Professor Andrew Gunstone
- Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor Reconciliation
- Director National Centre for Reconciliation, Truth, and Justice
- Professor Indigenous Studies
Area: Global and Engagement
Location: Berwick Campus
Professor Andrew Gunstone joined Federation University in October 2022 as the inaugural Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor Reconciliation. He leads the Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) and all reconciliation matters across the university, including the National Centre for Reconciliation, Truth, and Justice, which he established in February 2023.
Andrew is an international expert in academic, industry, and community engagements and understandings of reconciliation. He has written over 150 publications, including nine books, obtained many research and industry grants, and regularly provides expert advice to industry, community, corporates, universities, governments, NGOs, and non-for-profits.
Andrew is Co-Chair, Board of Directors at Reconciliation Victoria, the peak state-wide body leading reconciliation, Foundation Editor of the Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues, a leading international journal he established in 1998, Co-Convenor of the National University RAP Network, and sits on several national and regional reconciliation committees.
Andrew was at Swinburne University (2015-22), where he led all reconciliation and Indigenous matters across the university. He established Swinburne’s first Indigenous centre and Australia’s first national reconciliation centre, and authored and led two Elevate RAPs. He also had senior leadership roles at Monash University and University of South Australia.
- Doctor of Philosophy – University of Queensland
- Master of Public Policy – Deakin University
- Master of Educational Studies (Aboriginal Education) – University of South Australia
- Graduate Diploma in Arts (Aboriginal Studies) – University of South Australia
- Bachelor of Arts (Major: Indigenous Studies) – Monash University
Professional Associations
- Reconciliation Victoria
- National RAP Leadership Network
- Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
- National University RAP Network
Areas of expertise
- Reconciliation
- Reconciliation Action Plans (RAPs)
- Reparative Justice
- Truth-telling and Truth-listening
- Indigenous Politics and History
Current Research Grants
- Gunstone, A. 2023-26. ‘Reconciliation and Truth-telling Program’. BHP. $990,000.
- Dimopoulos, M. Kasynathan, S. and Gunstone, A. 2023-24. ‘Roads to Reconciliation: Activating Multicultural Victoria’. Victorian Department of Families, Fairness, and Housing. $495.000.
- Heckenberg, S., Heckenberg, R., Gilbey, K. and Gunstone, A. 2023-25. ‘Empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Girls, Changing Communities’. Australian Research Council Linkage Project. $733,396.
- Scott, S., Gunstone, A., Perry, A., Khan, I., McCracken, K, Kozar, K., Wright, P., and Edwards, T. 2023-28. ‘Coordination Hub for Reconciliation Network – National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (Canada) ’. Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. $6,000,000 CA.
Gunstone, A. 2024. Reflections on the Voice – during and after the campaign. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing. 112 + xvi pp.
Gunstone, A. 2024. ‘When racism and white fragility prevented me from delivering my invited speech’. National Indigenous Times.
Gunstone, A. 2023. ‘Organisations with Reconciliation Action Plans should support a First Nations Voice to parliament’. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 26(1-2): 41-43.
Gunstone, A. 2023. ‘A No Vote would be disastrous for reconciliation’. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 26(1-2): 44-48.
Gunstone, A. 2023. ‘Where to now for reconciliation: signposts from the Referendum’. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 26(3-4): 80-85.
Gunstone, A. 2023. ‘A Message of Hope: reflections on advocating for Yes’. National Indigenous Times.
Gunstone, A. 2023. ‘Multicultural support offers hope for a Yes outcome on October 14’. National Indigenous Times.
Gunstone, A. 2023. ‘Why so many non-Indigenous people voted No in the Referendum – the data’. National Indigenous Times.
Gunstone, A. 2022. ‘Reflections on Leading Reconciliation Action Plans’. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 25(3-4): 28-43.
Gunstone, A., Peters, A., Gavin, E. Heckenberg, S. and Hermeston, W. 2022. ‘National reconciliation centre to help lead national systemic change’. The Conversation, June 2, 2022.
Gunstone, A. and Jakobi, M. 2021. Swinburne University Indigenous Teaching and Learning Strategy 2021-2023.
Gunstone, A. 2020. ‘Reflections on Implementing a Reconciliation Action Plan’. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 23(1-2): 63-74.
Gunstone, A. 2020. Swinburne University Elevate Reconciliation Action Plan 2020-2022.
Gunstone, A. and Burt, A. 2019. Swinburne University Indigenous Teaching and Learning Strategy 2019-2022.
Gunstone, A. 2019. Swinburne University Indigenous Research Strategy 2018-19.
Gunstone, A. and Burt, A. 2018. ‘Cultural Competency through a Reconciliation Action Plan’. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 21(4): 46-58.
