HENDY, Geoffrey R. (1945-1991)
Ballarat Teachers' College; State College Victoria (Ballarat); Ballarat University College

Geoff Hendy joined Ballarat Teachers' College as Registrar in 1970 and in 1973, became the Academic Registrar for the State College of Victoria at Ballarat. In 1976, he was appointed Academic Secretary when the Ballarat College of Advanced Education (BCAE) was established and later became Registrar of BCAE, which became Ballarat University College in 1990. Geoff Hendy was remembered during the 30th year reunion of the State College of Victoria (Ballarat) in the following way. '... His sense of humour, personable nature, lively personality, communication and organisational skills were invaluable to the institution's development. He was politically, socially and organisationally astute, working hard to achieve the institution's goals.'
Geoff Hendy held many positions within the Ballarat community, in particular through his work with the Ballarat branch of the National Trust. He was a driving force in saving the distinctive character of Bakery Hill.
Geoff Hendy died while visiting the United States. The Ballarat University of Ballarat Annual Report of 1991 reflected: 'Mr Geoffrey R. Hendy, whilst on professional development leave from the college, died in Los Angelos, United States of America on 8 October, 1991. The late Mr Hendy was College Registrar since 9 February, 1989 and, prior to that, was a senior member of the Registry staff for about 19 years. Mr Hendy made a major contribution to the student administrative services of the College and was a highly regarded member of staff. He will be sadly missed.'
The Hendy Award was established by the University of Ballarat Council to support the professional development of the general staff of the University. The award overview states: The Award is made biennially in honour of the late Geoff Hendy, a long serving staff member of the University and its predecessor institutions. ... Geoff Hendy was still Registrar at the time of his death in 1991.

This biography prepared by Clare Gervasoni, January 2007
Image caption (RHS): Geoff Hendy
Image caption (LHS): Geoff Hendy assists a student enrolling at Registry. (Cat.No.7195)