aboriginal Studies K-12. September 9.
- 2013 Uni of Newcastle, PVC Research Linkage Pilot Research Grant $9,624.
- 2007 Dean’s Commendation for Outstanding Research Higher Degree Thesis 2005. Dean of Research, Prof. Alan Lawson: – “Uni. of Qld. theses are examined by world leaders in their field. The examiners of this thesis commended its substantial original contribution to the field of research. Dean’s Commendations are awarded to fewer than 10% of graduating research higher degree students.” April 20.
- 2007 Best Paper: Indigenous Stream; 4th International Business Research Exchange, Brisbane
- 2006 Best Doctoral Thesis Award – Gold Medal, World Business Institute.
- 2001 Research Travel Grant Award; University of Qld.
- 1998 Research Grant Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies.
- 1997 Griffith University Indigenous Australian Postgraduate Research Scholarship.
- 1996 Recipient of the Griffith University Faculty of Business Scholarship, Australian Institute of Management Award for exceptional management awarded to the student with the greatest potential to contribute to their professional field with special emphasis on achievements in management.
- 1996 Membership to the Golden Key National Honor Society.
- 1996 First Place Outstanding Business Plan Competition, Faculty of Business, Griffith University.
- 2019 Visiting Fellow Institute for Minority Entrepreneurship, College of Business, Technology University Dublin, November - December
- 2019 The University of Queensland, Honorary Professor Graduate School of Business, School of Business and Economics.
- 2019 The Australian National University, Honorary Professor ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences.
- 2016 CAEPR ANU. Indigenous Scholars Retreat and Symposium, September.
- 2016 Visiting Indigenous Fellow: Office of PVC Student Advancement. Swinburne University of Technology. September.
- 2015 Visiting Scholar: School of Business and Public Administration, First Nations University, Regina Canada, April-May.
- 2015 Visiting Scholar, David Unaipon College of Indigenous Education & Research - University of South Australia.
- 2014 Visiting Scholar: Institute for Minority Entrepreneurship Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin Ireland, June.
- 2014 Visiting Scholar: School of Business and Public Administration, First Nations University, Regina Canada, May.
- 2012 Visiting Research Fellow CAEPR, The ANU 2012-15
- 2011 Visiting Fellowship Dublin University of Technology, Dublin, Ireland
- 2010 Visiting Scholar: Department of Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management University of Southern Denmark, Kolding, Sept.
- 2008 Visiting Fellow, School Humanities Communications and Social Sciences, Monash University
- 2006 Visiting Fellowship, College of Business and Economics, The ANU (n.b. 3rd competitive Post-Doctoral Fellowship at The ANU in 3 different disciplines Economics, Law & Anthropology), supervisor Assoc. Prof Boyd Hunter.
- 2005 Inaugural Fellowship for graduating Indigenous PhDs at the National Centre for Indigenous Studies, The ANU, supervisor Prof. Mick Dodson
- 2005 Visiting Indigenous Fellowship, Centre for Aboriginal and Economic Policy Research, The ANU, supervisor Prof. Jon Altman
ARC’s & Equivalent
(Awarded a Fulbright, 5 ARC’s; 2 Endeavour; & 3 CCS&HRC)
Research Commissions
Scholarships, Awards
Visiting Scholarships
2022/2018/2013/2010/2007 - Education Change and Society. (5th to 1st editions) Anthony Welch, Raewyn Connell, Nicole Mockler, Arathi Sriprakash, Helen Proctor, Debra Hayes, Dennis Foley, Margaret Vickers, Nigel Bagnell, Kellie Burns, Remy Low, and Susan Groundwater-Smith, and others. Sydney: Oxford University Press.
2020 - What the Colonists Never Knew: A History of Aboriginal Sydney. Foley, D. and Peter Read. National Museum of Australia: Canberra.
2014 - Meeting the Globalisation Challenge: Smart and Innovative SME’s in a Globally Competitive Environment. Kotey, Bernice. Tim Mazzarol, Delwyn Clark, Dennis Foley, Tui McKeown, (eds). Prahran, Vic: Tilde University Press.
2001 & 2014 - Repossession: of our Spirit. Canberra: Aboriginal History Inc. ISBN 0 9585637 3 X.