Gunstone A. 2017. ‘Reconciliation, Peacebuilding and Indigenous Peoples in Australia’, in Devere H., Te Maihāroa K. and Synott J. (eds.). Peacebuilding and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Experiences and Strategies for the 21st Century. Cham: Springer, 17-28.
Gunstone, A. 2017. ‘Awareness of Indigenous Stolen Wages in East Gippsland, Victoria’. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 20(4): 12-22.
Frawley, J., Smith, J.A., Pechenkina, E., Gunstone, A., Ludwig, W., Robertson, C., Bandias, S. and Stewart, A. 2017. ‘Indigenous VET to Higher Education pathways and transitions: A literature review’. International Studies in Widening Participation 4(1): 34-54.
Smith, J.A., Frawley, J., Pechenkina, E., Ludwig, W., Robertson, C., Gunstone, A. and Larkin, S. 2017. Identifying strategies for promoting VET to higher education transitions for Indigenous learners. Perth: The National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education, Curtin University.
Gunstone, A. 2017. Swinburne University Elevate Reconciliation Action Plan 2017-2019.
Gunstone, A. 2016. ‘The Australian Reconciliation Process: An Analysis’, in Fleming, C., Komesaroff, P. and Rothfield, P. (eds.), Pathways to Reconciliation: Theory and Practice. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 169-178.
Gunstone A. 2016. ‘The Australian Reconciliation Process: A Case Study of Community Education’, in Peterson A., Hattam R., Zembylas M. and Arthur J. (eds.). The Palgrave International Handbook of Education for Citizenship and Social Justice. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 187-204.
Gunstone, A. 2016. ‘Reconciliation, Reparations and Rights’, in Short, D. and Lennox, C. (eds.). Handbook of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights. Oxford: Routledge, 301-312.
Tingey-Holyoak, J., Pisaniello, J. and Gunstone, A. 2016. Indigenous Employment in the Professions in Local Government: Final Report. Adelaide: University of South Australia.
Gunstone, A. 2015. ‘Attitudes towards Reconciliation’. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 18(4): 38-52.
Gunstone, A. (ed.). 2014. Developing Sustainable Education in Regional Australia. Melbourne: Monash University Publishing. 216 + viii pp, editor.
Waldrip, B. Gunstone, A. and Plunkett, M. 2014. ‘Developing Sustainable Education in Regional Australia’, in Gunstone, A. (ed.). Developing Sustainable Education in Regional Australia. Melbourne: Monash University Publishing, 1-7. lin
Gunstone, A. 2014. ‘Local Community Involvement in Reconciliation’. Australian Aboriginal Studies 2: 75-84.
Gunstone, A. 2014. ‘Indigenous Stolen Wages and Campaigns for Reparations in Victoria’. Indigenous Law Bulletin 8(12): 3-7.
Gunstone, A. 2014. ‘Indigenous Stolen Wages: History and Reparations’. The Australasian Sociological Association, University of South Australia, Adelaide, 24-27 November, 2014, 1-14.
Gunstone, A. and Heckenberg, R. 2013. ‘Reflections on Teaching a First-year Indigenous Australian Studies Subject’. International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives 12(1): 213-225.
Gunstone, A. 2013. ‘Indigenous Leadership and Governance at Australian Universities’. International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies 6(1): 1-11.
Gunstone, A. 2013. ‘Indigenous Rights and Governments in Australia’. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 16(3): 22-32.
Gunstone, A. 2013. ‘Local Community Involvement in Reconciliation’. Racisms in the New World Order Conference, Cairns, 29-31 August 2012, 1-14.
Gunstone, A. (ed.). 2012. Reconciliation in Regional Australia: Case Studies from Gippsland. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing. 169 + vii pp, editor.
Gunstone, A. 2012, ‘Indigenous Peoples and Stolen Wages in Victoria, 1869-1957’, in Fijn, N., Keen, I., Lloyd, C. and Pickering, M. (eds.). Indigenous Participation in Australian Economies II. Canberra: ANU Press, 181-195.
Gunstone, A. 2012. ‘Reconciliation in Gippsland’, in Gunstone, A. (ed.), Reconciliation in Regional Australia: Case Studies from Gippsland. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 1-4.
Gunstone, A. 2012. ‘Attitudes towards Indigenous Issues’, in Gunstone, A. (ed.), Reconciliation in Regional Australia: Case Studies from Gippsland. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 5-33.
Gunstone, A. and McGinn, I. 2012. ‘Reconciliation Groups in Gippsland’, in Gunstone, A. (ed.), Reconciliation in Regional Australia: Case Studies from Gippsland. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 153-166.
Gunstone, A. 2012. ‘Indigenous Education 1991-2000: Documents, Outcomes and Governments’. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 41(2): 75-84.
