Halabi, Abdel (A/Prof)

Position:Associate Dean, Research
Associate Professor, Accounting
Phone:03 5122 6646


Abdel’s research interests include the Scholarship of Accounting Education; Corporate Social Reporting, Interdisciplinary Accounting Research, Accounting History, and Accounting for Sport. Abdel has publications in the following journals: Issues in Accounting Education, Meditari Accounting Research; Accounting History; Business History; Journal Of Sports Management; Australian Economic History Review; The International Journal of the History of Sport.  For a full updated list view Abdel's google scholar research page.


Abdel is an Associate Professor in Accounting at the Federation Business School, Gippsland Campus. Prior to Federation University, Abdel was employed at Monash University Gippsland Campus, and entered university from a background of secondary education teaching.

Abdel has taught in Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia. He was also an Associate Professor at the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa (2010 – 2012). Abdel received the Federation University Faculty of Business award for Best Teacher in 2016, and the Federation University Vice Chancellors Teaching Citation award in 2020.

Abdel has held leadership positions such as Discipline Head of Accounting (Gippsland); Higher Degrees by Research Co-ordinator; MBA Director, MPA Program manager and is currently the Associate Dean (Research).


  • Bachelor of Business (Accounting) - - Bendigo CAE 1984
  • Diploma in Education (Secondary) - - Melbourne College of Advanced Education 1985
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Business (Accounting) - Warrnambool IAE, 1992
  • Masters in Business (Accounting) - Monash University 1996
  • PhD - Monash University 2004

Professional memberships and associations

  • Chair - CPA Australia Gippsland Branch.
  • FCA - Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand.
  • Executive Board member of the Islamic Council of Victoria
  • Editorial board: Issues in Accounting Education, Meditari Accounting Research.
  • Co-Editor - Sporting Traditions the Journal of the Australian Society for Sports History