Book chapters
2022 - Hunter, Boyd., Foley, D. Macquarie Junior Atlas of Indigenous Australia: William Stewart Arthur, Frances Morphy eds. Pan Macmillan.Chapter . P.p. .
2021 - Foley, D. Gypsies / Roma: Travelling can be disruptive to creating a sustainable business? The Palgrave Handbook on Minority Entrepreneurship, Editors: Thomas Cooney. Chapter 17. P.p.: 349-364.
2021 - Maritz, Alex. Jones, Colin. Foley, Dennis. De Klerk, Saskia. Eager, Bronwyn. And Quan Nguyen. Entrepreneurship Education in Australia, Vol. 4 of USASBE's, Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy. Editors: Charles H. Matthews and Eric W. Liguori. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd; London. Chapter 12. p.p.: 208-226.
2019 - Hunter, Boyd. And Foley, D. Macquarie Atlas of Indigenous Australia: Culture and Society Through Space and Time. 2nd Edition. William Stewart Arthur, Frances Morphy eds. (August 29) Macquarie.
2018 - Henry, Ella and Foley, D. Indigenous Research: Ontologies, Epistemologies and Methodologies. In, Booysen, Lize A.E., Bendl, Regine, & Pringle, Judith. Handbook of Research Methods on Diversity Management, Equality, and Inclusion at Work. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing; London. Chapter 10.
2018 - Foley, D. Aboriginal entrepreneurship: is it a career or a lifestyle change? In Research Handbook of Diversity and Careers New Horizons in Management series. Edited by Adelina M. Broadbridge and Sandra L. Fielden. Edward Edgar Publishing: London. Chapter 19. pp: 308-323.
2018 - Foley, D. Indigenous Education. in Education, Change and Society. (4th edition) Raewyn Connell, Anthony Welch, Margaret Vickers, Dennis Foley, Nigel Bagnell, Debra Hayes, Helen Proctor, Arathi Sriprakash, and Craig Campbell. Sydney: Oxford University Press. Chapter 7: 189-228.
2017 - Foley, D. The Dark side of Responsible Business Management, in Indigenous Aspirations and Rights: The Case for Responsible Business and Management Editors: Amy Klemm Verbos, Ella Henry and Ann Maria Peredo, Greenleaf Publishing. Chapter 2: 22-33.
2017 - Cooney, T. and Foley, D. Entrepreneurial Activity among Irish Traveller Women: An Insight into the Complexity of Survival. In the Routledge Companion to Global Female Entrepreneurship, Kate Lewis, Colette Henry & Teresa Nelson (Eds.). Taylor & Francis Group, Routledge Publishing: London. Chapter 21: 358-371.
2016 - Foley, D. and Hunter, Boyd. Indigenous entrepreneurs: Bridging the rhetoric and reality with evidence. Clark, Delwyn, Tui McKeown, and Martina Battisti, (eds.) In Rhetoric and Reality: Building Vibrant and Sustainable Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. Tilde University Press: Prahran, Vic. Chapter 5: 98-121.
2015 - Enterprise and Entrepreneurial thinking: It’s a Black Thing! Kaye Price (ed) In Knowledge of Life: A&TSI Australia. Kaye Price (ed.) Cambridge University Press, Port Melbourne, Vic. Chapter 7: 118-140. Winner - Educational Publishing Awards Australia 2016: Tertiary (Wholly Australian) Scholarly Resource
2015 - Caribberre; Doing Business in the 21st Century, Aboriginal Way. In Indigenous Spiritualties at Work; Chellie Spiller (ed.) transforming the spirit of business enterprise. Information Age Publishing Chapter 11:167-189.
2014 - Aboriginal Approaches to Business Leadership and Entrepreneurship in Australia, in Restorying Indigenous Leadership: Wise Practices in Community Development. Cora Voyageur, Laura Brearley and Brian Calliou (Eds.). Banff Centre Press: Banff, Canada. Chapter 7: 215-232.
2014 - Current Issues in Aboriginal SME’s. Kotey, Bernice. Tim Mazzarol, Delwyn Clark, Dennis Foley, Tui McKeown, (eds) in Meeting the Globalisation Challenge: Smart and Innovative SME’s in a Globally Competitive Environment. Tilde University Press: Prahran, Vic. Chapter 12: 250-265.