Gunstone, A. 2012. ‘Reconciliation and Commonwealth Governments in the 21st Century’. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 15(3): 57-65.
Gunstone, A. 2012. ‘Reconciliation and ‘the Great Australian Silence’’. 2012 Australian Political Studies Association Conference. University of Tasmania, Hobart, 24-26 September 2012, 1-10.
Gunstone, A. 2011. ‘The Impact of the Commonwealth Government’s Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) Framework on Australian Indigenous Studies’. Kulumun: Journal of the Wollotuka Institute 1(1) 55-66.
Gunstone, A. 2011. ‘Reconciliation and Dialogue in Regional Australia: a Case Study in East Gippsland’. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 14(2-3): 133-150.
Short, D. and Gunstone, A. 2011. ‘Rejoinder to Tim Rowse, "the Reforming State, the Concerned Public and Indigenous Political Actors"’. Australian Journal of Politics and History 57(2): 262-266.
Gunstone, A. 2011. ‘Indigenous Peoples and the Australian Constitution’. Australian Critical Race and Whiteness Studies Association Conference. Surfer’s Paradise, Queensland, 7-9 December 2011, 69-79.
Gunstone, A. 2011. ‘The Establishment of the 1991-2000 Australian Reconciliation Process’. 2011 Australian Political Studies Association Conference. Australian National University, Canberra, 26-28 September 2011, 1-10.
Gunstone, A. (ed.). 2010. A Decade of Despair: The Howard Government and Indigenous Affairs. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing. 214 + ix pp, editor.
Gunstone, A. 2010. ‘Twenty Years of Failure: Reconciliation in Australia from 1988 to 2008’, in Dunstan, D. (ed.), Southern Worlds: South Africa and Australia. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 146-160.
Gunstone, A. 2010. ‘The Howard Government and Indigenous Affairs’, in Gunstone, A. (ed.), A Decade of Despair: The Howard Government and Indigenous Affairs. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 1-6.
Gunstone, A. 2010. ‘Reconciliation and the Howard Government’, in Gunstone, A. (ed.), A Decade of Despair: The Howard Government and Indigenous Affairs. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 75-105.
Gunstone, A. 2010. ‘A History of Exclusion: Indigenous People and Social Security’. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 13(2): 34-44.
Gunstone, A. 2010. ‘The Goals of the Formal Reconciliation Process and Indigenous Rights’. 2010 Australian Political Studies Association Conference. University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 27-29 September 2010, 1-10.
Gunstone, A. and Heckenberg, S. 2009. ‘The Government Owes a Lot of Money to Our People’: A History of Indigenous Stolen Wages in Victoria. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing. 150 + xxii pp.
Gunstone, A. 2009 (2nd updated edition). Unfinished Business: the Australian Formal Reconciliation Process. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing. 354 + viii pp.
Gunstone, A. 2009. ‘Afterward: Reconciliation and Commonwealth Governments from 2003-2008’, in Gunstone, A. Unfinished Business: the Australian Formal Reconciliation Process (2nd edition). Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 304-310.
Gunstone, A. 2009. ‘Whiteness, Indigenous Peoples and Australian Universities’, Critical Race and Whiteness Studies 5(1): 1-8.
Gunstone, A. 2009. ‘Indigenous Rights and the 1991-2000 Australian Reconciliation Process’, Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 1(3): 35-51.
Gunstone, A. and Foley, D. 2009. ‘The Role of Indigenous Studies Journals in the Discipline of Indigenous Studies’. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 12(1-4): 132-138.
Gunstone, A. 2009. ‘A History of the Campaigns for an Indigenous Treaty, 1979-2009’, 2009 Australasian Political Studies Association Conference, Macquarie University, Sydney, 28-30 September 2009, 1-24.
Gunstone, A. (ed.). 2008. History, Politics & Knowledge: Essays in Australian Indigenous Studies. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing. 350 + xxvi pp, editor.
Gunstone, A. 2008. ‘The Australian Reconciliation Process: An Analysis’, in Fleming, C., Komesaroff, P. and Rothfield, P. (eds.), Pathways to Reconciliation: Theory and Practice. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 169-178.
Gunstone, A. 2008. ‘Australian Indigenous Studies and Australian Universities’, in Gunstone, A. (ed.), History, Politics and Knowledge: Essays in Australian Indigenous Studies. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing, xx-xxvi.
Gunstone, A. 2008. ‘Unfinished Business: The Australian Reconciliation Process from 1991-2000’, in Gunstone, A. (ed.), History, Politics and Knowledge: Essays in Australian Indigenous Studies. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 281-299.