2014 - ‘Education, Teaching Entrepreneurship and Indigenous Peoples’ in Andrew Gunstone (ed.) Developing Sustainable Education in Regional Australia, Clayton: Monash University Publishing. Chapter 9: 133-160.
2013 - Indigenous Australia and the Education System, in Education, Change and Society. (3rd edition) Raewyn Connell, Anthony Welch, Margaret Vickers, Dennis Foley, Nigel Bagnell, Debra Hayes, Helen Proctor, Arathi Sriprakash, and Craig Campbell. Sydney: Oxford University Press.
2012 - Gulanyunung Pialla (‘Our talk’). An Australian Aboriginal Review of Irish Travellers, in Travellers and the Settled Community: A Shared Future, John Heneghan, Mary (Warde) Moriarty and Micheal OhAodha (ed.) The Liffey Press Raheny, Dublin 5, Ireland. Chapter 9, Pp: 81-91.
2012 - Aboriginal Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in the Gippsland: a tool in the Reconciliation kit, in Reconciliation in Regional Australia: case studies from Gippsland, Andrew Gunstone (ed.) Australian Scholarly Publishing Pty Ltd: North Melbourne. P.p. 108-126.
2012 - An Australian Voice, in Education and Belonging, Nigel Bagnall (ed.). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Chapter 7: 85-110.
2010 - Indigenous Australia & The Education System, in Education, Change and Society. (2nd edition) Raewyn Connell, Craig Campbell, Margaret Vickers, Anthony Welch, Dennis Foley, Nigel Bagnel and Debra Hayes. Sydney: Oxford University Press.
2009 - Building castles with no foundations. In Indigenous Issues in Australian Universities, (Eds.) Jack Frawley. Maggie Nolan and Nerida White. Charles Darwin University Press. Pp. 57-65.
2008 - Indigenous Australian Standpoint. In History, Politics and Knowledge: Essays in Australian Indigenous Studies. Andrew Gunstone (editor). Australian Scholarly Publishing Pty Ltd: North Melbourne. Pp: 113-133.
2008 - Read, Peter. and Foley, D. ‘Whose Landscape? Who’s Exciled?’ in Landscapes of Exile: Once Perilous, Now Safe. Anna Haebich and Baden Offord (eds). Peter Lang Publishers: Berlin. Pp: 85-96.
2007 - Aboriginality and Pedagogy, in Education, Change and Society. (1st edition) Raewyn Connell, Craig Campbell, Margaret Vickers, Anthony Welch, Dennis Foley and Nigel Bagnel. Sydney: Oxford University Press.
2007 - Leadership the quandary of Aboriginal societies in crises: 1788 to 1830, and 1966. In Transgressions: critical Australian Indigenous histories. Mark Hanna and Ingereth Macfarlane (Editors) Aboriginal History Monograph 15: 177-192. Canberra: The ANU. E Press version:
2007 - What has Native Title done to the urban Koori in NSW who is also a traditional custodian? In The Social Effects of Native Title Recognition, Translation, Coexistence, Benjamin R. Smith and Frances Morphy (Editors) CAEPR Research Monograph 27: 167-182. Canberra: ANU E Press. E Press version:
2007 - Indigenous (Australian) Entrepreneurship: WHAT, WHEN, HOW and WHY? In Gillin, L. M. (ed.) 2007, Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2007. Swinburne University, Melbourne, VIC. E Press version: Pp. 56-66.
2006 - Foley, D. and Howard Frederick ‘Indigenous Entrepreneurs in Australia’, Chapter 20: Disadvantaged Entrepreneurs: Women and Indigenous Populations, in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice: (Asia Pacific Edition) Howard Frederick, Donald F. Kuratko and Richard M. Hodgetts (ed.). Thompson Press: Melbourne. Pp: 564-595.
Refereed Monograph
Foley, D. (2000) ‘Successful Indigenous Australian Entrepreneurs: A Case Study Analysis’. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit Research Report Series. Vol. 4, Brisbane: Merino Lithographics. ISSN 1322-7157.
Peer-Reviewed Published Discussion Papers
Shirodkar, Siddharth. Boyd Hunter and Dennis Foley. (2020) A new method of estimating the number of Indigenous business owner–managers. The ANU Centre for Social Research & Methods (CSRM) Methods Paper 2/2020. Canberra: Centre for Centre for Social Research.
Shirodkar, Siddharth. Boyd Hunter and Dennis Foley. (2018) Ongoing growth in the number of Indigenous Australians in business. Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences, The Australian National University DP: 125/2018. Canberra: Centre for Aboriginal Economic Research.
Foley, D. (2006) ‘Indigenous Australian Entrepreneurs: Not Community and Not in the Outback’. Centre for Aboriginal Economic Research, The Australian National University DP: 279/2006. Canberra: Centre for Aboriginal Economic Research.
Journal Articles
Maritz, P.A., Foley, D., Jones, C., Andrews, J., and Shrivastava, A. (2022). Entrepreneurship and self-employment among Indigenous People. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues, Vol. 24 (3-4), pp.
Finlay, S. M., Cargo, Smith, J. A., Judd, J., Boulton, A., Foley, D., Roe, Y. & Fredericks, B., (2021) The dichotomy of commissioning Indigenous health and wellbeing program evaluations: What the Funder wants vs what the Community needs. Health Promotion Journal of Australia Vol 32 (2): 149-151.
Foley, D. (2018) Indigenous Methodology, is it Invented or Legitimate? Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues. Vol.21(1-2): 20-38.
Maritz, Alex. & Dennis Foley (2018) Expanding Indigenous Entrepreneurship Ecosystems, Journal of Administrative Sciences. Vol. 8 (2): 1-14. On line version:
Mika, Jason P & Warren, Lorraine & Foley, Dennis & Palmer, Farah R, (2017) Perspectives on indigenous entrepreneurship, innovation and enterprise, Journal of Management & Organization, Cambridge University Press, Vol. 23(06): 767-773, November.
Foley, D. (2017) Peel Away the Veneer of Colonisation: The Existence of Aboriginal Capital. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues. Vol. 20 (3): 63-86.
Foley, D. and Cooney, T.M. (2017) Entrepreneurship, Enterprise and Irish Travellers, Small Enterprise Research (Special Edition on Indigenous Entrepreneurship) (Guest Editor Dennis Foley) Vol. 24 (1): 73-87.
Foley, D. (2016) Indigenous Content in Education: a dichotomy. Special Issue: Indigenous Content in Education Symposium. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues. Vol.19 (1&2): 49-65.
Foley, D. (2014) Quadrivum, So You Want to be a Lawyer? Indigenous Law Bulletin. Vol. 8 (11):19-21.
Foley, D. (2014) Too Many Didgeridoos. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues. Vol. 17 (2): 56-71.
Foley, D. (2013) Jus Sanguinis: The Root of Contention in Determining What is an Australian Aboriginal Business. Indigenous Law Bulletin. Vol. 8(8): 25-9.
Foley, D. & Hunter, B. (2013) What is an Indigenous Australian Business? Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues. Vol. 16(3): 66-74.
Foley, D. & Allan O’Connor (2013) Social Capital and the Networking Practices of Minority Entrepreneurs. Journal of Small Business Management Vol. 55 (3): 276-296.
Foley, D. (2012) Aboriginal Enterprise in Australia: eight thousand years of continuous enterprise. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues. Vol. 15(4): 102-110.
Foley. D. (2012) Teaching Entrepreneurship to Indigenous and other Minorities: Towards a strong sense of self, tangible skills and active participation within society. Journal of Business Diversity. Vol. 12 (2): 59-74.
Klyver, K. & D. Foley, (2012) Networking and Culture for Minority Entrepreneurship. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Regional Development Vol. 24(7): 1-28. To link to this article:
Foley, D. (2011) From traditional carving to plastic Tiki: Māori struggles to balance commerce and culture within the global tourism marketplace, 1860-2010. Journal of Tourism History Vol. 3 (2): 177-199.
Foley, D. (2010) Enterprise and Entrepreneurship and Australian Aboriginals. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues. Vol. 13(4): 85-93.
Foley, D. (2010) Can we educate and train Aboriginal Leaders within our tertiary system? Australian Journal of Indigenous Education. Vol. (39): 138-150.