Gunstone, A. 2008. ‘Australian University Approaches to Indigenous Policies’. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 37s: 103-108.
Gunstone, A. 2008. ‘Reconciliation and Australian Indigenous Health in the 1990s: A Failure of Public Policy’. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 5(4): 251-263.
Gunstone, A. 2008. ‘The Politics of Saying Sorry’. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 11(2): 3-10.
Gunstone, A. 2008. ‘The Failure of the Howard Government’s ‘Practical’ Reconciliation Policy’, 2nd International Conference on Racisms in the New World Order, University of the Sunshine Coast, Caloundra, 6-7 December 2007, 1-9.
Gunstone, A. 2008. ‘Over a Decade of Despair: the Howard Government and Indigenous Affairs 1996-2007’, 2008 Australasian Political Studies Association Conference, University of Queensland, Brisbane, 6-9 July 2008, 1-12.
Gunstone, A. 2008. ‘Human Rights, Indigenous Rights and Reconciliation in Australia’, Activating Human Rights and Peace Conference, Southern Cross University, Byron Bay, 1-4 July 2008, 1-8.
Gunstone, A. 2007. Unfinished Business: the Australian Formal Reconciliation Process. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing. 345 + vi pp.
Gunstone, A. 2007. ‘The Impact of Whiteness on the 1991-2000 Australian Reconciliation Process’, in Boucher, L., Carey, J. and Ellinghaus, K. (eds.), Historicising Whiteness: Transnational Perspectives on the Construction of an Identity. Melbourne: RMIT Publishing, 400-407, Historicising Whiteness Conference, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 22-24 November 2006.
Gunstone, A. 2007. ‘Community Involvement and Education in the 1991-2000 Australian Reconciliation Process'. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 36: 39-48.
Gunstone, A. 2007. ‘‘These Blokes are Re-inventing the 19th Century’: the Howard Government’s Record on Indigenous Affairs 1996-2006’. Journal of Indigenous Policy 7: 42-53.
Gunstone, A. 2007. ‘Reconciliation in East Gippsland’. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 10(1): 3-15.
Gunstone, A. 2007. ‘The Wider Australian Community’s Confusion and Ignorance Concerning the Meanings of Reconciliation’, 2006 Aboriginal Studies Association Conference, Aboriginal Studies Association, Sydney, 2-3 November 2006, 135-145.
Gunstone, A. 2007. ‘Government Policies and Wider Community Attitudes towards Indigenous Socio-Economic Disadvantage in the Reconciliation Decade’, 2007 Australasian Political Studies Conference, Monash University, Melbourne, 24-26 September 2007, 1-18.
Gunstone, A. 2006. ‘The Impact of the Howard Government upon the Formal Australian Reconciliation Process’. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 9(2-3): 57-72.
Gunstone, A. 2006. ‘The Howard Government's Approach to Indigenous Self-Determination’. MAI Review 1: 1-3.
Gunstone, A. 2006. ‘The Impact of Nationalism upon the Formal Australian Reconciliation Process’, 2006 Australasian Political Studies Association Conference, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, 25-27 September 2006, 1-17.
Gunstone, A. 2006. ‘The Failure of Reconciliation to Address Racist and Ignorant Attitudes in the Wider Community towards Indigenous Peoples’, Racisms in the New World Order: Realities of Culture, Colour and Identity Conference, University of the Sunshine Coast, Coolum, 8-9 December 2005, 143-152.
Gunstone, A. 2005. ‘Unfinished Business: the Australian Reconciliation Process from 1991 to 2000’. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 8(3-4): 16-32.
Gunstone, A. 2005. ‘The Australian Reconciliation Process: 1991-2000’, 2005 Australasian Political Studies Association Conference, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, 28-30 September 2005, 1-14.
Gunstone, A. 2005. ‘Nationalism and the Formal Australian Reconciliation Process’, Body Politic Conference, University of Queensland, Brisbane, 24-26 November 2004, 1-16.
Gunstone, A. 2004. ‘Reconciliation, Nationalism and the History Wars’, 2004 Australasian Political Studies Association Conference, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, 29 September-1 October 2004, 1-18.
Gunstone, A. 2003. ‘The Responses of Australian Governments to Indigenous Challenges to the Australian State: 1967-2003’. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 6 (2): 3-25.
Tripcony, P., Gunstone, A., Purdie, N., Boulton-Lewis, G. and Fanshawe, J. 2000. Positive Self-Identity for Indigenous Students and its Relationship to School Outcomes. Canberra: DETYA. 70 + xiv pp.
Gunstone, A. 2000. ‘An Examination of the Indigenous Policies of Australian Universities’, 2000 Australian Indigenous Education Conference, Edith Cowan University, Fremantle, 4-7 April 2000, 1-11.