Foley, D. (2010) The need to understand the interaction of human and social capital on Indigenous entrepreneurs. Special issue: Employment Relation Issues in Small and Medium Enterprises. New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations. Vol. 35 (1): 65-88.
Gunstone, A. & D. Foley, (2009) ‘The role of Indigenous Studies journals in the discipline of Indigenous Studies’. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues. 12 (1-4): 132-138.
Foley, D. (2008) What Determines the bottom Line for Maori Tourism SMEs? Small Enterprise Research. The Journal of SEAANZ. 16 (1): 86-97.
Foley, D. (2008) Australian Aboriginal Leadership in Modernity: born or trained? Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues. Vol. 11(4): 36-49.
Foley, D. (2008) Indigenous (Australian) Entrepreneurship? International Journal of Business and Globalisation. Vol. 2 (4) Pp. 419-436.
Foley, D. (2008) Does Culture and Social Capital impact on the Networking attributes of Indigenous Entrepreneurs? Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy. Vol. 2 (3): 204-224.
Fredericks, H. and Foley, D. (2006) Indigenous Populations as Disadvantaged Entrepreneurs in Australia and New Zealand. International Indigenous Journal of Entrepreneurship, Advancement, Strategy & Education Vol. II (2). On-line version 16 pages.
Foley, D. (2006) ‘Indigenous Standpoint Theory: An Acceptable Academic Research Process for Indigenous Academics’. The International Journal of Humanities’ Vol. 3 (8): 3-15.
Foley, D. (2006) ‘Aboriginal Leadership in crises’ Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues. 9 (4): 3-24.
Foley, D. (2006), ‘Does Business Success make you any less Indigenous?’ In Gillen, M. Butler J. Campbell, A. Davidsson, P. Frederick, H. Hindle, K. Lindsay, N. Maritz, A. Massey, C. Reihana, F. Selvarajah, C. Shepherd, D. Tan, Wee Liang. Watson, J. Yencken, J. (Eds), Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2006: Proceedings of the Third Annual AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. Swinburne Press, Hawthorn. Pp.241-257.
Foley, D. (2005) ‘Do Indigenous Australian Entrepreneurs fit into mainstream society’. In Gillin, L. Murray, John Butler, Evan Douglas, Kevin Hindle, Frank La Pira, Noel Lindsay, Dean Shepherd, John Yencken, Shaker Zara, (Eds), Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2004: Proceedings of the Second Annual Regional Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. Melbourne: Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship in association with Babson Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Babson College and Brisbane Graduate School of Business, Pp. 243-257.
Foley, D. (2003) ‘An Examination of Indigenous Australian Entrepreneurs’. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship. Vol. 8(2):133-152.
Foley, D. (2003) ‘A Dichotomy: Indigenous epistemological views’. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues. Vol. 6(3): 13-28.
Foley, D. (2003) ‘Indigenous Epistemology and Indigenous Standpoint Theory’. Social Alternatives Vol. 22(1): 44-52.
Foley, D. (2002) ‘Indigenous Standpoint Theory: an Indigenous epistemology’. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues. Vol. 5(3): 3-13.
Foley, D. (2000) ‘Indigenous Research, Differing Value Systems’, The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education. Vol. 28(1): 17-30.
Foley, D. (2000) ‘Too White to be Black, Too Black to be White’, Social Alternatives. Vol. 19(4): 44-49.
Foley, D. (2000) ‘Aboriginality: the plight of the fair-skinned Indigenous Australian student in the Secondary School System’, Aboriginal Studies Association. Journal. Vol.1: 51-55.
Foley, D. (1999) ‘Entrepreneurship in Indigenous Australia: the importance of Education.’ The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education Vol. 27 (2): 47-54.
Budby, J & D. Foley. (1998) ‘Where to know- Cultural Liberation or Continued Subjugation?’ The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, Vol. 26 (2): 28-41.
Budby, J & D. Foley. (1998) ‘Where to know- Cultural Liberation or Continued Subjugation?’ Aboriginal Studies Association Journal. Vol. 1: 147-160.
Foley, D. (1996) ‘A Perspective on Effective Student Support for Indigenous Students in a Tertiary Institution.’ The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, Vol. 24 (2): 53-55.